idk if you guys remember or not but I came here a few days ago saying I had some "friend" who was a massive douche bag. always snippy snapping on me whenever I talk or anything he just answers with a bitchy sarcastic tone to EVERYTHING. even if im nice or just trying to help him with something he just responds with some smart ass sarcastic answer and always being an ass hole and pissing me off and always rubbing good things in his life in my face
I took your guys advice and just completely cut him out of my life and he keeps messaing me every day because hes so alone lol. im laughing because I at least have people online to talk to and a few girls online to talk to and I have robots on here to talk to and shit. this fucker is literally just sitting alone in his house ALL day without one single friend. the only person he has to talk to is his mom.
thinking of him sitting alone there just so alone he has nothing to do but stare at a wall alone is fucking hilarious. he probably literally just stares at a screen until he goes to bed or something now and has awkward conversations with his mom lol. and hes poor as fuck so he has nothing fun to do.
That's pretty cruel, as someone who has experienced isolation like that I can tell you it really is soul destroying, maybe you should give him another chance but let him know that if he keeps acting like an obnoxious fag you will drop him for good
wait another couple days though, if it's only been a "few"
Parker Nelson
Who gives a fuck you reddit spacing cumskin nigger
Joshua Kelly
oh look, I got le ebin nazi numbers now you really need to take my advice
Matthew Taylor
this has been over a year of this guy treating me like shit and being a total ass hole every day. im glad hes suffering. I have asked him to stop ive told him its annoying ive even said im going to punch him if he keeps doing it he just gives me some sob story OH DUDE IM SAD IM SORRY I CANT CONTROL IT
I can literally just say ANYTHING and he will fucking snap back at me with a sarcastic tone. like I can be like oh the suns bright today I DUNNO DUDE ITS NOT VERY FUCKIN BRIGHT TO ME like anything and he will have some ass hole remark to say
I cant even talk when were hanging out because NO MATTER what I say he snaps back with some ass hole sarcastic remark
I hope he goes fucking mad and slits his own throat for all I care. I have to be lonely because hes a fucking ass hole and he doesn't seem to care either fuck that retard
Leo Cruz
just give him one more chance, please?
wait until it's been a week, then actually explain to him clearly and stress how important it is, that his behaviour is having a negative affect on both his and your mental health and you're not going to put up with it.
Hopefully after a week without your company he'll realise how valuable your friendship is.
Gavin Thomas
nope. ive tried everything and his sarcastic bitchy shit has ruined my life.
ive ignored him for days. he just comes back and hes still an ass hole. I even ignored him for 3 months before. came back still an ass hole. its the worst fucking feeling ever just hanging out with someone and you dont know if you the next thing you say is going to get you fucking insulted or snapped at.
ive told him ive been ignoring him because hes an ass hole and he just gives me the most fake sorry ive ever heard in my life.
and fuck you for giving me shit advice dude blocking this retard out of my life was one of the best things I did and you're trying to fuck with me. I cant even talk in my own head now without being paranoid someones going to fuck snap at me and give me some sarcastic bitchy tone. hes fucking fucked up my head and I need to recover and you're telling me. OH DUDE JUST LET THIS RETARD BE AN ASS HOLE TO YOU JUST MAKE SURE HIS FEELINGS ARENT HURT
kill yourself
Ethan Johnson
Sucks to be him, but its what he gets for being cunty to you.
Michael Long
Mayb e you shoudna been a bitch and confronted him
Isaiah Garcia
Fuck that shit. Keep the faggot cut off. To many people feel they need to be super nice or not offend a freind. Fuck that shit. I have been fucked over and treated like shit by freinds. I had to cut some off. Many people are really just toxic
Parker Fisher
sorry user, I didn't realise the extent of this behaviour, nor that you had already ignored him before and it didn't work You can hardly expect me to read your mind.. I'm not your enemy, so please don't be rude
Mason Kelly
Also OP as I said in my other post you are a reddit kike faggot nigger. Even though I agree with you on this topic. Pepe spamming "le epics green guy frog" fucker faggot
Charles Bell
I did every time I tell him hes an ass hole he just says OH DUDE IM SORRY I CANT HELP IT or hell just try to make me feel sorry for him. ive even threatened to punch him before and he just says dude I dont mean it or something like that
the only other thing I could do would be beat his ass but what the fuck would that accomplish. then it would just be EVEN more awkward hanging out and I would have to constantly just be ready to fight him any time we hang out and could just never relax and hang out so what the fuck is the point
yeah dude I hope he stares he stares at a wall until he dies. which he will hes never had a friend or anything before and I really dont wonder why
Noah Carter
You sound like a little bitch who keeps projecting his insecurities on other people. People disagreeing with you isn't a personal sleight. Having different preferences doesn't make you an asshole.
Noah Harris
My man you need to relax and completely cut him off. His faggot actions have obviously caused you stress. I can relate. But stop putting your energy towards this faggot you reddit novel writing nigger.
Carter Brown
What would one do in this situation if the toxic asshole in question isn't a friend but a parent who lives with you? I don't mean I live with the parent either, I mean I have my own place and my deadbeat alcoholic dad moved in with me and refuses to leave. I can evict him, but I'm too weak to do so. Every time I bring it up he says "You'd throw your own father onto the street?" like he's close to tears and I cave. He says he'll work on getting a job and finding a place, but yet every day I come home from work and see him just sitting around having made no fucking progress at all. I get angry sometimes and yell and call him a leech, and he ironically claims he's just as useful becasue he uses his government gibs to help with the rent, even though I culd afford the rent/ utilities/ etc. all by myself if neccesary without any government assistance.
He also is very much like OPs friend, shitting on every thing I ever get somewhat enthusiastic about. I'm 21, khv. I can't invite girls over, or friends, if I had them. If he doesn't leave within a year I'm gonna do something bad I'm serious
no man I fcking hate this sped and it took me so fucking long to finally just say fuck it and accept I have to completely alone because its better to be alone then hang out with someone thats constantly an ass hole and then I finally make the choice and someones like AWW COME ON DONT DO IT BRO DONT HURT HES FEELINGS after hes been a fucking relentless ass hole to me for I dont even fucking know how long
I am so fucking glad hes miserable its my favorite part out of all of this that and dont have some fucking short bus retard giving me a bitchy tone all the fucking time
I wish I could beat his ass but I just do not have a single mean bone in my body I literally just cannot bring myself to do it and hes like 5 feet tall awkward retarded weighs 100 pounds cant even make a fist or walk right it would literally be like beating up a small animal
Christian Morgan
Dude fuck you. People can be faggots and cause stress to other people. OP is allowed to vent. We all deal with these types.
Jackson Brooks
I dont think hes an ass hole this guy always makes a fucking sarcastic ass hole that makes you feel like a retard or something and is always fucking bitchy and saying everything in the fucking most smart ass bitchy tone
like hell act like a dumb fuck for not knowing shit that I would have no way to know like personal shit about his life and he just bitches sarcastically at me for it. fuck if I had to LIVE with that I wouldn't have a fucking heart. I would say YES get the fuck out NOW. you dont like the streets? too bad you shouldn't of been a fucking ass hole then. and good luck finding someone else to take in you constantly acting like an ass hole fucktard have your shit in 30 minutes.
i would literally do that if he was as bad as this dude
Angel Mitchell
I just ignore those angry retards lol. im so used to seeing them on r9k and Jow Forums I just completely ignore them
I cant even imagine what kind of person sits on a Jow Forums image board all day and just snapping at random people on a thread. literally EVERY thread you make on Jow Forums no matter what it is you get some angry ass hole snapping for no reason that you dont even know and has nothing to do with
biggest fucking freaks I have ever seen in my life lol really just best to ignore them they dont matter anyways
Chase Cruz
OP you a normie for having a freind
Leo Howard
not anymore I dont
gonna just try and walk around a lot or ride my bike to keep my mind off the loneliness and maybe set up a tent in my backyard and just try and get some quiet time in the fresh air
Elijah Barnes
yeah, I grew up with my mother obviously but he was always "around" and so I guess I've just always had his poisonous nihilistic attitude insidiously affecting me but since living with him it's like my soul is slowly dying, I thought I was kind of depressed/ had motivation issues all my life but now it's on another level I have no reason for living, like he's somehow got me to pick apart all the flaws in anything I might find interesting or worth pursuing because. I do it myself now, because I'm just so used to that kind of mindset He's also disgusting, like this was a nice place but now there's stains everywhere and dust. I can't go in there an clean up because he's inn the way and he does gross shit like he'll go into the bathroom every night before sleeping and close one nostril and pop out a booger into the sink, then the same for the other nostril. often he doesn't even take the time to make sure he gets it down the hole
how bad is he? is he like that dude and always snapping and giving you sarcastic answers all the time and shit? and constantly an ass hole?
its ironic because my "friend" acted like everyone but him was a retard but he literally couldn't even talk in coherent sentences he cant even spell 4 letters words he can barely spell the word dog and hes like literally special ed short bus retarded not even as an insult like literally that stupid.
it made me feel like such a pussy it was ruining my self confidence and self worth so much. it took so fucking much for me to just say ok fuck it. this guys always going to be an ass hole. I feel better hanging out with him then being alone but that feeling of always constantly being bitched at and treated like shit sticks to me 24/7 so its not even worth the few hours I have fun hanging out with him and he just ruins it anyways by making it awkward treating me like an ass hole
its fucked up because I always brought shit over to do with like kratom and other drugs and just free of charge I would just give him tons of shit and come chill with him when he has nobody and I would even offer advice and try and help him fix up his life and I just get non stop fucking sarcastic bitchiness and im too much of a bitch to punch him in the face and I think it would be even more awkward hanging out after I had just kicked his ass. i would just hint towards your dad to get some sort of benefits or disability or something and tell him hes on a count down
Asher Clark
also its fucking hilarious that loser has a diaper fetish. I looked at his phone one time and he had a bunch of weird fetish shit of chicks shitting in their diapers.
totally going to tell everyone about that
Isaiah Gonzalez
I basically avoid him as much as I can, meaning I'm only ever really spending time in half the rooms n my own fucking apartment I can hear him in the background constantly because he talks to himself quite loudly and hums and sings
He's not making sarcastic remarks or snapping at me, unless I point out something that's about him specifically then he freaks out. Like if I point out even a minor character flaw or unpleasant habit he'll pretend to zone out and not hear me like little kids do or he'll get 200% mad at me for "criticising him" and start going red in the face and yelling It's more just a general kind of negative view on anything, I used to try and talk to him about things I was thinking about becasue I have no one else and he'd just always act like it was silly or not worth pursuing and he always alwayf ALWAYS finds these little niggling flaws in things that don't even matter but it's so constant that it makes you start to see them as important after a while.
I'm just going to have to push through his crocodile tears and have him evicted, but you have no idea how hard it is. You said it took you ages with this friend, imagine if was a parent
Eli Gutierrez
yeah dude this guy is worse you know someones fucking crazy if they cant even talk more than 3 sentences in a row without being an ass hole in some way or sarcastic
I had someone in my town that was EVEN shittier and angrier than him. both of them were schizophrenic. there is something fucking wrong with scizos I honestly wish they were all killed every scizo ive met is unbearable and I fucking hate them and they just mooch whatever they can and make society even shittier
I wish we could gas them
Anthony Wilson
That sounds like a (for the lack of a better word) friend that I have too He loves to make comments on everything you do wrong, as if you're a perfect being that is incapable of making an error and really tries over and over for MONTHS to get under your skin until you either cave in or bite back and when you bite back he gets all upset and says you owe him for "making him feel bad" Maybe I should cut him off too, he did get a gf recently and his transformation to a normie is almost complete with emojis in every message and getting offended for having the ring opinions..
Christopher Morgan
my friend is legit autistic and literally short bus retarded with no friends and hasn't even talked to a girl before
Kayden Mitchell
Were you the user who mentioned all of his friends being jerks to you, then retaliated by cutting everyone off but one, and then considered cutting him off too? I believe I posted in that thread.
Good work cutting away the cancer, user. Hopefully chemo will be easier for you.
>What would one do in this situation if the toxic asshole in question isn't a friend but a parent who lives with you? Kick him out. 'Family' means nothing if they negatively impact your quality of life to such a degree. >I can't invite girls over, or friends, if I had them. If he doesn't leave within a year... A year? Kick him out within this month. Hell, give him his few weeks notice. Allowing him to continue to destroy himself and your well-being is a form of enabling, and he is using emotional manipulation to keep you in line. Scum like him need to witness struggle first-hand. If he gets government money, he can rent somewhere else, so there is nothing to feel sorry for. If you need the money, get a less shit room-mate. If you really have to debate this any further, just ask yourself this: >"Is my happiness worth less than being manipulated by scum?"
Juan Gray
Well this "friend" I have is isolated yet projects a good social life, if I and another friend of mine cut him lose all he'd have is his gf which from what I've understood is basically untouchable by him as the gfs mother is a pastor and furiously religious so he's afraid to do anything and he collects anime porn so you know, once the gf finds out about that it'd be ogre anyway, it's a ticking time bomb which he himself cannot see
Cameron Brown
I hate everyone who used to browse here and love to torture them by mentioning my gf and air out small relationship issues we might be having. I want every incel to have no escape and no outlet until they learn they will not be tolerated. Also im funnier and more interesting than you guys because you have no life.