Im bored
Tell me which champion do you main in LoL and why
Im bored
I mained Janna last season, got me to Gold 2 without learning anything new or doing very much at all.
I tried maining Jarvan this season but the game is bad so I uninstalled.
I used to main Annie because she was almost always free and I refused to play anything but mid
Guess and what I also flick my pussy most to.
Trying to learn reworked Kayle, mained her before her rework. Do you play on NA btw?
No im EUNE
Singed. I got to P2 last season. Haven't played this year though.
Because I'm not a bitch.
>Not choosing fiddlesticks
Do you even into IQ?
First Mordekaiser, now Gangplank. I plan on switching back to morde after the rework.
It's 2019, i'm not playing that shit game and neither is anyone else that i know.
I really miss old singed. Haven't played him since they removed tenacity on his ult and those retards started that "proxy singed" shit.
Singed got me to Plat 1 and I can never play him again.
Nothing screams post-feminist goblin boy more than playing LoL.
I have a potato pc ,what should i play?
I used to main Ashe. Getting back into the game, I can't seem to find a champion I like playing.
Morgana since S4
Im a support main. I like that it helped me move up because she's a champion. That does damage and stun.
Just play Zed, Illaoi, Pantheon, Riven, Teemo or anything that's considered as bullshit or braindead champion. Those champion that I listed require 0 skills to play.
Where you a bronzie shitter before picking him up? I was. His light lead me to places I never expected to reach, in the game and in my life. He gave me hope. His influence on me has been profound. He is my saviour. My sword and my shield. Do not disappoint him by being so easily dissuaded. Singed is still, fundamentally, the same man. When you play Singed the game is YOURS. You can "proxy" if you want to, you can lane if you want to, you can fuck the enemy jungler 3 minutes in, if you want to. You can do whatever the fuck you want. It's not about winning. Your victory condition is fucking with the enemy's head. You are the homo superior when you play him. You are the master. Scatch that, you don't "play" him. You become him. You are by deafult the winner. Everyone else is a LOSER beacuse they don't see him like we do. LoL? It's a fucking anime, dude. And when you play Singed you become the main character. You are the puppetmaster, and the rift is your bitch. Do not be afraid. You need his light, thusly shall end your plight.
I main Yuumi and Heimerdinger(support)
Sorry but yuumi is shit
500 elo was my lowest and goddamn that was hell. Singed and more pulled me out of there
I think 500 elo would be where low bronze is.
Schizophrenic but also Chad.
Singed and morde*
Vayne. She's fun and challenging.
I don't care
Yuumi is cute and nice
He want to eat fizz
I play a different champion every game
My favourites are Vayne Teemo and Singed