Talk about all of your programming woes.
>read book about Linux commandline, scripting, etc
>don't use any of the skills
>forget everything in a week
How do you retain information if you don't know how to apply it in the real world?
Talk about all of your programming woes.
>read book about Linux commandline, scripting, etc
>don't use any of the skills
>forget everything in a week
How do you retain information if you don't know how to apply it in the real world?
Other urls found in this thread:
By not learning information you won't use.
Stop reading books, books are garbage, make things, do things, that's how you truly learn.
Why retain it? :3c
The only way to learn linux is to install is as your only OS and use it daily. Try to use bloat-free command line tools as much as possible. Try ricing up your desktop, it's unironically a pretty good way to learn the basics of a Linux system.
>start learning C++ in high school
>learn a shitload of math and computation theory at college
>basically learning programming for more than a decade
>still too afraid to apply for a job, and all the jobs out there seem to be the typical webdev hell where you have to hang out with hipster wannabe "koders" every fucking day and learn whatever buzzword framework of the month your IT bootcamp boss reads in tech news
I was told programming is a good career for socially retarded loners
>see this screenshot
>immediately know it's from lain
Heh. Anyway I'm doing OpenGL right now because I want to make demos/intros. Literally no other reason. Might be useful for Android apps though. If I get around to making any.
>How do you retain information if you don't know how to apply it in the real world?
Well you have to force yourself to script stuff and find small use cases. Reading is great but there's no point in it if you're not going to use anything you've read. Don't take it so fast, go over the book again chapter by chapter and think about problems you can solve with just the knowledge you incrementally gain.
Also OP, if you have a spare machine, install Arch or Gentoo and tinker with them in your spare time. You'll learn a shitload.
Actually practice what you learn?
Its like trying to learn math, dont just read theorems and proofs and do no problems. Actually apply what you learned so you understand how it can be used.
>start learning
>do it for a week
>stop learning
>forget everything
I wish I had a drive and/or was smart
Also, this. I used React for about two weeks and after that I just started drinking and smoking a ton, like it was existentially painful to use and I had to wash the memory away. I wish I could code in comfy C all day but there are hardly any jobs for that that aren't offered to seniors with 10+ years experience and a branding on their ass from the last company they worked for.
There are some real retards making good money with better prospects, just start sending out applications and highlight your skillset.
Depends on where you live, obviously but in most major cities you'll have an easy time.
I already do that. I can use the commandline "fine". At least good enough that the only graphical application I use is the web browser.
I want to go beyond, though. Sometimes I wanna do something bigger, like find a bunch of specific files, and do something with them. I realize that I once learned how to do this from a book but I've completely forgotten it, and that feels bad man.
So I simply can't learn it in any significant way like this.
doing leetcode struggling with the easy questions.
i mean i get some of them but fuck its a struggle.
You're just being lazy. That's literally it. You're afraid of failing so you stop yourself from actually doing anything significant. Stop being so lazy.
I use Arch as my main, and I know the basics of the basics.
But I can't get the hang of important things like scripting because I can't find any frequent uses for it.
install arch as your main operating system. make sure you have a phone or another computer hooked up to internet so you can troubleshoot as you go. get it installed download a windows manager, download chrome, go from there. change your .Xresources, change your fonts, download fonts for chrome, for your terminal, get a vim up and running, look up popular vim themes download one of them. now you have a perfect development environment.
you should have about 300 packages in total on your machine. pacman -Qne command will list all installed packages. type man 'package name' to read about stuff and what it does.
then start proramming if that is your interestn.
I don't have any skillset currently in demand. I spent my whole schooltime learning about fundamentals - the mathematics behind it, computation theory, complexity theory, algorithms, competitive programming... I hated network programming because it's so convoluted and ugly and needlessly complicated - and nowdays EVERYTHING is about network programming, and things have only got worse.
I'm trying to learn gamedev because that's the only field I can think of where I could make use of my current useless knowledge of fundamentals, without tearing the skin off my face from frustration.
I already did all of this (see ).
And I'm a working code monkey (Windows dev though). I can program in other languages because I've had uses for them. I can not see any advanced use for scripts/awk/sed/tee/perl/find/diff/xargs/whatever, until I actually need it like twice per month.
I'm wondering if there are any things I can do that are useful, so that I can practice and retain this knowledge.
I make very good money as a python developer and I come from a java background, I had almost no python experience when I applied for the job and it's very easy to pick up as you go along.
There's a substantial amount of ops involved though, so if you pick up a few desirable technologies, i.e. virtualisation utilities, storage technology, and if you can do a bit of cisco training it would go a long way.
Depends on what you're willing to do though, there's a hot market for this skillset right now and personally I don't think it's a stretch to pick it up if you've already got some level of experience.
>spend months designing new algorithm
>only takes a couple hours to program
>want to write a paper on it but can't be fucked
>back to not programming for months as I tackle new idea
>push the boundary of knowledge in my niche so far that academic research isn't even remotely useful anymore
>tfw no gf
Tell me more about this algorithm of yours.
it's an algorithm to find threads to shitpost in
>failing last uni project again because brainlet and lazy
Maybe I'm not meant for this
>tfw try to find programming friends on Jow Forums but they're all retarded babies who barely know anything
you all suck
There is nothing wrong with jquery. React and Vue are still inferior to it.
Sounds like a very complex optimization problem.
there is nothing wrong with inflatable boats. Yachts and submarines are still inferior
is there a brainlet's guide to programming?
basically anything that doesn't do this
There is nothing wrong with the 737 max. Nu-tech is always better tech.
Watch youtube videos, there are hundreds of effectively explained, step-by-step guides. Google terms you don't understand and try to build a fundamental understanding.
If you can't do that, you may be too extreme a brainlet.
How do you win motivation to program something daily?
Have a project you care about, otherwise you will not
any specific recommendations? so much out there don't where to start
You need to be having fun. I don't bother coding anything that I don't want to code.
haha im watching this one also
I don't. I get bursts of motivation because of an idea or I really want to jack off to something but I need to scrape it.
if you think programming books are like this then programming is not for you
programming books are probably the easiest technical books to read in the world
try reading a fucking number theory book, and you'll really know what unsteady progression feels like
If anyone wants advice, encouragement, code reviews or wants a mentor, you're welcome to join discord/xgZ5Wuf.
When it comes to PC stuff, projects and experimentation are undoubtebly the best way to learn and retain.
I worked with getting Ubuntu installed along side my Windows laptop and can dual boot between either one. It's incredibly detailed and easy to get into and I am liking how every single part of the OS can be modified if you can and wish to do so.
Just jump right into that cyber pussy mane. It's the only pussy worth dumping your time, money and attention to.
>but I need to scrape it.
Are you on a 15 year old PC or something?
i like to program with pen and paper and i dislike applied stuff, linux autism etc. what should i study as a hobby? i like approach in SICP but i dont have enough energy for this book
>people dissing React
It's like you want to write more code
Hey, some people try really hard to stop you from being able to download their shit.
Yes, just search for " tutorial" on google. There are hundreds of thousands of resources online that will hold your hand through every step. I don't know what the reasoning behind that image is, it's pretty funny but completely inaccurate.
Hey don't discourage him now. Most people can pick up programming as long as they're patient. But most people will not be able to grasp number theory even if they study it their whole lives.
JSX is the most useful thing in React imho. Everything else just pisses me off. But it is convenient.
>books are garbage
That's easily the dumbest fucking thing I've heard all day. You can learn countless things about the world from books. For things like what OP is taking about, he *does* need to create/do things, but that hardly means he shouldn't read too
I would rather write more code and know what is happening rather than using a convoluted piece of shit that can't figure itself out.
Uhh, your options seem pretty limited. It's admirable you like to do everything by hand but that is the least practical approach you could possibly take. You have to get close to the hardware eventually or you'll just be working with abstractions. Actually, maybe you should just study math and data structures. You could be a pure computer scientist in the making.
Hate to break it to you user but more code means more problems. Always.
>want to create waifu app
>a mix between "tamagochi" / visual novel / maybe roguelike
>be a fucking talentless lazy virgin looser pushing 30's living with his parents
>I have the main character design
>I'm in the middle of doing animations for it
>takes time because I want to simulate anime like / 3d feel only using 2D artwork
>I decide to check if even I can program anything
>decide to go iOS first because ObjectiveC/Swift seem "cleaner" than Java
>it actually works
>certain actions give you certain points which change status of waifu
>you can encounter different monsters/events
>waifu character gets hungry and tired with time
>if you leave app or terminate it it remembers her hunger/tired levels
>on the next launch it checks for how long did you leave her alone, it adds or subtracts points for it
Small basic things just to check if I can do it but seeing it work as a complete novice still feels nice
But when I think I will have to do it all over again for android...
Simplified code is always better, that's not react.
It depends on what you want to do. I'd take a well designed css framework focused on reusabilty with some js functionality built in for animations over mixing code and style any day.
Imagine you do something like setting up a different font style in a few elements or something, because "each component is it's own thing and we want modularity" only to figure out if you want to change things in the future you have to check each one to ensure consistency.
I specifically mean books about programming languages, not all books.
That sounds very cool, good job user, and good luck to you!
Couldn't you do it in Unity and make it cross-platform?
>t. unskilled javascript codemonkey
I did work on SpiderMonkey a decade or so ago, but I don't use JavaScript anymore.
Fuck PHP
>php makes everyone's lives easier
>his post was made using php
>the programming elitists who want their life to be harder hate it
isnt php dead
>used on 80% of the web
Nah it's far from dead unfortunately
Hello, maybe not the best place to ask this but how hard it is to get a remote job without any previous work experience (I have some OSS projects that I made on my own)?
I'm NEET who really needs a job so any help is appreciated.
What kinda projects are those?
Well I can't go into detail since I've used my real name but basically they are desktop CLI or GUI apps in C, C++, Python, BASH and Assembly for Linux (I'm fine with Windows too, I just don't use it so I didn't make apps for it).
I also know webdev though not as good but it's not bad so its not a problem if there are no jobs for skills that I mentioned previously but I don't like webdev as much.
I'd say it depends on how complex the projects are, with a NEET who never had a job before the main issue for whoever is hiring you is going to be figuring out if you're lying about your technical skills and if you can even work with other people.
What's your highest education level?
>if you can even work with other people
i can work with other people, i mean i do have lower social skills but its enough
What's your highest education level?
high school, recently graduated
>i can work with other people, i mean i do have lower social skills but its enough
Yeah but you need to prove it to the interviewer and that's what a college degree in computer science or whatever typically does, since group projects do that.
If you also have meaningful contributions to bigger open source projects that would give you a better chance than just a bunch of lone projects.
>high school, recently graduated
Unless your projects are REALLY good it's going to be extremely tough, but you should try on weworkremotely or upwork and such.
why don't you install some linux distro so that you keep on practicing it
>watch some shitty tutorial on web development
>they're using terminology that I don't know of before they've defined it to me
>look at another video
>disgusting fucking pajeet that can't speak english. literal monkey.
Anyone know of any extremely in depth tutorial series or books that'll get me going to learn a stack?
I'm a beginner in webdev but not coding. I know Python/C/HTML.
>How do you retain information if you don't know how to apply it in the real world?
Spaced repetition, stuff like Anki, Mnemosyne, Memrise, etc.
My advice would be against that sort of thing, what kind of stuff are you trying to make? Or is this to then find a job?
I was thinking about making a simple social media platform/forum, or something like a listentogether type site.
It's mostly for practice. I really would like to have something on my resume, or just the general knowledge would be nice.
Why do you advise against it?
Because the tutorial isn't going to teach you much really, and once you don't know how to do something you'll be back to step one, either looking for a spoon-fed solution on StackOverflow or looking for another tutorial.
A better solution would be to find the components in whichever stack you want to learn and read the documentation for each of those parts.
Since you know Python already I'd suggest looking into Django or flask.
>Unless your projects are REALLY good it's going to be extremely tough
What would be an example of a REALLY good project?
Also, should I learn algorithms, cryptography and AI? These are the only major topics that I still didn't learn.
Btw Jow Forums told me that there are people that learn webdev in 3 months and have 6 figure job, how true is that? Honestly, it sounds too good to be true.
Btw I live in a second-world country so I'm completely fine with working for less, I'd even do a few projects for free just to get some experience.
im CS major and havent done any programming in about a year now. Where do I go to learn actually useful stuff? I dont even know where to start. I used to just fuck around doing project euler problems and stuff like that.
>Btw Jow Forums told me that there are people that learn webdev in 3 months and have 6 figure job, how true is that? Honestly, it sounds too good to be true.
They're talking about people from bootcamps, and it's not real, these bootcamps are typically scams and the people who do get hired are just hired because the bootcamps have people inside those companies who hire.
What bootcamps give you is mostly the chance to network with companies and such if they're decent bootcamps, otherwise they're useless.
>What would be an example of a REALLY good project?
Ideally a project directly related to whatever the business you're applying to does.
>Also, should I learn algorithms, cryptography and AI? These are the only major topics that I still didn't learn.
I'm not sure what you mean by learning, people dedicate their entire lives to a single one of those fields.
>Btw I live in a second-world country so I'm completely fine with working for less, I'd even do a few projects for free just to get some experience.
Which country exactly? This is very important for hiring chances.
Makes sense. I'll check em out, hopefully at least one of the documentations are in depth instead of "just follow the patterns lole".
Thanks man
>get CS degree
>still no job a year later
>3 hour in person interview plus a post-in person call with a different company tomorrow
pls hire me
Most tutorials on youtube are shit. If you're lucky you can find one good one for the thing you are looking at. If you can't find anything then go look at simple examples on codepen.
no you post on Jow Forums
Lmao just learn hooks niggga, thats what they made them for
It is like you dont want your skillset to be as up to date as possible
>I'm not sure what you mean by learning, people dedicate their entire lives to a single one of those fields.
I mean
>get a book
>read it + do all the exercises
>do a few projects involving covered material
That should be enough to provide relatively good understanding of any topic.
>Which country exactly? This is very important for hiring chances.
Serbia (I know it's debetable whether it is a second or a third world country but whatever). Why is that important?
Hopefully trump will put all web developers into camps.
guys I'm a regex god
have some /b/ filters
# /b/ filters
/\/fur|wwyd|pics you should|shouldn.t share|fb.ig/i;boards:b
Make this a general. I need somewhere to post while I'm slave coding.
Come on the discord I just made, I linked it here, no typical Discord degeneracy, would use IRC but I want to teach the youngins.
This graph immediately puts everything into perspective, holy shit. Thanks user.
vouch lmao it filters half the board and rightfully
I'm trying to do this shit.
I started with Ubuntu, then switched to Debian and now I'm using Arch Linux.
Now I'm trying to rice my Arch Linux with i3 and everything is going fine but I'm struggling with installing polybar.
If someone can help me with this error I'd be so thankful.
>read the wiki
>search it up on google
When I try to use:
polybar example
This error shows up:
polybar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Holy fucking shit I did it.
I love the way this makes me feel, when you try and try sometime until you finally get it, fuck, I love this feel...
Thank you Linux.
Would it be worth including hobby projects that involved reverse engineering old games on one's resume? I didn't try to break the copy protection or anything but I still worry that some stuffy or technically clueless hiring managers would count it against me instead of it working in my favor because it is still technically RE'ing copyrighted software
37/150 are hidden with this set
I used to filter shit that I hated on Jow Forums but then there was nothing left, so now I just report stuff.
/b/ is like the old Jow Forums, which was like a filtered /b/
What about Jow Forums?
umm I hope nothing is or ever was like /b/ or filtered /b/
Fuck, now I've to figure out how to make this thing start whenever I use i3
Jow Forums is the board that britfeel needs to fuck off to
> wrote a program in python
> couldn't be bothered to sit down and design it for 10 minutes so it's absolutely trash full of bugs
> rewrite it in Haskell
> Bug-free and totally reliable
> Made it do everything I want with the dumbest possible algortihms
> it has been running all day
I tend to make these compromises a lot. I've even had situations where I couldn't be arsed to do any better than doubly exponential when it could have been something like nlog(n).
This is the difference between the chad math major and the virgin CS major
#include iostream
printf "this thread is retarded"
You didn't even write that shit right...