I've been noticing the quality of threads has gone down since I started in 2015. Why is this
I've been noticing the quality of threads has gone down since I started in 2015. Why is this
It's the fucking kikes rabbis and jidf paid shills
>The fappening
>2016 election
jews and normies basically
Normies and "scary" Jow Forums greentext fuck this website
>I started in 2015
Youre the problem.
>quality of threads
>in the resident women-hating self-pitying incel board
what exactly is that you would like to discuss with any level of sophistication?
Literally this. I started coming here late 2014 and the place really took a nose dive.
r9k circa 2015
>Comfy shit
>Non-toxic feels threads
>OC threads
>Comfy social (but non /soc/) threads (vocarro etc.)
>Funny, original greentext jokes
>Semi-ironic, non-incel normie/roastie hate
>/mu/ tier shit
r9k now
>Over 9000 tranny/faggot/other lgbt threads
>Over a million racebait/incelbait threads by attention whores
>""fembot"" threads that people take seriously (back than these threads were raided/tits or gtfo)
>Discord fucks
>People shilling like crazy
>All potentially comfy threads are raided by normies
If you did anything that would identify you as a normie/reddit/"femboy" on r9k a few years ago, everyone would REEEE you out of here by the dozens. Now being openly normie/reddit is not only accepted but borderline encouraged. This board is turning into a mix of cancer /lgbt/ content with some r/ForeverAlone and r/Braincels mixed in.
r9k in 2015 wasn't defined by self-pitying or women hating at all. It was mostly a better, less meme-ish, comfier version of /b/ with a bit of these things mixed in. In 2015 the word "incel" was rarely even used here, and incel-tier ideologies even less.
when r9k was reintroduced it was basically /feels/ but then /feels/ turned into /incels/, mabye due to poll
Jow Forums and its influence mostly. Reddit invasion fucked this site over, usually redditors wouldn't last a day here.
What are you talking about. I came on about the same time little earlier. It has always had a lot tranny and cock rate threads.
Its you. You're the problem.
you never saw girls or normies with jobs posting though
The normie and Roastie invasion of 2018 happened.
it's nice to see a few people lingering in the slower threads that might be interesting tho
It's like immigration, the population changed and then so did the culture.
They have to go back, right now.
Agree but this month things have improved a little bit.
Let's go back.
Nostalgia Time.
> Be me.
> Ben Shapiro gives a talk in my college.
> I ask him why, if our rights come from god, citizens have more rights then non-citizens.
> He brutally rapes and impregnates me.
> I want an abortion.
> He knocks me unconscious, tells me the only reason he doesn't kill me is that that would also murder my innocent child.
> I wake up.
> "... and that thief overthere ..."
> Todd Howard.
> You did it again.
Used to come on here and there would be a solid 15 threads dedicated to robot shit where 90% of posts were greentext stories with effort put into them. Now It's just polluted, I'm sure that half of the people here are bots, not robots
This shit was already rampant by 2014. The real paradigm shift on this website went with the spergs and came with bdd and anxiety disorders. Completely killed the edge that makes feelsposting distinct in the first place.
Youve never known quality if you started browsing in 2014
Oversaturation kills communities
It's actually because you're becoming immune to the same bullshit over and over again, which means everything that was once interesting and new is now blase. I first came in 2009, and grew tired of it and said literally the same thing by 2011
the influx of trannys and fags aswell as normies are destroying this board, please report the following
>gay shit
>normie shit about there sexual experience
>fembot shit
>any post that has an anime, tablet drawn art work of anykind they are absolutly trannies or fags infiltrating
>discord unless it pretains to core elements of TRUE r9k
>race baiting threads even if they seem genuine its the discords posting this shit and it needs to be removed
r9k died when the rare pepe meme became mainstream