He eats rice with a spoon

>he eats rice with a spoon

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>she wears a shirt with daddy written on it

you mean
>he posts a femanon wojak that wears a shirt with daddy written on it

>She exists

Attached: 1558867229519.jpg (520x390, 33K)

>she has a nose

>she has a left foot

Attached: a63aff0.jpg (441x647, 28K)

Manchildren triggered by the fact that they eat like babies detected

infirmary immediately

Attached: images[2].jpg (211x239, 5K)

Because eating with a samller piece of metal is the superior way of eating rice?

Adults eat rice with a fork

Children eat with a spoon

Grow up. This is why you're a virgin

Could you elaborate more? Im not sure I follow the logic.

imagine having this sort of brain

I dunno. Weeb eat rice with fucking sticks. I'm fine with a fork.


I eat rice with fork bitch

That requires sticky rice. Try eating loose rice with a fork

I would stab him. Fork. Forgiven. Next time stab.

Chopsticks. Do you use them!?

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>he uses chopsticks even though he's white

YIKES! what a racist

I'm not whiiite!

don't warn me bot

>he doesn't eat rice with his bare hands
cringe and bluepilled

>not using chopsticks
Lmao wh*toids strike again.

I'm s-sorry, S-stacy. Here, I'll e-eat it with m-my hands!

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Chopsticks are retarded as fuck to use. Even a spoon is better

How so? It's holding two pencils divide the clumps of rice so you hold it with chopsticks. Also imagine eating dry crumbly rice. Do white people really do this?

I snort rice you pathetic incel

A fork or even spoon is far more efficient. Chopsticks are for peasants and hipsters.

Imagine using a typewriter instead of a pc and printer. that's what you are doing. Or a carrier pidgeon instead of the postal service

U just don't know how to cook rice, incel

What are you talking about? It's the same amount of movement to consume the same amount of rice. Also it helps your portion control. I can eat the same amount of rice with chopsticks that i can with a spoon and fork.

Gtfo forkFaggot
Fork and knife was created by aristocratic faggots to take out all the pleasure out of eating with a spoon, to make it appear noble. Well at least you arent a retarded chopStickFaggot... Thats real mental retardation.
Spoon is like 2million times more practical. And less is left over on the plate.

>portion control
>hey im a fat 500lbs murriFat sure those chopsticks will help me lose some weight kek

Cultured Chads eat rich with chop sticks

Is that it? Because most dietitians agree with that statement.

>it helps your portion control. I can eat the same amount of rice with chopsticks that i can with a spoon and fork.
You just contradicted yourself

>Cultired Chads

Same reason nascar drivers wear fire suits with dupont or pepsi on them

>Most Dietitians
If you dont have a fuckimg ridiculous scientific paper about eating with chopsticks vs eating with spoon, naturally with proper control groups in their statistica, I wont believe you shit.

Can and do are different things. When you normally eat you use smaller portions when eating with chopsticks. However you are able to eat just as fast with a fork or spoon.
Even better is why are you do you think a "superior" eating utensil even exists?

Do you deliberately put less rice in a bowl if you anticipate eating with chop sticks instead of advanced silverware technology?


Do you leave extra rice in the bowl only when you use chopsticks?

I weigh out how rice I need to eat for that meal on my scale and put it into my bowl.
Don't see what you're getting at.

So the only benefit to using chopsticks is because you deliberately put less rice in your bowl when you anticipate using them?

Retarded logic

I find it easier to eat rice with chopsticks than a fork. That's the reason I use them. It has nothing to due with the quantity of rice in the bowl as that's fixed for every meal I eat.

>he eats rice

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>When I go to a chinese place and they don't have chopsticks
I honestly can't eat noodles with a fork anymore, I've been ruined by my weeaboo dad.

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I inject rice into my bloodstream u fucking roastie

>weeaboo (virgin)
>dad (non virgin)
choose one

Why can't I just use my hands?

He grew up before internet so he couldn't get as corrupt as modern weebs, but when we had asian food he had very strict rules in regards to how it was eaten and he'd waste $100 a month on imported tapes, he even added subtitles to a few films in the 80s

>her weight starts with 2

>tfw no whitoid gf to buy this shirt for

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>She has a heartbeat

Attached: HONK HONK roastie.png (604x630, 334K)

>eating rice without a spatula

You must not have a high enough IQ to operate a fork

Not at all. I own 8 different types of forks with 4 each. I have 4 knives for cutting food at the table and 5 different spoons and my chopsticks. I dont have an issue knowing how to use proper eating utensils.

tfw no asian fembot gf
unsurprisingly not original