Life isn't worth living without anime, video games, porn and junk food.
I quit it cold turkey, went a whole month without all the shit everyone tells me is ruining my life. And what did I find? A miserable, empty void that reminded me of why I turned to escapism in the first place.
It's almost like their "advice" is based on their projection of their own philosophy and taste/attitude rather than anything universally applicable to those they can't relate to. I recommend you just make the bare minimum effort to sustain the lifestyle of "anime, video games, porn and junk food" whenever you're forced to but otherwise completely ignore that kind of worthless recommendation.
Liam Flores
I quit Jow Forums & porn for 1 month. It's the same shitty life with less fun.
Nolan Morgan
Anime tiddies are what get me out of bed every morning to program robowaifus.
I don't know man. The only reason I wake up anymore is to look at pictures of big tiddy anime women. I think it's just the fate of super intelligent autists honestly. I didn't even want to take the 2D pill, but now I realize it's the most logical thing I could possibly do.
I find that's what it boils down to, they just can't imagine someone's vision of the best life being hedonistic pleasures that spit in the face of everything society stands for and has told them is important. It makes no logical sense to them but this life makes us happy, happier by far than anything else ever has. When I'm forced to stop it, I'll just get really drunk and kill myself.
Tyler Smith
You've got to find something else to do to replace them or it doesn't work.
>I think it's just the fate of super intelligent autists honestly All the perverted hardcore neets I know are the most intelligent people I've ever met
Noah Morris
I'd rather die, little girl
Dominic Taylor
They're just brainlets, plain and simple.
If a man is sitting there telling you life is worthless unless you're suffering to make some kike even richer then he's a fucking brainlet.
Bentley Cook
my point is these things aren't necessarily bad but they are potentially preventing you from doing something genuinely worthwhile or rewarding with your life
if you just stop and do nothing it's pointless
Ryan Thomas
kys Jow Forumssucking faggot
Zachary Murphy
>preventing you from doing something genuinely worthwhile or rewarding with your life Nothing has ever felt as worthwhile and rewarding as anime, video games, porn and junk food. The small % of shame I feel every now and then is far, far less than the large % of misery I would feel if I did what normalfags say is a "worthwhile" life.
Sebastian Rivera
>Only Jow Forums hates kikes Go ask your dad what he thinks about jews.
Truthfully, there's no objective merit to any particular lifestyle. The only thing you can take as a given in life is feeling, so you should prioritize lifestyles that give you the best feelings, that don't cause any negative feelings to anyone else. So this lifestyle is perfectly fine. People with different lifestyles only rant about fulfillment and use shame tactics because they don't realize that other people don't experience the same good feeling from their lifestyles as they do.
Brayden Morales
You can enjoy anime, video games, porn, and junk food while weightlifting. Just make sure the junk food you eat is meaty and have a few months each year without junk food for cutting
Jayden Cook
Bumping for more anime tidds.
Hah. Yeah, I've found that to be the case as well.
Just go without the junk food; video games and anime are basically just more niche versions of what normies like anyway. If Chad can spend five hours watching football, you can watch your Chinese cartoons.
If you quit but still desire everything you surrendered, of course you will be miserable.
You have to quit, and replace those things with wholesome equivalents. Replace junk food with healthy food, porn with self improvement and looking for a gf, vidya with more fulfilling hobbies (I personally think videogames are ok in moderation). But the most important thing is being proud that you are changing for the better, and finding happiness that you quit self destructive habbits. Be proud of building a new you.
Oliver Martinez
The majority of people telling you that those things are ruining your life either watch TV and Netflix or scroll down on their social medias' feeds for hours If those things are genuinely ruining your life then you'll know soon enough unless your IQ is around 3
Nathaniel Morales
Junk food gives me more pleasure than cumming
Logan Nguyen
Eat fruit, fruit is just junk food with few calories.
Thomas Barnes
Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot, no piece of fruit tastes as good as chocolate cake
Blake Ward
But imagine eating fruit ON chocolate cake. Best of both worlds.