Why do I hate feminism, but I'm attracted to powerful women?

Why do I hate feminism, but I'm attracted to powerful women?

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Because of feminist, they aren't powerful women.

Because you're so far gone that you'd rather have a woman be the man for you so that you have zero obligation to fulfill any meaningful role within the potential relationship with this "powerful woman". You are an effete failure as a man and desire a romantic partner who can pick up the slack. It's a little pathetic but we all have our preferences. I, for example, like blondes.

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Strong women rely on their own ability to rise above expectations and take what they want. Feminists are weak, that's why they use collectivism and malicious social devices to drag others down to their level.

Imagine the same powerful woman, but disgustingly ugly. Would you still be attracted?
If not, perhaps you are attracted to the blonde, not the queen.

You could also imagine the same beautiful woman, but weak and submissive, and she would be less attractive. Are you really trying to assert that personality doesn't matter at all?

you have a complex

>Imagine the same powerful woman, but disgustingly ugly. Would you still be attracted?
No but her being powerful is still a quality that I'm attracted too. There will always be things that would offset the other qualities you like in a person.
>If not, perhaps you are attracted to the blonde, not the queen.
Nope. I'm attracted to the queen. Well the queen and the blonde.

Lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you can't even say he's wrong!

Yea? What's the name of this complex?

Because the point of feminism is to prop up weak women, but not actually have them work in any real way
Feminism is mainly now about women getting what they want, whatever that may be

Powerful women are confident and usually take care of themselves while talking to you in a respectful manner. Feminists are cocky and are nasty and they also talk down to you.

Societal expectations for guys suck anyway, just wage cucking, and being a disposable shield. I doubt you'd actually refuse to marry a rich queen if you could

>I doubt you'd actually refuse to marry a rich queen if you could
I mean we're ostensibly talking about "powerful women" and your brain immediately went to "rich queen". What that says about your perceptions of power aside, of course I wouldn't refuse to marry a "rich queen" - it would be an unexpected windfall and give me a measure of financial security I don't have now. I don't understand what kind of point you think you've made though.

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Feminists aren't powerful, they're weak, because they need an ideology to TELL them they're strong and fight FOR them, as opposed to just making their way in the world without petty labels and rhetoric.

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Damn bro, I don't think that's the reason but you didn't have to try and roast me.

Because feminists are not powerful.
They push this onto the general female population, but the vast majority of women were never meant to be that, so they just turn into entitled tattooed whores.

I understand you.
I am the same type of guy.
Society doesn't respect us.
A lot of people would call us faggots, betas, sissies, or whatever else if we were open about our desires.

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The only relavant modern powers are political and financial. I don't know how else to describe a powerful woman. Fighting ability is much less important than it once was. Maybe just having an assertive and confident personality is enough?

>Maybe just having an assertive and confident personality is enough?
That's what I understood OP as. If he had said "women in power" instead of "powerful women" I would have made the same connection you did. Just semantics, nothing worth having an argument over.

>Marxism, but with sexes replacing classes. It is inherently irrational, combative, and destructive
Strong women
>Men are meant to be dominant; dominating a strong woman means you are a strong man. Of course this is attractive

You're a weak man with mommy issues like every other guy with a femdom fetish

How is it weak to be attracted to powerful women?

you're a fag with mommy issues and have a femdom fetish, that's why. i agree that modern third wave feminism is fucking retarded tho

Seems pretty logical, you want powerful women so you despise feminism for giving bennies to weak women.

are you okay retard?

I still can't believe he didn't even try to dick her into beeing a good girl.

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Boyish women does not equal dike.

Powerful does not equal feminist.

You hate makeup and like actual powerful women, not weak women that want to have the rights of more powerful people that logically should not have such power. Before feminism there were still powerful women and they tended to hate feminists. Feminists are weak women that want power, what weak person doesn't? It's why things like democracy are foolish as well as feminism. To achieve equality you need a complicated communism social construct that has never existed.

Also, you're a mommies' boy.


original fuckin clown mods

Because your neurons were memed out
You can recover if you stop being a poltard.

>Mommy's boy
I'm seeing this alot.
I just looked up the term. I don't have a good relationship with my mom and she doesn't order me around or anything nor am I attracted to her in anyway.

>a bunch of men in this thread screaming that feminists aren't really strong
Yeah the losers who sit inside and would never be able to broach the subject of any of their political beliefs with a person in real life is a great arbitrator of strength.

Meanwhile Andrea Dworkin was stabbed for her political views, abortion actists are bombed, and TERFs are deplatformed / threatened with violence / lose their jobs.

Anyway OP, you probably have some dumb fetish about being dominated because you actually want to be pursued and lusted after by a woman / you want the thrill of overpowering an aggressive woman / you like bookish angry girls in glasses because you think you're too smart for bimbos / some other dumb porn shit.

With that said, Cersei is great and the real feminist icon of GOT.

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Then you're even worse. You've mommy's issues. Like a female that has daddy issues, issues are still issues. Most of the time men hate their mothers and want nothing to do with them so they are immune to the 'issues' part but you're being a vagina about it so I guess you're more akin to the female mindset.

>>why did you leave me daddy
>dates father figure
That's you but
>>why weren't you a good mommy to me :((((
>dates female parental figure

>be females revolting
>one female grows penis
>forces other beta (extreme betas back then) females that were normal to fall in line behind her at book-club
>they block traffic
>back then no one shot them with bean bags and shit like they would at revolts today
>they are women so they back then due to one asshole starting shit get what they (or rather the one leader) wanted

>women just follow the leader!!!
And men don't? Piles of teenaged boys were crying over Jordan Peterson because the nice Internet Canadian told them to clean their room.

Anyway, I find it a tad rich that's your argument when,
>feminism is brimming with intense ideological disputes (ex. feminist sex wars of the 1980s) so evidently at least several women "grew penis".
>whenever men want to downplay women's independence, they call us followers
>whenever men want to deflect claims that they're bad people, they accuse women of being internally divisive / crabs in a bucket / prone to infighting / hating of each other
>so in other words you're a smooth brain who develops post hoc rationalizations to justify hating or bad mouthing women

>if you are a beta you're strong

And men are stronger than women by default. Most are followers, but at least they're fucking men you illogical cunt. Most women are just utterly pathetic.

>why weren't you a good mommy to me :((((
>dates female parental figure

>Meanwhile Andrea Dworkin was stabbed for her political views
While I don't think that's acceptable her views are shit and nothing of value was lost in that regard.
>Andrea Rita Dworkin was an American radical feminist and writer best known for her criticism of pornography, which she argued was linked to rape and other forms of violence against women.

>Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny; it is the political defense of women hating.

>While gossip among women is universally ridiculed as low and trivial, gossip among men, especially if it is about women, is called theory, or idea, or fact.

>Seduction is often difficult to distinguish from rape. In seduction, the rapist often bothers to buy a bottle of wine.

>implying teens are men
>Jordan Peterson?
literally who you zoomer-leaf
>cleaning rooms?
irrelevant drivel
>80s sex revolution stopped in the USA yet they grew dicks when the revolutions were back during black and white cameras???
the hell is wrong with you
>implying women fought for their rights rather than were soft served to make jobs more competitive to make men bigger bitches and to unblock traffic
No one attacked them, they stopped traffic, business men attacked men by giving women easy work and making men thus more desperate to find work and have to work harder.
>>smooth brain
no u

You make no sense.

It's called having a surrogate. Like a female with cats, surrogate children. Humans often find surrogates for things.

Because modern feminism has changed from being about "equal rights for the sexes" to "muh vagina and muh sogeny!". It's only rational to hate an ideology that has run its course and turned into something corrupted that seeks to actively oppress you.

Any sane person wants a strong and competent partner that they can confide in and rely upon if need be. This is only natural and goes for both men and women. Having a weak partner is more like having a child or even a pet if they're the dependent type. That's something you might want in a fuck buddy but not somebody you want to raise a family with.

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Most straight feminists are total submissives in bed.

>disprove his point
>"uh....uh....me man! You woman!"
Always boils down to this.

Anyway, you're strong? Okay tough guy, why are posting here? You ever say your thoughts on women IRL, to your mom or boss? Do you even have a boss? A career? Do you get anxious talking on the phone? Does the sound of people laughing on the subway make you upset?

It's clear you're some dissatisfied teenaged to twenty something white / Asian kid who has done nothing IRL that would quantify him as strong, so you see someone even mentioning the prospect of a woman being strong so you sperg and lash out. It's a negative self image, and you wouldn't need it if you were tough.

I'm expecting a troll reply now.

Eh, it's more complicated than that IMO.

Absentee parents induce avoidant attachment styles. Such a person may want a strong woman to do the emotionally exhaustive work of becoming emotionally vulnerable during the courtship phase.

>her views were shit
And that's irrelevant to the central topic - are women strong? And a woman who can say what she thinks after being stabbed, abused, and made public enemy number one by the porn industry and men everywhere is a pretty strong person. Especially considering how most anons here can't talk in class.

>he actually likes porn
I think it's cute you cherrypicked some quotes, though. You engaged witbh her work more than most men. Surprise you didn't mention Intercourse.

>doesn't know who Peterson is
>uses a meme that started as a way to discuss known persons with plausible deniability

>proceeds to not address anything, strawman, etc.
And this isn't Tumblr. It isn't a microagression to use capital letters, hon.

Leave my husbando out of this.

But people with positive parental relationship can still be attracted to partners who share qualities of those parents. It can be both.

>does the sound of people laughing on the subway make you upset

The topic isn't if women are strong or not which is a retarded concept anyway because women are not exactly a hivemind but why OP gets hard for strong women which implies that they can be in his mind but hates feminism.
So bringing one up like you did invites us to explore why he hates feminism.

>Anyway you're strong?
Of course he's not. I don't think that's the point he's making though. It's probably that men generally tend to get less emotional support in modern society which lead to them having to be tougher or "stronger" than women as he put it. The whole "be a man" culture is definitely a real thing which a lot of men justly think is unfair. Personally I agree that this is true in most western countries so unless you have a good counterargument you should probably concede this point.

Also your assumption that he's a teenage to twenty something white/asian guy is a very safe bet since that is what the average Jow Forums user is and always has been. Doesn't really add to your argument though. No need to play armchair psychologist here.

>Absentee parents induce avoidant attachment styles.
Again you're just pseudo-analyzing and projecting the average Jow Forums or rather robot behavior as an explanation here. Starting to seem a bit pretentious.

>a woman who can say what she thinks after being stabbed, abused, and made public enemy number one by the porn industry and men everywhere is a pretty strong person.
>Especially considering how most anons here can't talk in class.
Irrelevant since one does not affect the other but sure.

>I think it's cute you cherrypicked some quotes, though. You engaged witbh her work more than most men.
Even more projecting. Starting to see a trend here.

>Not Tumblr. Ad hominem in response to strawman.
Exactly. This isn't Tumblr. Let's try to keep the discussion level a bit higher, shall we?

>Don't touch your husbando
Sorry but you can't make me. I saw him first!

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>the topic isn't
Follow the comment chain.
1.) That was the topic of my original paragraph discussing a repeated talking point in this thread. That is when I referred to Dworkin. So yes, your reply was irrelevant to that point.
2.) Before you accuse me of derailment I also discussed OP's hangup as well.

>tend to get less emotional support in modern society
I think that's a massive sweeping statement that is, at best, partially correct.

>you should concede this point I made baselessly because I said something is "definitely" a thing.
Yeah, no.

>no need to play armchair psychologist
I disagree. I think the personal psychology of these people directly correlates to the view they express and so long as I address the conceit of the argument it is not ad hominem.

The user literally said that is mom was sort of absent in his life, in response to the "mommy's boy" comment.

You don't see how hypocrisy could be relevant?

>even more projecting
Where did I ever not read something before responding in this thread? Also,
>"there's no need to play armchair spsychologist user! Those details are irrelavnt!"
>"But also let me baselessly use this psychological buzzword that have been used to death on this site to describe you."
It's either one or the other. Either playing psychologist is bad or it's not. You don't get to say it's only bad when I do it. And that, my friend, is projection.

>shall we?
Where has my level of discourse not been high?

>saw him first
Yeah but that's 'cause I read the books ;)

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It's relevant to OP's talking point which is why I'm here for because I feel the same.

Cringy anime retard. Go obsess over your girly cartoons somewhere else

Because feminism isn't about powerful women, it's about painting women the eternal victim. It is the refuge of the weak woman, not of the strong. This isn't rocket science.
roastie coping

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I want a feminist to make me suck her sweaty toes

>massive sweeping statement that men get less emotional support than women.
Try to find any experiment where men are treated with more empathy and kindness by strangers than women. Show me a men's safety group. How about a men only homeless shelter? Ever heard a woman get told to "woman up" and not be such a pussy when she starts crying? Are you really not familiar with this "toxic masculinity" phenomenon at all?

You also don't have to concede to it just because I say so but I honestly though that it was such common knowledge that I didn't even need to back it up. Apparently not.

>I think the personal psychology of these people directly correlates to the view they express
Oh I agree about that but I'm saying that unless you actually have some sort of qualifications or information that goes beyond their anonymous statements you're reaching way too far here. Psychoanalysis isn't done with the wave of a hand.

>You don't see how hypocrisy could be relevant?
Hypocrisy is irrelevant when arguing a different point. How strong men are HERE is irrelevant when we're talking about the character strength of men and women in general worldwide. If Hannibal Lecter argues that cannibalism is morally reprehensible he's not wrong although he is a hypocrite. See what I mean?

>Where did I ever not read something before responding in this thread?
You didn't. I'm saying you're reading too deeply into too few statements to be able to reliably come to your conclusions. If I say "fuck women" in a facebook post it's not reasonable to decide that I'm 100% a misogynist. I could just be having a bad day where I got trampled by women in a black friday sale or maybe my girlfriend dumped me for my brother.

>baselessly use this psychological buzzword that has been used to death to describe you.
I'm not sure I follow. What buzzword?

>I read the books
Fine. You can have the book version then.

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Burden of proof is on you. You're making the assertion. Anyway, the things you're citing don't really control for variables or have historical context. Safety groups and shelters were developed by feminists after much hard work. Asking, "y there no men's shelterz" when (1) there are and (2) women fought for the resources we have isn't demonstrative of a lack of kindness towards men, but classic male entitlement. And men won't even leave those resources also - see: troons.

>reaching too far
Really? You admitted that my guess was a "safe" one, now it's reaching?

And all the conjecture in this thread is soeculative. Why are you taking issue with my application of attachment theory but not with everyone else's comments of "u got mommy issues"? Again, either it's all okay or it's all worthy of your chiding, so why me specifically?

>yeah but it's irrelevant because ad hominem! Hannibal lecter!
Right. Which is why I addressed his argument then speculated on his personality.

>if I say "fuck women" publically I'm mot sexist
If someone's go-to reaction when a person of group A fucks them over is not "wow that person sucks" and is "group A is shit" then they have a bias.

I'm anti-Semitic. I have many Jewish friends but when my (((landlord))) cucked me and illegally violated our tenant agreement my immediate thought process went to how kikes fucking suck and maybe they wouldn't be hated if they didn't act like such greedy pedants. I might temper my anti-semitism woth ethics and restraint, but I'm still anti Semitic. And I don't even express these views.

Someone autistic enough to loudly and publicly declare that they hate women because of a minor inconvenience is a misogynist. Simple as that. I've been treated far worse by men and I wouldn't do that. The guy in your example sounds like a fucking crybaby.
>inb4 "see u r mean and low empathy to men!"

Projection. You must be new.

>you can have book version
Aw yeah.

>I'm anti-Semitic.
Are you female

Womyn born womyn, dear user.

>Burden of proof is on you.
All right. I don't think there's even a point in me trying to convince you since this is such a well-known truth that I thought for sure that even you knew about it. The fact that you still argue that it's not true implies to me that you're just being contrarian but in case you're not and just uninformed:






These were just 5 of the first I found on google. The last one is even by an alleged "tumblr hater".

>Again, either it's all okay or it's all worthy of your chiding, so why me specifically?
Neither is ok but I'm replying to you only because you're the only one that seems to want a real discussion. Most if not all of the others are just low effort bait posts or idiots whining so I don't bother even replying to them.

>The guy in your example sounds like a fucking crybaby.
Yeah that was probably a bad example. My point was that you shouldn't judge somebody entirely on one sweeping statement out of context, even if generalizing statements are inherently stupid (in most cases). Even if the statement has a fair bit of context like it does ITT that isn't necessarily their entire standpoint. Most people don't bother writing their whole philosophical view of life to justify their arguments on an anonymous forum.

>You must be new.
Hahaha... if only. It's rather the opposite. I think I first visited Jow Forums some time around 2007/2008. Hard to remember exactly. Took a long break, came back and discovered Jow Forums +a couple other boards.

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>this is just a well known truth
>proceeds to link fucking blog posts and popular science websites which often lack proper citations
Yep, I'm going to believe sweeping statements on half the world's population because of the alleged existence of a study where I can't see the number of participants. Yep.

>want a real discussion
Uh, well, in that case - thank you.

>not their entire viewpoint
Fair enough. I agree that people tend to jump to conclusions ("you didn't draw this character black? Clearly you're racist.") where politics is concerned. I Furthermore, I don't think a single instance defines a person since personality is just averages.

2006/07 here. God. How horrible. I can even remember my first post. I didn't write noko or whatever so when I tried to find it I went through the whole catalogue but the bumping made it so looking for it in a linear fashion would not work.

Powerful women are few and far between. I went to an all boys school, although I don't have any sexual attraction I find it easier to be affectionate/honest with them mainly because I grew up with them. With feminine women who don't know/unsure it's like a guessing game to please them

Tl:Dr your attracted to the femine body and her male mind

Samefag as . I'm heading to practice and felt you were entitled to a better response.

It's not that I don't think toxic masculinity exists or that young boys are stunted in some way. They clearly are. I work with small children. When I worked with children from low income households, young boys often refused to be affectionate to one another or quickly had such impulses crushed. By contrast, the little boys from better neighbourhoods had a lot of unfettered affection - hugging their friends when they fell down or patting them on the shoulder or making small offerings of toys or food when they cry. Anecdotally I see a strong correlation between abuse, poverty, and stress on male emotional displays. It's pretty tragic when a little boy without a father excitedly talks about my fiance (also a teacher) but then goes into hysterics imploring me not to convey his feelings when I offhandedly say I'll tell Mr. user.

It's just whenever I see discussions of male emotional suppression or people being dismissive of men's feelings, it often is used as a political "gotcha" and often misrepresents the situation.

In my circumstances, there are only taboos against certain male emotions. Every teenaged boy I ever hung around with eagerly showed me the hole he punched in the wall. That display of emotion was a source of pride.

It's moreso the "weaker" emotions of sadness that are shut down or viewed distastefully. However the corollary of that is that male displays of pain or sadness are seen as more credible. See any info on women being given less pain killers relative to their needs compared to men or being framed as "hysterical".



The other issue is that I feel a lot of resentment of vulnerable male emotions is reinforced by other men in the hierarchy rather than women, so when people bring this up in response to any feminist criticism, it makes me wonder. I'm sure there are women that disproportionately resent sensitive men, but I've seen way more men police men and boy's feelings than women. And this makes sense. People police their own gender. I know men find body hair gross, but when I forgot to shave I only had two strange men tell me I looked gross, whereas numerous women gave me nasty looks and mean comments about my legs / pits. Like when I asked why you were critiquing me as opposed to other anons, I get suspicious when women / feminists are made the explicit target of something I've casually observed to be universal / more common in men. It makes me feel that they're playing politics, using problems men face to shut women up ("oh someone told you to smile / you're hysterical? Men are told not to cry!").

I guess my final thought on the matter is that women's kindness and empathy often makes us targets for male violence. I had so many ex-bfs that used the "boys don't cry" sob story with me to get me to do things I didn't wanted. "If you leave me I'll kill myself." "Don't tell me not to scream at you I'm depressed." "You expecting me to get a job is basically the same as when my father told me not to cry." Many women are kind to men...and then that empathy is used to guilt them into staying with someone they don't like or excuse mean or lazy behaviour.

Outside of personal relationships, this extends into the outside world. I live downtown. There's loads of homeless people. I try to help them, but sometimes they frighten me. On average, I'm "less empathetic" to men. Not because I don't feel bad, but because they could kill me.

Lol guess it's a 2/3

>Tl:Dr your attracted to the femine body and her male mind
The sexual orientation of the damned. Kill me.

stop wo-man splaining.
>more empathetic
Don't make me fucking laugh.

Final post: Sorry for length.

I've followed a homeless woman into a parking lot to give her bus fare. I wouldn't do that for a man because he could rape or murder me much more easily. And I've had that happen. I went up to a drunk man who was covered in puke semi concious outside the subway at night. He took a swing at me and knocked me down. I ran and then called the ambulance. Probably wouldn't have bolted if he was a woman. Now I'm very nervous approaching men after dark.

The apprehensiveness that people feel towards men as well as the proven in group preferences women have don't exist in a vaccum. No one cares about transmen in men's spaces because females aren't scary on average. However, I'm repulsed by the idea of a man in the changeroom with me. Low empathy? Maybe. But it's not out of frielty, it's out of self preservation.

Anyway, sorry if I seemed flippant earlier. I usually try not to engage too fully on this site because I get little out of it. You seemed nice and felt you deserved a more encompassing reply before I run off. Best of luck, and keep "blogposting". Long replied are great and I liked engaging with yours. Only zoomers hate paragraphs. Best of luck user, thanks for being relatively cool about our political disagreements.

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>Often used as a political "gotcha" and women aren't taken as seriously because of their more open displays of emotion.
That is sadly true but doesn't change that he had a point. While men typically aren't allowed (or at least feel that they can't) show weakness women are more likely to be seen as exaggerating if they seem overly emotional. One issue doesn't detract from the seriousness of the other since it's really not a competition. Personally I think having emotional support outweighs the risk of being branded a drama queen or crybaby but then again I'm not your average user.

>The toxic behavior is mostly reinforced/policed by each gender respectively
Even if that is true it doesn't change the reality we live in today. It's of key importance when we're looking to fix it but what we're talking about is the state of the world and people's general viewpoint of the genders as it is now. A boy born today or 20 years ago will be/has been conditioned to hide his weaknesses and who caused it is of little importance now that the damage is done since we're looking at the status quo. If a woman breaks down, whether physically or emotionally she usually has options to help with those issues, while a man does (or feels/thinks that he does) not.

>ex-bfs abusing your empathy
I know I may sound harsh but that is anecdotal evidence at best. Whether they abused you just because you let them/they could or they felt they had nobody else to turn to I simply don't know, but either case isn't really relevant when we're discussing men/women's emotional support from society, unless you've had a very, very large number of ex-bfs with similar behavior patterns... lmao!

Because feminism is all about making excuses, blaming scapegoats and securing preferential treatment. Powerful women usually make the best of any situation they're in, are self-sufficient and are more concerned with actual achievement over rambling on about what they're entitled to.

In other words, modern feminism is for weak women, strong women just say "fuck it" and carry on.

>Men are physically stronger and I can therefore not offer them the same degree of vulnerability
I totally understand that and I don't blame you. We all have to look out for ourselves and our loved ones first. This doesn't explain why other men, who don't have this "handicap", in the same situation don't offer their emotional support. Whether they feel less empathy or have just been conditioned to keep it to themselves is something we can't know but the end result is that it ultimately becomes harder for a man to be down on his luck than it is for a woman. Especially if the man in question is single and doesn't have a close relationship with his family since men on average don't/can't share their emotions or problems as openly with their friends who are often male as well.

Anyway it was fun talking to you in a somewhat civilized manner. That doesn't happen here that often these days. At least not as much as back in the days. See you around, space cowboy!

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Then why is it that smarter, competent, and employed women are more likely to be feminists? I'm in chemistry and all my female professors are feminists. Hell, my supervisor literally has a cut out of Gloria Steinem (I think) on her door.

All intelligent people are for the idea of equal rights for the sexes but being a chemistry professor doesn't necessarily mean that you're smart or that you adhere to the same definition of feminism as others who claim to be feminists. Unless you find a credible source that links intelligence, competence and employment level among women to feminism you're just throwing out unscientific hearsay.

For the same reason that roasties "hate" the patriarchy but cream themselves over rich and powerful men.

You don't hate feminism in the true sense of the word, you just hate the Western, bastardised form of feminism that you're bombarded with on a regular basis.

I realised this a while ago when I was thinking about the anime industry as opposed to Hollywood. In anime, nobody really seems to have a problem with female lead characters. Whereas in the West, the topic of female lead characters is contentious and rife with toxicity. Look at Captain Marvel or the new Ghostbusters film, and how well of a response those movies got. Then contrast that with anime like Attack on Titan or My Hero Academia, an anime that features both strong male and female characters.

I think it's just a cultural thing. The West has done a horrible job normalising gender equality in the last few decades and has rendered the entire thing toxic.

They're actual feminists, not the kinds of feminists that dominate the doctrine.

Would you call a crazy person strong because they can stand up in public and spout nonsense?

>being a chemistry professor in my country's number one research university doesn't make you smart

>adhere to the same definition
So, a no true scottsman fallacy?
>Here's an intelligent woman who is a feminist.
>Yeah but she's doesn't believe in feminism feminism!


>"Some research suggests that feminist beliefs (Morgan 1996) and gender-egalitarian attitudes (Ex and Janssens 1998) are more likely among women whose mothers had higher education levels."

>"Results indicated that students as seniors scored higher on measures of liberalism, social conscience, homosexuality tolerance and feminist attitudes and lower on male-dominant attitudes than they did as first year students. "


And it makes sense. Why would a feminist be a housewife? That alone means employed women will be statistically more likely to be feminists compared with controls. Combine that lesbianism (more likely to be feminist, more likely to earn more), not wanting kids (earn more, more feminist), etc.

More broadly, educated people tend to be more leftwing, and therefore inclined to feminist perspectives.

>people who disagree with me are literally insane
That's a nuanced and reasonable position with which to start a dialogue with.

>people who disagree with me are literally insane
That wasn't my point. Crazy people can get up and spout nonsense endlessly because they don't have an understanding of what they are actually doing. People who don't understand things the same way we do can do things that we find it difficult to do, this is why people like modern feminists can appear strong.

>lesbianism (more likely to be feminist, more likely to earn more)
Interesting. Would make sense that the inverse correlation between feminism and education should be true then too. That would make lesbians the smartest women in the world which is kind of funny when you think about it. Smartest women are most like men.

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