Easily available drugs for suicide preparation?

I can't kill myself because my shit brain doesn't want me to die. I need some ideas for easily available drugs that would cloud my subconsciousness and let me do crazy shit, including suicide.

I know that weed helps with clouding my mind, however, it also makes me happy, so it's not really a good suicide drug.

Do you guys have anything in mind?

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Therapy is a hell of a drug

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Won't work - did it several times for years.
Last therapist I worked with told me, after we finished all the CBT stuff and figured out my core beliefs that were making me miserable, that all that's left for me is just to apply the techniques I've learned and that there's nothing else we can do. While at the same time I was in the worse state then I've been in when I got in.

Even if I wanted to, my healthcare is only valid till the end of the summer, and after that I either have to find a job or finish college, or both. And with the state that I'm in, I can't possibly do any of that.

I'm fucked up and there's no escape. I did this to myself and I'm gonna end it myself.

Dhp will let you touch hell and heaven with either hand at the same time. It will completely destroy your worldly basis and let you do whatever you want without the constraint of morals, consciousness or morality.

And you can buy it OTC.


Fuck im to drunk to post

that sounds really nice.
it seems to be prescription-only in my country, but nevertheless seems like an interesting thing. thanks

*reality not morality

I think I have a problem

Its otc in all country's I think

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just buy everything with no prescription from different pharamcies and some alcohol , mix them and gl.

wait how does it work

Why do Americans always forget that non-America also exists?

Cool way to get a liver and kidney failure and long, painful death. No thanks.

Actually, scratch that, it's OTC in my country too, just under different names. Had to search a lil bit to find it.

Not American bitch. Its still otc pretty much every were in one way or another

>Not American bitch
So you're an European bitch?

Good luck then see you on the other side

Yup that's me euro bitch

help me suicide pls I want an easy and not painful way out

buy a shit ton of mushrooms, at least 10 grams and eat them all in one go.

Heroin every time shoot up and after 2hrs go for an od dose you'll be happy when you die.

where the fuck am I supposed to get heroin

Don't be fucking dumb who the fuck could kill themselves on shrooms too much euphoria. You'd probably end up curing your depression

A heroin dealer?

Just shut up and get a noose op pussy, dont go to Jow Forums so you can get self pity damm faggit

>Just shut up and get a noose op pussy, dont go to Jow Forums so you can get self pity damm faggit
>get self pity
>>self pity
you don't have a slightest idea what you're talking about

In my experience people who do this kinda crap are looking for pity and ive seen it too many times and it feels too insulting to someone who actually has suicidal thoughts. Maybe OP needs helps, sure, but in my experience and considering were on this board, this stuff is insulting.

Diphenhydramine/Benadryl is a deliriant class hallucinogen. In all of my experience, it was not fun. Idk what the other user is talking about with it letting you touch heaven and hell. With my experience, it only makes you feel like absolute shit and you literally go into delirium for 6 hours. You see shit that isn't there and can't distinguish hallucinations from reality. One time when I did it I kept answering the door because I was hearing knocks but no one would be there. Then after like the 5th time, I hallucinated my one buddy walking into my house and just sitting in my couch staring at the wall. I blinked and he was gone

Alcohol or benzodiazepines like Xanax, Klonopin, etc will shave your inhibitions away enough to help you gain the courage to do it. Suicide is permanent op, make sure that this isn't an impulsive decision. I've been in a crisis mental state lately and I've slowly been considering a similar course.

Suicide is for retards. Go live in the woods.

LSD-25 (Lyseric acid diethylamide) should do the trick.

LOL dude have you ever OD'd on heroin? Your arms and legs go numb and then you stop breathing and your heart stops. It does NOT feel good.

>this stuff is insulting
then why open the thread

a nigga got nembutal from china sitting in his closet for when the time comes. use your brain you can find a good drug just in case the time comes and you want a peaceful exit

I tried to use dph recreationally once. It was such an uncomfortable high. Dry mouth that water couldn't fix, nausea that wouldn't go away... but there were some weird visuals. Mostly I saw the demonic faces on the walls of the room I was in, also auditory hallucinations, like I was a schizo with voices in my head.

I couldn't retain short term memory for more than 4 seconds. Talk about a personal hell

just get fucking drunk, impairs judgement and reduces pain. Just make sure you don't black out first.

Man don't give up really. Have some confidence in your strenght because I know that you can fight the problems in life. I wish the best for you man.

I hate empty platitudes.

>Easily available drugs
>for suicide
You retards can't even die right. Gives me conniptions

>scratch that
yeah, you'll be doing a lot of scratching when the bugs show up

Put your head on some traintracks. Thats how I eventually will pass on