Why do so many people hate on Discord? For a mute person like me...

Why do so many people hate on Discord? For a mute person like me, I get to add to conversations I participate in it due to the chat. There's no problem with it as long as you avoid the bots and don't invite randomfags often.

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The people who advertise discord servers tend to be unstable, mentally ill attention whores. Perception thus follow that the only people that go on discord are... Unstable, mentally ill attention whores.

Then don't follow the perception and avoid the shills.

every discord girl ghosts me for no reason and it makes me big sad

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They were probably just trannies or a whore anyways. It's also more than just girls.

I bit agree on this i just wanted talk about simething light and stuff that i like not gay and weird shit

kys codekyoko

>don't follow the perception

Literally stupid to say. We can only go off of what we see.

It's the same with any type of forum or application.
There are always going to be the unsavory types, and there's always going to be acceptable areas in the mediums.

You only see what you want to. So stop seeing the shills and trannies, and realized it's more than that. Especially for someone mute like me. When in a normal conversation I can't participate unless everyone knows sign language, or I have an interpreter with me. So being in a call with people I know and using the chat is a great thing. I don't need the help of someone else to talk with others and I'm not a huge burden. If we're playing games, I use the in game chat. If we're just chatting, I use Discord chat, which is really great.

Pretty much I guess, but I feel like it gets too much hate here. It's filled with underaged kids, trannies, and fags, but at the same time it's a great place.

It's not about the medium, the servers advertised in this place just tend to be filled with terrible people.

Because they're cheap irc larpers that fuck up the board with inner circles based almost exclusively on homosexual porn and attracting underage lurkers

But that's the people posted on the board. Discord gets undeserved bashing just because of shills that use it. You can just ignore them and use it however you want.

Not really bc almost everyfucking one uses that shit tho, servers are pure shit, its okay for one to one conversations tho but probably the other person in some r9k server which is shit so automatically that person you are talking to is some retard like anons said above

Then don't join Jow Forums servers. I have my own server where me and my friends I made over the years talk, and sometimes invite new people. They never stay long though, and it always goes back to just us lol.

Congratulations you've got a circle jerk go out or something dude discord isnt real life

>Why do so many people hate on Discord?
The people who post on discord are just as social as normalfags, except they come with an added dose of sociopathy, untrustworthiness, manipulativeness and other mental illnesses you dont find in normalfags.

Not specific to discord but highly relevant, everything you do on the internet is logged and recorded forever for people to analyze and use against you if the need arises in the future. In real life you can fuck up and say something stupid and people will generally forget about it with some time. Even if they dont, they cant prove you said it so they cant use it against you.

This latter fact becomee far more dangerous when you combine it with the former. Its one thing to interact with sociopaths and other crazy people, its another to interact with people over a medium where everything you say is recorded forever, but when you combine those two you get a recipe for inevitable disaster. Being a regular poster on discord pretty much guarantees youll run into some kind of trouble at some point. And none of that trouble is worth it when you look at the quality of people and content on discord.

Hold up. You're telling me the average r9k discord has girls like THAT?!?

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Of course it isn't. I never said it was. :(

I think a lot of people consider Discord as this thing people use 24/7 for communicating in servers full of people. I know a lot do, but you don't have to. It's purpose, after all, is to be a place for people to talk while playing games. Me and the people in my server just ended up together over time. I think a lot of people would make good friends if they just stopped taking it so seriously. So what if you run into a sociopath or someone untrustworthy? Just block em.

All Discord girls are traps and you can't convince me otherwise.

the only comfy server Im in on discord got completely ruined with the addition of this edgy faggot who spams chat with all sorts of bs and argues with every user constantly

"my discord server is good and different"

Sure pal

Just ban him or block him. You can't see messages from blocked users.

You say that because you can't get into it. That's what makes the good ones good. They don't let randomfags in. It's just us in our corner, with someone occasionally adding someone they know. Also, I'm not your pal, I don't know you well yet.

Ive been on discord since the "boom" and before that on skype, so I dont need to join your circle jerk retard, I know what the deal is with all servers. Also Im sure you've got some girl there and you're all orbiting her

Out of the 16 people there, one is a girl and was dating someone in the server before we met them.

The thing about sociopaths and manipulators is that they dont make themselves obvious. You could be friends with one for years without having a clue.

Secondly, the people on this board even if they arent sociopaths, generally have shitty and untrustworthy personalities as a standard. Even if they arent sociopaths they generally still have poor character and may end up causing trouble through sheer sperging out or lack of empathy.

Thirdly, the second point in the original post, the fact that everything is recorded forever, is true regardless of whoever you talk to. This means that regardless of who you are talking to its not a good idea to go into any deep or personal conversation, which leads to discord being basically a shitty Jow Forums with usernames.

The only way i would use discord is as it was intended, as a game chat and to talk with people you already have known for a long time outside of discord.

Dont waste time user, they will never understand discord isnt real life. They will never understand that those people called ""friends""" can betray you sooner or later. Its all just a bunch of failed normalfags and underage, discord was made for games and stuff but now its just some shit hole for edgy zoomers or retards. Thats all

And that's how we do it. We use it for banter and games. Any time we want to have a personal chat we send text over the phone.

That's what I've been saying. Use it for games.

attention whoring
you get blocked/b& for minor shit
hc beta orbiting
circle jerking

mostly circle jerking
Same shit happen on forums. It ends up people just talk among themselves because they know each other but ignore new people. Here you are forced to talk to anyone based on what their content is. And it's cancer if people just shill this shit here, instead trying to make good conversations right on the spot.

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This but discord fags are just gonna keep shilling so no point

>It ends up people just talk among themselves because they know each other but ignore new people
This is the shit i just dont understand. Why would you shill your server here if you are just going to ignore any new posters and talk to eachother anyways?