A witch locks you in a tower for 100 years

A witch locks you in a tower for 100 years.
Time passes normally but you dont age.
Also if you try to kill yourself or escape your sentence resets.

She lets you have 1 luxury item from pic related to pass the time.

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Aaaah a quality thread

All human knowledge because I'd be bored and when the 100 years are up, I will be a deity among men for my knowledge.

The compendium of all human knowledge, obviously
The rest are literally fucking useless, with this I can achieve a race war and redpill the masses about all the shit jews did and maybe find a cure for cancer or immortality and use it on me and my future children

Yeah its all human knowledge but it doesnt mean you have a mega brain idiot.

You have all himan knowledge right now and you don't do shit.
You think youd remember a quarter of it

>These retards thinking they have the IQ to comprehend all the knowledge
Court Jester or Telephone is better t.b.h.

Clay probably, 100 years of trying to get the waifu right. Nice incentive to git gud. Wonder how long "temporary" is though.

Compendium would be second choice

Believe it or not I have a 162 iq and diagnosed with savant. I know that you will mock me for this but like I said you are free to believe whatever you want.

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I would go with the garden. That way I can get a century's worth of practice and know all my plant species and be able to lead the self-sustaining, nature-surrounded lifestyle I've always dreamed of.

Obviously no one could memorize (and even then, understand) literally all human knowledge, but it would be nice to have available expert-level knowledge of what you are interested in. You also have 100 years to study it and internalize it.

But does your golem-making abilities leave the tower with you? And what good is a waifu if you have to make her every single time? Will she still remember you? Could she ever love you like a husbando?

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Fuck only one item? For a century? Do I have food? Water? A toilet? A window to look outside of? Pen and paper? A computer? A pillow?

I'd probably go with the telephone, having someone to talk to will stop me from literally going insane and if I can call anyone I'd be able to have some fascinating conversations

Do you have anything else in this tower, just basic food (assuming you don't pick banquet) and water and a bed? Not even a computer or television, exercise equipment?

If you don't, you can choose gardening. Then you will have food, and presumably water because you have to water the garden with something. You could also shit into a compost heap.

The book

any thing else and you get bored of it in 5 years. Also once you leave you can split the book up into a few novels and make good money off them.

Oh shit nigga, ultra level scientist working that one out.

Jester. I'd spend 100 years training to become the ultimate sadist.

>Not choosing the clay and crafting the most realistic dildo ever

The clay looks fun and I would make homunculy or microbiomes. Would want to take it with me after the 100 years. Human knoledge seems like the powergamer option but not as fun.

I could learn the art of ceramic shit and model a waifu after some 2 years

none of that
give me some gym equipment so I don't get out of shape and live 100 years in pain

You don't need to eat it's more like your mind is being imprisoned, but you still perceive yourself as a physical entity.
The only reason you'd shit or eat would be out of habit or for pleasure.

Unending tome is by far the obvious choice

Unending tome seems like a masive blue ball. If I didn't end it in 3 months it would be just a off and on thing for me.

>needing a fancy gym or expensive gear to be fit

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You'd benefit more from the unlimited protein of a grand banquet and bodyweight exercises.

>And what good is a waifu if you have to make her every single time? Will she still remember you? Could she ever love you like a husbando?

I can also make her closer to the unreachable mental 2d ideal every time. And after 100 years a resetting groundhog-day relationship even I will probably know what conversatoinal buttons to push. (or get murdered in my sleep which might make the witch reset the time, also fine)

Maybe she can leave herself notes, wonder if she would trust them?

walking around the room would drive me crazy and wouldn't keep me very fit
not looking to get buff, just don't want my body to ache

Clay, I'd just make random people to spend time with, animals. All options are great except jester.

>walking around the room

You can do bodyweight exercises, isometric exercises, and exercise with the furniture that is in the tower.

>Human knoledge seems like the powergamer option
I think the phone could be a better powergaming option if you are REALLY in hope of a better future(why are you even posting here then?)

Every 99 years you start calling random people and drag some info about how life is going out of them.
If life seems still shitty, kill yourself and get another 100 years.
If you have your desired utopia time with holodeck and robowaifus, you leave.

We have no guarantee that the future will be a utopia. And does the whole 100-year time period reset, or does your life in the tower itself reset, while time outside the tower continues on normally? Because if it is the former, then the plan wouldn't really work, unless we reach utopia before then.

True enough.
But the "sentence resets" in Op sounds like another 100 years to me. DM fiat I suppose

Kek knowledgefags thinkking the knowlege is the most important. With jews one cannot be sure whether it's knowledge or a lie

Id use clay to model elves which would model elves. Once my army of elves would be large enough I would tell them that the only path to valhalla is by modelling evil seraphs. Once they modelled enough evil seraphs I would unleash them into the world, show them kike hotspots on the map like israel, russia, jewsa etc..
They would genocide all the kikes.

OP never said anything about the room having furniture

Yeah true, all human knoledge should changed to be all knwoledge period to be utilised on its full potencial. But I don't think telefone is it any better, like "Hello pitogoras whats up man?" *Hangs phone*

Then you could do isometrics and body exercises.

I don't think you have infinity amounts of clay tho.

spyglass, i could watch real media, observe the world, maybe find some hidden cash/treasure

You could lift clay instead of sculpting living beings.

The tome ofc. The jester might be nice to chill with but I don't think that's how this game would work - he would just be an artifact of the tower, not someone you could really befriend.

You could also sculpt weights, and gymbros and trainers.

He also did not mention if it has air, water or gravity, you nitpick.
Some things you sort of assume a tower to have even if not especially mentioned

does spyglass come with an infinite supply of wet wipes?

because otherwise I'd go with the compendium

Take the phone and prank call people from the other century. Hitler first.

it would still be better/comfier to have an elliptical or stationary bike

telephone. Call hitler to talk about paintings n stuff.

This is such a tenuous argument

Well then id model small living beings that could model smaller living beings until i get living beings or a virus that could manipulate molecules... Perhaps fill up the lungs of it victims with sulphur dioxide. I'd use this virus to kill the jews and to make gas chambers out of their own lungs.This would be a substantially more efficient method.

Then choose the clay option and construct one out of clay, or choose the garden and construct one out of wood.

spyglass as you would be endlessly entertained and could vacation every day, that or a garden yo could manage all day

Not sure if weights are living things but you certainly could scultp a treadmill or a snake that acts as a weight/gymbro

So is "O-op didn't say furniture"

Else he would write in a "totally bare room" because it would something immediately noticeable to you or not?

I imagine they would just turn into weight-shaped masses of flesh, fat, and muscle. It would be pretty disgusting, but I imagine it would get the job done. Or maybe you could just make bones out of the clay, instead.

>100 years eating like a pig, 16 hours a day
It's tempting but also grotesque.

Those metal springs, i thibk they are called extenders, you could simply model tendons and also muscles that would flex upon extension

It feels more like the never ending book, you eat to be satisfied, it looks like more of a curse of never felling satisfied.

Grand Banquet, assuming that "you never get full" also means "you never get fat", sounds fucking great
Unironically stuffing myself with tendies for an entire century motherfuckers

I'd rather have a metal one with foam and polyester seat
also there's something kind of gay about a stationary bike made out of flesh

>I'd rather have a metal one with foam and polyester seat

Well, tough shit. The witch locked you in the tower, and you will have to make do with what you are given.

>there' something kind of gay about a stationary bike made out of flesh

No there isn't. But if you still can't shake that feeling, then fashion vaginas all over it.

it is not flesh, its clay ffs, it can dry and harden you know?

What if i made a clone of the witch out of clay and she locks me in another tower ?
Would that mean that i would be eternally damnated to live in the tower because the witch would exist only temporarily hence she wouldnt uncurse me since she wouldn't live for 100years?

It says in the picture that whatever you sculpt turns into flesh, not just when you want it to. Anything you sculpt will turn to flesh.

You could make a gun out of clay it doesn't mean it would work or shoot real bullets.

True, I misread as it animates itself.

To be simultaneously satisfied and craving more is the ultimate state of perpetual bliss. I'll take it!

The image expecifically says you never get full.

Believe what you want, I just wish there was a sexual equivalent to the banquet option. Endless nutting with a harem of whores.

thats what the clay that transforms in flesh is for.

Why can't I choose the witch? I'd make babies with her for 100 years

>I can make a life-like sculpture
>I want to fuck a deformed woman

Theoretically you could get a banquet full of dead teenage girls. Dead things are basically food... So if youre ok with necrophilia this is a nice alternative.

No, I mean literally fucking all hours of the day for the next 100 years. No nutrient/energy depletion, no refractory period, just endless prime orgasms deep in some warm pussy and ass.

Hey you have 100 years of practice and then fuck whatever you can imagine, the quantity of clay is your limit

>not creating scarlet johansen with the clay and draining your balls for 100 years
when did r9k become a bunch of faggots

>spend 100 years looking up skirts and watching little girls bathe

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Can I just have an endless supply of drugs and alcohol?

>implying anyone on r9k possesses the skill to sculpt a fuckable likeness of Scarlett Johansson

this and if it isnt enough just kys and continue to practice

>scarlett johnasom
Not everyone is a creep peeping on actors
I'd rather have one of those candidgirls

>pick the spyglass
>use it to watch movies, read books, watch sports, spy on people, etc
>when i get out, i will not be out of touch with the world, since i would've observed it
>i would actually have hidden knowledge and trade secrets i can profit from

Easy choice, fun AND useful AND no downsides.

wouldn't your eve get sore eventually?

Obviously you don't do that constantly, you take breaks to rest and contemplate.

You can only see aswell, not hear, touch or taste anything.

There is. The evil witch put permanent marker on the rim of the telescope, so after the 100 years you have a permanent ring around your eye and look like a fool.

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The mirror is tempting but 100 years is a long time
Human knowledge is great but it's like making yourself do homework for a century and doing nothing in between
I'd choose the story book

>All these people not picking the phone
>Not realizing you can shitpost across history
>Not calling a King or Prime Minister until he goes insane
>Not calling Hitler to make Holocaust jokes
>Not calling your mother like you should have done a long time ago

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Unending Tome might be cool, but the Clay would be the best. I could make tiny people out of it and see how they interact. Their whole lives would play out in front of me and then I could make more.

That's the one that made the least sense to me. If I called Ozymandias he would just be confused about what a telephone even is or how it was in his palace so it wouldn't be a very productive or interesting conversation. Unless it's understood that anyone we contact does indeed have an understanding of what a telephone is, then it'd be cool.


I'm gonna fuck the clay

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>losing track of who you call over the years
>calling your mom until she goes insane
>calling the Prime Minister or King to make Holocaust jokes
>calling Hitler like you did long ago

I would want the never-ending tome, but I could imagine nothing worse than getting one-hundred years into the greatest story ever only to be kicked out of the tower and never find out how it ends. It's a curse on anyone who picks it.
So it's got to be the telephone. You don't get the touch of clay but it's still human interaction and you can have conversation with the greatest minds in history. I'd have Shakespeare, Ovid, Cleopatra and Alexander the Great on speed dial.
Also getting to make up for lost time with all your family members who're dead or are going to kick the bucket while your in the tower would be a great comfort.

Good OC OP, you made me think and gave me a feel.

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>Not calling Hitler to make Holocaust jokes

And then Hitler would go, "Holocaust? What's that?"

If you had all the human knowledge ever you wouldnt have such retarded aspirations.

Quality thread. Id choose the garden just to have something nice to look at

Since presumably the witch is human, would the book of knowledge technically be able to teach you her powers and get you the other shit and/or free yourself of her curse?

Usually the witch would have to do something like make a pact with the Devil or steal the semen of a hanged murderer to get such powerful magical powers. So you might know how she got her powers, but you probably wouldn't have anything to enable you to get those powers.

The telephone is easily my first choice.
I would call all the greatest minds in history and prod as much knowledge and wisdom out of their minds for the next 100 years.
I would tell them that the future of humanity rests upon what they tell me, and then record every word to create my own Compendium of All Historical Knowledge.

Not him but you have a good taste in bass players so I believe you

Probably the unending tome. It's the only one that I don't think I'd get bored of

>he molds his own waifu

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>those people ITT not realizing that glass can substitute for compendium of human knowledge

just look into books or secret military labs retards