Future bf handholding edition
last thread
/r9gay/ - #756
A guy held my hand once while i sucked his dick and i fucking melted
>tfw no short scandinavian bf to eat ice cream with
>tfw only attract zoomers
It's over for me isn't it?
>tfw no consensual bfs
i've reached the point where I listen to more jap BL asmr than music
just give me my god damn bf already
what did you and your crushes do today anons?
To the user in the last thread, use simplified International version with Duetronimical books if you struggle with the vocab.
Personally I used it for while too, before I gave it to some communist friend that was going trhough a hard time.
I am going to use Douay-Rheims 1877 Edition. Hopefully at least.
I feel bad because I coun't afford it today but the cashier didn't scan all my groceries and I passed through the security with out the barcodes alerting them, so I used the extra money to buy my bible
>tfw no father figure bf to help me through my life so i will be in eternal debt to him
I'm early to the thread
>tfw no london bf to live in a comfy apartment with, who I can look forward to seeing when I come home from work
>Another retard who tries to steal my thread 3 minutes after I make it
Yeah, no.
How do you know if it's love or just intense infatuation?
you can't but if you are a loner with no social contact then it is most likely a infatuation
>tfw no good boy bf that deserves headpats
just wait out like a month and it should show itself
Where do you guys actually find partners? I'm decently attractive as a bottom but I don't want only sex, I want like cuddling and an emotional relationship
>Where do you guys actually find partners?
we actually don't most of us tries from this threads but it ends up in ghosting or other country. datting apps are teribble for this.
that only works for hookups anyway, you don't find true love by messaging a random stranger
>bar codes alert security
bible rec disregarded
I've found mine after attentionwhoring on my cunt's general a bit on Jow Forums
if you're gay you cant feel love
posting ass on twitter till i got a bite
What are you implying mate? I don't get it. Its those scanners they put in front of the store that goes off if you took something illegally.
post your @ whore
You're thinking of straight people.
bar codes don't set off alarms you silly boy. do you believe everything you're told?
I'm not going to post my ass on twitter that only attracts guys who want sex. And I don't wanna be a whore
well ok go back to posting tfw no bf just know its your choice to be alone this time
Thanks for the advice, only way to get a boyfriend is to be a hoe.
what do I do, i lost my ass in 'nam
how many strangers dicks to i have to suck in order to get a bf? i'm too socially retarded to do anything else.
0 slutboy
so why i don't have bf yet? REEEEEEEEE
you were violated in your sleep
how? when? it isn't happening? am i not pure anymore? b-but i was saving myself for my bf. NOOOOOOOOO
Remidner if you don't have a balloon knot, you're a slut.
didnt know what a balloon knot was but figured it out. I'm a virgin who never touches his ass then one day i got balloon knot. I swear it.
>socially retarded
>slut out
An oxymoron but okay. Anyway, that's a recipe for AIDS.
You're born with a balloon knot. You lose it when you get buttfucked a few times
Give me one good reason I shouldn't be a slut.
>the only thing everyone in the thread talks about is sex
I fucking hate you faggots
what the fuck is baloon knot
you're incapable of feeling love and beiig devoted to someone
what else is there to talk about desu
are femboy butts going down in value due to saturation of the market?
>An oxymoron but okay
How? I just need to convince them that i'm a real human being through text and that's it. Obviously they notice right away when we meet up and by then it's too late lmao
>there is nothing else to talk about but sex
consider suicide
What do you guys even plan on doing today?
if the market is saturated why haven't I lewded a femboy yet ;_;
Dunno, might kill myself later.
>Dunno, might kill myself later.
Oh. What about tomorrow?
Hmmm interesting idea
Be sure to keep us updated user.
>tfw will never give my boy pussy to mein fur-uh
>gave bf too many headpats and he turned trans
Is sex for bottoms overrated? I've never had a purely prostate orgasm but it looks uncomfortable and pleasure minimal. I'm genuinely curious.
Real bottoms don't care about physical pleasure.
Dunno about sex but I can cum from like 70% butt/30% pp action when masturbating with a cold banana when I'm not even horny. I imagine having a bf holding you tight and hearing all the sounds and heavy breathing would make having a prostate orgasm pretty easy. Just keep trying I guess.
>too many headpats
what heresy is this?
you dare imply there be a limit?
How does it feel? Is it really intense? is it better than pp? cold banana wtf?
im serious.
>im serious.
So am l
prostate orgasms, real or not, are generally depicted as being better than a normal penis one. it would make sense, your prostate is being hit which is the closest you'd get to having a female orgasm, which again is a lot more intense than a male one. full body and not just the general area type of thing. i'd say you could come close to knowing what one would be like if you're uncut maybe? i hope another user can shed light on this but apparently uncut guys have better orgasms, something about the nerve endings.
question: do people actually head pat or is it just a meme?
am I weir for actually kinda wanting it?
Honestly It doesn't feel any better than penile masturbation for me, but It just feels good especially if I imagine I'm doing it with my future bf and how good it feels for him, that gets me feel really nice. And the cold banana was pretty awful but I had the opportunity for a quickie and I took it.
>It doesn't feel any better
Bad choice of words, I meant to say it doesn't feel more intense.
head patting always seems like such a stupid thing to me, even before finding out so many people were into it. i'd rather have a head rub than anything but a pat just feels so unnatural to do
I'll pat you and ruffle your hair user!1
Having your scalp scratched and massaged feels great, any physical contact is appreciated desu
Ever seen a virgin butt? Has those little "lines" going to the anus like the end of a balloon? It's like the hymen test for gays, except way more accurate becaise the only way to lose the lines is to stick stuff up your butt.
head pat means head rub im sure.
well most of the time it's depicted as a literal pat, as if you're petting a dog or something which is why it's always seemed so unappealing to me
You mean skin folds? Isn't that how every butthole looks like?
no he means how sometimes butt holes look like this *, or at least puckered in a way
Getting headpats while sucking dick is literally the best feeling in the world, change my mind.
Pretty sure that's how anuses just look like. What, are slut anuses stretched out and have a flat texture? I find that hard to believe.
imagine being repeatedly and quickly patted while you suck dick, like you're trying to slam a stop button or something frantically
I stroke my bf's hair while we're cuddling and it's really natural. I brush his bangs back like pic related too.
Sometimes I actually pat his head and call him a good boy. It's more as a joke, but apparently he loves it so why not.
I don't know what sucking dick is like, so I don't know what you're on about.
what are your trigger words? i think being called good boy in any capacity would get me, that or baby
Not repeatedly you brainlet, continuously
Fuck jannies, trannies, and faggots
I like "babe". Makes me super happy.
>tfw bf keeps calling me a tarsier
it's so dumb but also so cute hnnnnng
Tough break. Sorry to hear that user.
literally any word that comes out of his mouth.
Who else /tfwnobf/ here?
everyone. whoever says otherwise is lying.
Oh good, at least we are not alone when it comes to that.
Prince and good boy make me melt instantaneously
still gonna post this everytime until someone notices me....
I'm not sure why
i hope you have an amazing day user.
good luck in your bf quest.
being called cute is one of the most thrilling experiences one can have
Could you be specific on how you want to hold hands?
>tfw no char bf
I like the goods and the chaotics, all of them, the others suck.
>It's another "removing someone after a promising friendship fades into silence" episode
What's the point anymore?
Lawful neutral is great, you have bad taste.
who sent the last message?
I kept sending one each day to see if they would respond and it got to the point where they stopped replying.