Did you pray today?
Did you pray today?
>tfw no rigour
>tfw 200 solo kc
nah cause i'm not a prayer ch00b
Dear lord in heaven, pleaseee KILL. EVERY. LAST. ONE.
Down to their children and families.
Strike fast, strike hard, strike true: The strength of Zamorak will be with you. Zamorak give me strength!
Someone fight me bh gear, level 68.
Yeah boi going for that 99 on OSRS. Might aswell as it's the only thing keeping me alive at this point.
is there any way to automate prayer flicking or would that be considered botting and get me b&? fuck prayer flicking, but i need to do it cause prayer pots are so expensive
thanks op you reminded me to check on my bird houses
Zamorak is an edgy cuck, Guthix is the one true path
zamorak is still alive.
It will absolutely get you banned. Also prayer flicking is for pussy's, be a man and take the beasts head on.
IRL I actually did pray for the souls of uncatholic people, yeah.
I miss playin this game back in the day around 2003 - 2006.
I pray everyday senpai
only cucks willingly train prayer past 70
real men bury regular bones after that until random level ups
Prayer point renewal from prayer potions caps out at level 96. You are wasting several inventory slots or gimping your runs if you stop at 70. You effectively get an extra dose if you max it out.
t. prayer cuck
don't talk to me
No i'm not a cosmic bootlicker
At least go to 80 for bonecrusher necklace, also augury is like 4 mil
Yes, I did. I pray literally every single day. God is what I feel deep inside and it's very important ,,thing" for me
Salil as sawarim
Nashid ul ubah
Wadal qul qitali
Jamil aw sadah
Fabein akh ti hamen
Yuri dukh tuva
Waka te musaultin
Jamil aw sadah
Epic song for praying