Why do incels have to murder? I would have taken his virginity.
Why do incels have to murder? I would have taken his virginity
ask on red1t , most of people there are and will answer you.
Because an event of mass terror and panic is a very conspicuous way to demonstrate one's cornered rage. They demonstrate that they're not as impotent and harmless as people believe they are.
because a lot of people dont want to be brought into existence by fuckwits
To be honest guning down unarmed civilians isn't that hard on the US. its just a way of saying how edgy twisted minded you are. These are not incels, these are sick people.
It's the opposite for me, when I was in school people acted like I was a creepy shooter because I was very awkward and had no friends.
I never said anything edgy and just tried to joke with people but I was just very unapproachable I guess(still am).
Y'know, if they like guns so much, they should get into skeet or trap shooting. It's good, wholesome fun.
In their minds, they are taking revenge or sending a message or trying to gain fame, or all three. In practice, they more or less accomplish these things if they are successful.
I recommend ALL future mass shooters to have a PLAN and run through it MULTIPLE times with several dry runs to the designated location before following through.
Measure twice, cut once.
>These are not incels, these are sick people.
Cause sick people cant be incels, ey?
Hitler was also a painter but we don't use painters as sinonim of nazi do we?
I don't see how shooting random people would get you revenge though. Most spree shooters know very little about their victims or if you mean on a grander scale there is a good chance the people who die didn't help create the systems that hurt you.
Most spree killers are self centered morons who want to feel like they're John fucking Wick.
>I recommend ALL future mass shooters to have a PLAN and run through it MULTIPLE times with several dry runs to the designated location before following through.
>Measure twice, cut once
There's no reason for you to say things like this and its pretty dumb, considering you'd definitely be blubbering like a baby if a mass murderer start shot you in the stomach.
God, humans are so hypocritical, I'm sad that I must count myself among them.
>mfw most robots literally would be normals depending on how they look
People arent actually troubled anymore, they're fucking psychotic
>I don't see how shooting random people would get you revenge though
It's quite clear. The shooter is in an emotional dark place where they believe that the entire world or """society""" represses them, or is prejudiced against them. This could be because the shooter is ugly, ostracized, anything - and most importantly, oftentimes outside the shooter's control (not all of the time, though). Therefore, even instances of random violence satisfy the shooter's desire for revenge.
>Most spree shooters know very little about their victims
I mean in a case like Vegas, of course, you're just spraying into a crowd. In the most recent shooting here in the States at Virginia Beach though, the MSM is freaked out by how the shooter was on a first-name basis with many of the people working in the building where he signaled to the world that he had had enough.
>good chance the people who die didn't help create the systems that hurt you
This is true. No one's shooting up banks or the fed or government buildings, as they should be. It's always randoms. This serves a purpose but I agree, their anger could be better-directed.
>There's no reason for you to say things like this and its pretty dumb
>you'd definitely be blubbering like a baby if a mass murderer start shot you in the stomach
Wow, you mean if someone shot me with a gun I would be in immense physical pain? Probably the most insightful post I've read this morning, but I don't see how it is relevant to your previous claim.
>God, humans are so hypocritical, I'm sad that I must count myself among them.
There is no need for you to be among us if you feel this way, anonymous.
not like i ever used incell as a sinonim of sick people
What I mean is it not that they where incels the problem, incels don't do this shit, fucked up people do.
>they where incels the problem
Also, since in many cases fucked up-ness is clear, sick people have a high chance of becoming incels, dont they? Now, obviously not all of us are mass murderers, but we have a bad stigma, for a reason, you must admit.
good posts
btw I've written a fair bit on this subject if anyone is interested
this isn't shilling because I don't get anything from it btw, just something you might find interesting.
Yes but not all of uss is the overwhelming majority. These leads to a mentality of Incel=Psyco when its just not true. is like saying quiet/shy people are autistic even tho many autist are quiet and shy.
The most (You)'s I've gotten in a single post. Nice.
>there is a kind of beauty to these events or performance pieces
I 100% agree. Very eloquently put actually, I wouldn't have been able to come up with that kind of classification for these events myself.
that was fast user...
In true robot fashion I am procrastinating work that needs to get done, so I'm operating at 'max shitpost/ right now. I also type around 100WPM, so maybe that's it too.
hmm, impressive
Oh my bad, you're probably referring to me commenting on your piece. I admit I did skim it, but I took the time to read the last few paragraphs since I assumed you would be rehashing or summarizing your central thesis, which you did, to your credit!
well thanks, I'm happy that my main point about these mass shootings as a form of performance art got across because that's the real idea
I'm mostly just trying to substantiate my point in the rest of the post of course.
Honestly I really can't "go back" after starting to see them this way, it just makes so much sense. Mass shootings are art, I'm entirely serious about this
As society continues to break down these events will become more common, and more people will think as you do - they won't be able to articulate it like you did, but they'll know their perception of these events has changed. When a critical minority starts thinking in this way, there will be a market for a professional mass shooter critic online, someone to pick apart each event and praise or defame specific parts in a way that Encyclopedia Dramatica or similar shitholes cannot do. That could be your in!
And if it takes off, please hire this jaded wadanohara avatarfag nigger. I'll always be on Jow Forums. Probably.
>I would have taken his virginity.
will u take mine?
jk im not actually a virgin lost it to a hooker
Some people really deserve murder for what they have done to me. Complete and total liquidation is kindness in its purest form.
It's funny you mention that, I did write up a far more in depth entry on my blog specifically about Elliot Rodger that I released on the anniversary 23rd of may just over a week ago
It wasn't a critique exactly, but it was definitely viewing the whole thing through that lens of it being a performance. I don't just mean the shooting itself, the manifesto and the videos he made as well. What was released by him, and what was subsequently found out by interested anons and the necessary distinction
I won't keep spamming links all day don't worry, that's the last one for anyone interested
I've considered doing the same for some others, I just know far more about Elliot than any of them because I was a tiny bit obsessed with him a few years ago
Because school shootings are fun... Its a nice social activity and its like a video game. Everyone should have the pleasure of shooting up a school/mall/kindergarden unfortunately noone would be alive if everyone fullfiled their deep desires. Look it up, scholl shootings are on the buttom of the maslovs pyramid. Even Freud has written that besides of anal, fisting, BDSM and genital phase theres also the scholl shooting phase
>almost 3,000 words
I'm sorry user, I'll try to read it later, or when I'm high. That'll be a blast. I'll drop a comment, too. You having this level of autism over something like ##mass shootings## is something I think is rad as fuck, and I appreciate it. Cheers!
Thanks, yeah it's a nice little hobby to keep the bad thoughts at bay for a while although I do get a bit too into it on some subjects.
A comment is definitely appreciated, my dream for this thing was always that I'd be able to start some interesting discussions but I almost never get any comments.
I do have a small audience after doing this for a year of anons mostly picked up from this board, although I'm not sure why because a good third of my posts so far are just me whining about being a lonely virgin loser (avoid those), but I suppose the in depth autism posts make up for it
>I almost never get any comments
This is why I never had my own blog or deviantart or anything, really. I was and am bummed about the prospect of putting the level of effort into something I think is interesting as you have, and not getting recognition for that effort. That you actually followed through is admirable though, I really mean that.
>bad thoughts at bay
You are absolutely spot on. It is best to remember that most victims deserve their fate. Men like me are so kind to the world and we get stepped on in return.
i appreciate your dedication to looking at things like this from different perspectives, but your english could use work in grammar / structure department. i feel you give elliot too much credit for a crime committed by a highly disorganized and slightly delusional person.
Yeah true. The worst thing is noone is fighting for us. We are a marginalised group oppressed by the government, ridiculed by the people.... Why?
Because we identify as school shooters, I think we should take our guns, take the rainbow flag make a school shooter awareness day.
People shouldn't stigmatise our choices. We are brave and stunning
additionally, your post is disorganized and jumpy as well. unless the blog is just a thought dump, it isn't written clearly enough for an audience aside from yourself.
Why do these mass shooters always go about their business in the loudest way possible and score so few kills? 27 people, nigga are you joking? Just grab a fucking knife and start stabbing people in bathroom stalls, you'll double that number before the recess is over
>but your english could use work in grammar / structure department
That's a fair criticism, I know that my posts have a weird syntax because I sometimes try to write how I talk or post here on Jow Forums but at other times I try to be more formal and that could come across kind of weird. It certainly doesn't help with people who don't speak English as a first language, which a surprising a number of my readers seem to be.
As for Elliot though, maybe I'm reaching a little but I think people don't give him the credit he deserves. I know what it's like to be seriosuly isolated for a long period of time, you start to put a great deal of thought into everything that happens because there is so little to think about.
As I said I think that Elliot was a lot less deluded than people think, but I could just be reaching on this one.
It is mostly a thought dump, I try to clean it up a little, but most of my writing is done in these energetic bursts and it just sort of pours out of me.
It's not like in vidya, if you stab someone they don't die instantly and bleed a lot and it's probably exhausting.
Assuming nobody screams you've got one kill before you're suspicious af covered in blood.
It also doesn't give retards ammunition to take away our guns.
He wouldn't want you to. He did not want to be touched by anyone, much less by a guy.
thanks for the response.
i understand the isolation as well as anyone else here. i get how it feels overthinking things, but i've never gotten to that point. i dont think he was playing a character- a last act of bravado before his death, more likely.
look you need to have a good aim and you need to actually be capable of holding the gun while shooting. Also reloading may be another issue... Imagine handling a semi automatic gun with those clumsy fingers.
perhaps, maybe I'm the one whose overthinking about what he did. Even if the conclusion is wrong though, I still think that he did manage to get a lot of people to quite clearly reveal their hypocrisy even if it was unintentional.
There is also definitely some kind of a performance going on with the "day of retribution" and other mass shootings, even if it's not something done consciously. I just prefer to assume people are doing things intentionally, but I can be convinced otherwise desu that's not the important part of what I'm trying to get across
you've also made me really self conscious of how I write now
Yikes, I'll have to try and slow down a bit and learn to edit myself better
>These are not incels, these are sick people.
I thought those were the same thing.
>I don't see how shooting random people would get you revenge though.
That's just a problem with you, then. Because to them, they feel like they're getting revenge. To them, this is a means of getting back at society in a generalised sense. In their eyes, this is a way of rectifying whatever wrongs they felt were placed unto them. That's how it functions, how it registers, and how it transpires in their eyes. And in an enough way to take it out on (mostly) strangers. It's just simply how their thought process, their logic process, goes in their mind. Your inability to understand this is only that: *your* inability to understand it. Being unable to comprehend, or be aware, of how for some people, this is a train of logic that makes sense to them.
Guess i'm not cut out to be a shooter then because I see attacking randoms as futile, oh well :/
where do you have this image from? ive never seen it before
The photos are uncommon because they were only released a few months ago
go on youtube right now and contact one of the incel youtubers. oh wait you wont because you're a lying bitch.
They would reject me because im a neet male lmao. Also the post was just a ploy to get responses because I wanted to make a adam lanza thread.
Let me ask the reverse question
Why would you take their virginity?
Out of genuine concern for them or out of saving those who died
>trap shooting
>"wholesome fun"
why so transphobic you deluded sociopath they're just people
Because they're sexy, obviously
Chances are they were just going to shoot themselves anyway
lanza did not kill because he was a virgin
Kek sexy, do you like the loser appearance or the mentality?
Because they understand the meaningless of living and when there is no point then why should they care if they kill people.
They are going to die anyway
I can understand fucking Elliot but this is going to far
You wouldn't have. You would just have seen him as some weirdo that acts that way by choice and is probably happy with it.
Along with the complete lack of desire to interact with him in any way ofcourse.