Be me

>be me
>gen z teenager
>have the highest rate of depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders in the history of humanity
>get addicted to vaping
>vaping causes issues with depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders

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Stop doing shit drugs kid

>>have the highest rate of depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders in the history of humanity
Maybe if you didn't spend your childhoods staring at screens like the mongs you are, you'd feel more like a real person. Most of you don't even know how hard real life is yet.

T. Big fat faggot boomer bitch

Wow you are so funny!!! Better post this on r*ddit!!!!

GTFO Boomer faggothead

vape is mental illness

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Why are people so anti-vape? Who cares if some faggot puffs a fruity smoke? Beter than having clouds of bitter smoke dumped in your face on every coffee break

Correction, gen z has the highest rate of mental illness diagnosis. Because noawadays every little time you are in a bad mood or dont feel good you have depression and anxiety.

Vapes just have a sense of gayness about them. Imagine if people in movies vaped rather than smoked. I've never seen vapes showcase in TV other than that one 10 second scene in house of cards.

true, and thats bad for people who acctiually have depression and or axiety since normalnigger gov workers and doctors wont give a shit cause what they see everyday IS JUST NORMALNIGGERS BEING ATTENTIONCRAVING IM SO ANGRY

>tfw sperg with a fuckton of comorbid symptoms
>Everyday alive is another day in hell
>Stress gets so bad that I'm about to kms on Christmas
>Start smoking to cope
>Nicotine high helps me process the stress better
>Don't kms
Thanks nicotine senpai

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>implying I care as much about the opinion of a bunch of normies around me as you do

fuck off normalnigger underageb&

>implying that I implied that I care
I vaped for years to get me off cigarettes. Now I'm using snus and dip to get nicotine. Nothing beats the taste, smell, buzz of a nice cigarette but I'm trying to get better at running and other sports.

nice to see a fellow snuser here, i love the 06 its my favorite snus. but as you say cigarettes is the best, just holding the cigarette and smoking it is so enjoyable and the taste and smell and when you blow it through your nose fuck you i really want one now

anyone else try smoking cigarettes because they were miserable and find themselves completely unable to get a kick/addicted? i worked myself up to half a pack a day for a few months, stopped cold turkey and just forgot about it completely. i almost wish they worked because i would trade a few decades off of my twilight years for better mental health/productivity during my prime desu

which brand do you smoke? roll the end of the filter facing the cigarette between your thumb and index and then drag the filter out, now you have a filter less cigarette you can smoke till the end.

>start smoking to stop feeling shit
>works for couple weeks then doesn't
>still smoke

Keep it irregular user.

I've decided to take up vaping again after having not done it in 5 years. Some of the ecigs look cool and I wanna vape because it's fashionable.

Stop using a mouth fedora and start smoking you weak pussy faggot if you do it daily your anxiety and depression will be fine real fast.

Is this a retarded cop trying to LARP as a smoker? Does anyone actually unironically think like this in real life?