Why are conservative women so hot?

Why are conservative women so hot?

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Never seen some so npc women in my life. Probably that's why.

The less you care about politics and the less you stress out, the better looking you are

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Imagine being attracted to these "women"

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>can't give me white children

They are pretty and interesting, but require a bit more education in politics.
Oh well, nobody is perfect.

why would you set your children up for failure like that?

They are narcissists like trumpfag.

but theyre stiII hot....

she can have my babies

rich people are hotter? idk

Fuck man

How to get conservative aryan lesbian gf couple? I'm literally losing my mind bros fuck

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I've never been attracted to a woman that I later discovered was conservative. I've met some really sexy women that turned out to be antivaxxers or something equally retarded, but conservatives are pretty unilaterally mediocre.

They have higher standards for beauty

shut the fuck up etika

Pic unrelated I'm assuming.

they are more fun to corrupt

Meh antivaxxers are a special type of crazy. By conservative I just mean 'girl with a rich Republican daddy'. Lots of UC girls are like that. Smoking hot blondes who grew up watching Fox News.

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Because they get their daily dose of Tyrone

Why are black conservative women so hot? The idea of a wholesome family with a "White-talking" pretty conservative black gf makes me sad

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The women in your image aren't even remotely attractive.

White daddy or grandfather or they want a white daddy. They dress and act like a white woman to achieve this and it works. Megan Markle, Candace Owens etc

If you like the Tomi Lahren type then sure. Dana Loesch was hot when she was younger. The rest do nothing for me.