Can i get laid? Help please!!
Can i get laid? Help please!!
My mom says i am pretty good looking
Yes. You look 40 though. I feel if you cut your hair you would look like early 2000 Justin Timberlake. Not being a faggot. You could improve your style. Looks do matter, but also many other factors. Im a more attractive dude. But fucking girls cut me off. I dont do dumb shit to them even. Only have one number after 1 month of working on dating shit. Dating is a game. You gotta work on yourself before pursuing it.
nah u uggo dude sorry bruh
Wear a suit and grow a beard
Thanks senpai. I'll give that Timberlake look a try. What do you think of this look?
isnt shit like this supposed to be on /soc/
Fuck off piss bottle boi. If I was gay I would let OP gargle my ass hair.
looks like micheals son from GTA 5
not gonna lie man you look like a rapist or serial killer
Girls like the bad boy look virgin faggot
nah i'm legit bisexual and u ugly op, your mom lied to u
Nice madr up sexual orientation. You are really just an ass tearing fag.
my mum says she would fuck me so fuck all the haters
>my mum says she would fuck me
oh man, cant take any criticism can we
u fat too on that pic lol u getting fat. how old are the normal weight pics? now u a fucking pig man lol go easy on the burgers
>all these people calling OP ugly
talk about blackpill
I got 10 matches on tinder, none of them have replied yet but still more than any of you virgins
Listen here you sumbitch, i go gym every other fucking day. I squat 80 kg like its nothing. I deadlift 85 like its fucking paperweight
Not that bad desu. You probably have higher chance to get pussy than most r9k posters
I like peepeeepooooo