So? What happened to her? That girl from your childhood that was probably interested...

So? What happened to her? That girl from your childhood that was probably interested. Statistically speaking most of us here had at least one. Why didn't you make a move? Did you think you could do better?

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I moved around a bunch as a kid so I never had that. I also didn't really talk to many people as a kid since I was really depressed all the time.

I was crushing on another girl who didnt like me back.

>Statistically speaking most of us here had at least one.

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We were really good friends from elementary to high school and crushing on each other. But in Sophomore year of HS this one aspy kid who hated me for some reason lied to her that I hated her and wanted to kill her, she avoided me for the rest of HS after that. Last I checked she lives in a trailer park and has five kids from five different men. Sometimes I wonder how different things would be if it wasnt for that autistic piece of shit who ruined everything.

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I fucked her because I'm not an incel

She tried to contact me on facebook (inb4 normie) but it was really weird and awkward and I've turned into a recluse who can't talk to women so I ghosted her.
I don't think she was interested in me though.

Yeah, I thought I could do better. She was kind of ugly (we were 12-13) and couldn't compare to thots I was fapping to so I rejected her.
She grew up to be beautiful so I regret that decision. I think she is married now anyways.

I don't want to tell you guys in fear of getting shit on but......I was literally such an extreme beta that...

One day she straightup asked me if i liked her and i laughed it off and said of course not, then she stopped hanging out with me, got a boyfriend, and i havent talked to her or seen her since

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If a girl has ever liked you, you are NOT a robot and should fucking leave