Why does he choose to live this way? I don't get it

Why does he choose to live this way? I don't get it.

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old bait , try harder pls.

If you have to post at least answer the question.

because he is under 6ft tall

joey is 6ft1

Incels are tall you dolt.

Why is this hard to understand?
There's hundreds of billions of people in the world that choose to be poor so what's weird about something choosing to be a virgin?
Millions of people kill themselves by choosing to be poor that they starve, his choices aren't extraordinary.

I was refering to his lifestyle, not his virginity

Fine I'll change the wording.

Why is this hard to understand?
There's hundreds of billions of people in the world that choose to be poor so what's weird about someone choosing this lifestyle?
Millions of people kill themselves by choosing to be poor that they starve, his choices aren't extraordinary.

Being poor is not a lifestyle choice.

He's trolling. Being an incel is a lifestyle choice, being poor is not.

Your choices depend on other people's choices and reactions regarding your choices, you don't exist in a vaccum, maybe that autist had a shit early life.

You have literally never applied for a job and you hate employers for not giving you the millions of dollars you "deserve" for being such a Hard Worker (tm)

Why do people get so riled up when you compare social interactions and life to economics?
>if you are not "attractive" (personality, looks, etc) your social life sucks
Seems about right
>if you are not "attractive" (knowledge, creativity to create something that people want, networking, etc) your finnacial life sucks
That's not how it works sweetie :)

>that sweetie meme
>that meme that only sassy girls use to make themselves less insecure

get out roastie scum
go back to >>twitter

Low IQ, normies and roasties have the "pull yourself by your bootstraps" mentality when dealing with social life but when it comes to money or wealth they are all in for taxation, redistribution and socialism. This is my point.


there are no choices in life. everything is automatic. faggot.

>but someone else was born to rich parents
>but someone else was born with genes that gave them an attractive face

>you just think you're entitled to 10/10 Stacie's
>you just think you're entitled to millions of dollars
There's so many fun ways to joke about their hypocrisy but the fact that none of them will ever think about it makes it less fun. No matter what you say, it's just evil incel lies to them.

Do you think that and are bots or just trying to make robots hate each other? The way they couldn't comprehend the point of your post and only reacted to individual words makes them seem a bit artificial but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's just malice disguised as stupidity.

>Do you think that (You) and are bots or just trying to make robots hate each other?
I believe you meant to quote 52732562 but yeah i think these people are starting to take the NPC meme too far and are actually behaving as bots.

Guys I need your help choosing a philosophy to help me cope with my inceldom. I have narrowed it down to optimistic nihilism (clown world) vs stoicism. Your thoughts?

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I recommend you to just search for a cope like literature, video games, television or history, just to keep yourself busy while watching the clown world burn.

He's clearly on the spectrum and socially inept, there's nothing to do for us on this Earth, everything is designed for normies

Both of them mistook you as an opponent just because they couldn't comprehend the meaning of your post and only reacted to one or two words. They're probably not really on the "side" that they pretended to be on. They're actually virgin-haters.

>hundreds of billions

I didnt watch the video but i remember this guy is from some incel documentary

So, he chose to be incel?
Then, post a pic of the girl that wanted to be his gf but he turned down

He's a mentalcel iirc, he talks about how his friends shit themselves for fun on webcam while they play games and a friend of his an heroed a week prior to the "documentary"

He's just too redpilled. He said it himself, nothing outside his depressing room seems real. He's woken up from the simulation, and has no clue what to do with himself now.

He's got issues. He has trouble being around people outside and he does drugs.

because he is comfortable
he has friends (of sorts), food and shelter, security, pornography
being a discordfag probably boosts his ego

there's no compelling reason to change

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What drugs?

What trouble?

Isn't this guy a robot?

>i'm 5'10
>i'm an incel
Looks like you're wrong, you idiot.

Same. 5'10 is a weird height

Pretty sure there's a video of him doing coke/heroin on stream while drinking a redbull and smoking a cig. He has some anxiety when it comes to being outside.

People aren't really virgins right? This can't be real.

yet he has a deal and can buy coke/h wow much anxiety

>There's hundreds of billions of people in the world that choose to be poor

Your point being? I can interact with people at work without much issue, but I get a dark, heavy feeling my chest whenever I have to speak with my parents. I become irritable and want to cut conversations short so i can get out asap when I speak with them.

Sounds like he has anxiety lol. Obviously the drugs help him cope with the loneliness

Did your parents piss you off a lot as a kid? My parents always pissed me off, more than anyone or anything else. Merely getting a text from them gives me uncontrollable irritation. I wish I could not hate them, I wish i could love my parents. But any time i am reminded of them i feel anger and hatred.