My gf cutest

my gf cutest

Attached: A3653870-FAE2-4CB8-B9AB-6CA3B446DD0E.jpg (868x1124, 198K)

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Race mixing is bad and you should feel ashamed

She looks sweet.
Not everyone can be a paragon of success like you.

race mixing with asians is GOOD and you should feel proud.

But I'm also Asian.

stan EXO not bts

She looks like a gook.

That's not race mixing then.

oh wow an intellectual exo L on r9k

Very cute, what is in front of her face?

My gf is cuter. Objective fact.

Attached: Sedrial Soulspring.jpg (1920x2564, 700K)

She looks so cute and fun, cherish her

It looks like a lamp or something.

she could use a wash, maybe a shower each day

Showering each day will do more harm than good, every other day at most.

As an 8.5 female asian, this girl is below average on the female asian scale.
>face covered
>trying to open her tiny eyes as wide as possible
>alien single eyefold
>acne ridden

She seems like the kind that would cheat with your cousin as well so that's one more flaw.

single eyefold isn't a negative by itself.

Do you hate Asian guys? Are the memes true?

Janitors, delete this thread! Now!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.22_[2018.06.05_17.38.08].png (539x715, 420K)

As a hole on the internet, your opinion doesn't really matter.

Agreed. Or another average looking white boy she considers attractive.
Id say it is on the most part. Makes your eyes look smaller which is more universally unattractive.
No. I prefer asian guys over every other race. I think mixed couples are filthy.
Ok virgin

Go sleep on the couch I'll be done with her in a couple of hours.

You wish I was a virgin. Can't handle being wrong can you, princess~?

Heres your you user :3 you deserve it ~!

What makes you think you're a 8.5?

Haha how cute. You're alright in my book, hole.

imagine paying for your gf to go to disneyland with some fuccboi

you're posting on Jow Forums so you're a 5 at most

>Makes your eyes look smaller which is more universally unattractive.
xd stay mad nobody likes you after your retard surgery, monolids are the only way an Asian girl is worth even a 5/10

What Ive been rated multiple times. Usually an 8 or a 9 so I just put myself in the middle. You just know when you are attractive, cant say you can relate to that feeling user.
Sure user.
>implying I needed surgery
>still defending this uggo
LOL. pathetic

It's a bts lightstick.

>didn't notice the poster count go up when I commented
Aside from you being retarded, I never "defended" OP's gf, she just happens to have a feature better than you. Sorry you're a histrionic roastie. Tits or GTFO

Okay cutie, you can go find yourself a leftover monolid asian gf~

Ratings by who? /soc? They give any vagina owner high ratings.

Not soc. Lots of people in real life. Hear if offhandedly or while just talking about it honestly. Friends, strangers, acquaintances. Females have it pretty easy.

so you have a bf?

>getting cucked from your gf's thread
Like another level of comedy achieved.

I went to UCLA and make 100k. When we getting ramen together?