He isn't learning how to get a female voice to scam beta orbiters and cause shit on Discord servers

>He isn't learning how to get a female voice to scam beta orbiters and cause shit on Discord servers

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That's actually a decent idea

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It is, some dude made a whole youtube career on that, started on VR chat and now he trolls discord servers.

It is. Never knew you could actually just acquire a female voice through training because all trannies sound like men, but it looks like they just didn't out enough effort in. You can acquire a female voice pretty quickly if you work hard.
Can't wait to be like him.

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I've done it in the past. Baiting and catfishing depressed robots and general betas is extremely fun. Just need a few cropped images from obscure places, slight voice practice and that's it. It's huge fun to give a loser false hope, make him think like he made it, pretend to care for him and then pull the rug from under him and watch his life spiral out of control. Bonus is if he starts sperging on a mutual server or if he bought you multiple games on steam. I kinda want to do this again, I miss reading the 5 message cap messages on how much they miss me, then replying with single word replies and very obviously spending time with another person right infront of them.
It can also be fun to talk with someone in a very silent shy girly voice, make them fall in love and then in like a month or so use your normal voice out of nowhere.
Mox perhaps? He's great at it. The funny thing is that people know he's baiting, but betas still orbit him so he would talk to them in his girly voice.

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I think he meant this guy. How long did it take you btw? I'm on day 2 of practicing and only made small improvements, not anywhere close a female voice. I just sound like an absolute faggot to the point I cringe when I practice.

My girl voice is so bad, it's a joke among my friends, silly boy ;).

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Oh, I've seen some of his videos.
I've done it before on skype before discord got popular. So it took me about 6-8months of practice. I have a rather deep voice so I can only do it if I'm silent and kinda speaking in a hush way. It's more than enough in all cases. I can keep a good voice going, but it's a strain overall I never really got adept at it, never saw a point, because I went for the
>v-very shy and awkward fembot who has a hard t-time speaking...
You will cringe a lot just keep working at it. After a month or so you can try it on various public discord servers and see if people believe you. When you can trick people there easily, move onto 1 on 1.
Also get a good collection of photos. I recommend going to archives and visiting niche dating or social sites from Eastern Europe. Edit them a bit crop them test them on reverse image search. You need to collect the same face ones, but you can get different people for their bodies and lower half below the face as long as they have similar builds. This will boost your chances greatly. You will learn your personal techniques as you go. I also recommend writing a character sheet for 2-3 different types you want to pretend as and write some facts so you don't mess up. Some backstory likes and dislikes. Alternate between characters. Jow Forums and /soc/ are extremely easy.
Either do some of these things or none of all, these are just general tips.

Word of caution. Don't ever crossdress(wear neutral clothing that are too big if you need to take a photo). Don't do photos with pantyhoes or skirts as a gag. Don't pretend outside of talking with your target. Don't ERP or do it very little. Don't mix in your own personal information. It might push you down a path you will not like. I've had a few acquaintance that took the trap pill because of it.

Best of luck and happy hunting.

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how do i start training
sounds fun desu

I perfected my female voice so that I can manage my mothers utilities and accounts over the phone. She died 8 years ago

Thanks a lot dude! I think I'll stick to vidya and Discord servers though. Catfishing on dating websites is probably too far.
>Word of caution.
Yeah I'm actually a bit afraid of going full trap after learning female voice. Especially because I have gender dysmorphia, but I'm sane enough to know that falling for the trans meme will destroy my life.
I've heard that this guide is pretty good. Can't really say which is the best since I'm still working on my female voice. Maybe that user can help you out because he seems to be a pro at this kind of thing.

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>tricking innocent people online
would be bad
>tricking pathetic beta paypig losers
I'm on board with

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>would be bad
Fuck morals.
>I'm on board with
Not if you're a based manipulator making cash off beta cucks. You can also sell overpriced classes to trannies.

>Fuck morals
Explain why without sounding like an edgelord.

Generic vocal warm ups. Do that for a bit. Later on move onto tranny videos that show you how to practice changing your your tone and adding softness. Don't ever use software filters, they're horrible. I have a hard time with the girly voice, but all of the practices got me into singing so that was a nice bonus.
>catfishing dating websites
I mean collect photos from there. I think I explained it wrong. Rev up google translate, open the map of Eastern Europe, point at a country and just look for local obscure dating platforms from that country. I use low quality ones with the face covered or with overall dark lighting. Never used any photos with a very detailed visible face. You don't need to do this, but a lot of people want a few photos at last or they wont bite. Don't use okcupid,instagram,tumblr or whatever other mainstream, because they're easy to reverse search. But again, this is just random tips.
Don't put too much time into someone unless they start going cringe levels
>I love you so much you changed my life!!!!
In like 5-7 days. I've had people write me sob stories on how i'm the first to give them hope in under 48 hours. These are the simplest. No point in giving months and months of work imo.

>Especially because I have gender dysmorphia, but I'm sane enough to know that falling for the trans meme will destroy my life.
Yeah again be careful. Don't tell yourself that you can get away with a few cute things or dresses. It's much harder to stop then.

And a warning BE VERY VERY CAREFUL WITH LINKS when talking on discord. It's piss easy to host websites and get some of your actual information like that. And if they're autistic and angry enough, they can use it against you, especially if you have a social media footprint. Those links tend to be obvious. If you're just having a laugh or two don't worry too much about it depends on how serious you go.

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Why would I care about morals in the first place? If I don't feel bad about it I don't see why I shouldn't do it. I don't see a single reason to care just because the majority of the population sees it as "morally wrong".

Morals are subjective. You do these people and everyone else a service by showing them to not be pathetic and fall over their heels for someone online. To be more careful with meme LDR dating and other nonsense that's easy to trick.

>Tfw voice is too deep to scam using a fake female voice

Tfw Jim Morrison-tier voice

>too deep
No such thing

Not having an interior sense of morality is literally subhuman.

that doesn't mean you throw out the entire concept of ethics.

I've done that and made 13k.
Thanks Stephen! You spanish weeb. lol

My voice is deeper than that. I can give you a recording if you want.

Ethics are subjective.

>I mean collect photos from there.
I don't think I'll send them rl photos of "me" though, unless I'm planning to scam some fool who deserves it. I'm not THAT evil. I'll probably just pretend to be a girl in MMORPGs for free items and ingame cash.
>Don't tell yourself that you can get away with a few cute things or dresses.
Actually scary because after learning that I can acquire a female voice, I've been seriously thinking about doing stuff like that. Thankfully I don't live alone though so that's not going to happen any time soon. Oh and another question, how long does it usually take to get a passable work? I'd hope I can get one within a month or so if I practice every day.
>Not having an interior sense of morality is literally subhuman.
I do, but it's different from the mainstream morals. Things I consider morally right are completely wrong for others. Like the other user said, it's very subjective. I'm not going to stop doing something just because some philosopher said I should feel bad about it.

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It'll still work, you'll just sound like a female with a deep voice.

>how long does it usually take to get a passable work? I'd hope I can get one within a month or so if I practice every day.
Hard to say. Depends on your voice now and how well you train. A month should be good enough for basics I guess. It took me more time, however I wasn't very serious about it at the time. I doubt you will be able to hold your voice steady for long conversations after just a month, it's hard to breathe and your tone starts jumping all over the place as if you're hitting puberty 20 times a minute. Maybe you're a natural.

>some fool who deserves it
Anyone who falls for such things deserves it, but yeah don't go too hard.
As an example the most i've gotten financially was games and in-game stuff. Got lots of guys to crossdress to see if I could make them do it, but would delete the photos later and not blackmail or some stupid shit. I could of gotten way way more financially, but I always worry that it would open a window for revenge. I known people making a very good living by going hardcore. It's much better to make people feel retarded over the whole thing instead of full on cheated and robbed. In a way I always hope that the person afterwards will be way more careful and wont go for idiotic relationships in under a week with someone he never even saw and wont give out his whole personal information so easily. With the stuff I used to get I could of easily contacted their family, friends or did some very messed up things, but that's not what i'd enjoy. Desperate people really need to clamp down.

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Lol. Nah. Not interested.


Alright, thanks a lot again mate! By the way did you ever try out VR Chat? I think it's going to be the absolute pinnacle of female voice trolling.

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