ITT: Times you acted like the Joker

ITT: Times you acted like the Joker.

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We live in society

Gamerz rize up

Fuck you veronica for rejecting a nice guy like me

Bottom text

>fart in the chip aisle
>run to the next aisle
>hear a guy go uuuuaaaaggghh what the fuck

>heard 5 ambulances passing by my street somewhere else.
>coffee is ready and makes me giggle

>nice cashier lady tells me have a nice day
>have a horrible day

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>in cinema with my Dad watching It
>girl sitting next to us is texting on her bright phone and giggling loudly
>call her a dumb bitch in front of her bf and move down to the front row

everyday of my Iife

>that wojak
>tfw remembering the wagie threads
Shit was so cash, where has time gone?

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>At uni
>Blind girl walking with her stick
>Move trashcan into her path
BWAHAHAHHAHAHAAA!!! What a ficking dunce.

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>press the button to walk across road at traffic lights
>cross during a gap in traffic instead of waiting
>hear the crossing tone activate 30 seconds after I cross
>traffic stopped for no reason

Happened five years ago
>me 17, really beta
>in "love" with girl in my social circle
>at rich girls house party
>girls there
>talking to guys
>annoys me a bit
>go outside
>gorgeous girl talks to me
>excited, talk for a half hour
>guy comes over
>"oh this is my bf"
>get even more annoyed
>chill indoors, leave drink somewhere
>go back to get it
>fat ugly girl in front of it
>say hi to her
>she looks at me expectantly
>ask her for the drink
>passes me it
>asks me how i am
>turn and walk off
>female friend comes up to me
>host of party crying on her shoulder
>"oh hi user, user is nice he will look after you"
>get annoyed, im not some drunk idiots caretaker
>her bf cheated on her
>she sits next to me
>asks me if i think she's pretty
>look her in the eyes
>"not really, you're alright"
>bursts into tears
>walk out and go home

What was I thinking

rtyj muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutg uk

what is going on in that orgio picture?

>wake up
>realized that i lived in a society

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you sound more beta now

One time I watched a Charlie Chaplain movie

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>be me, in cultural diversity class uni (class is manditory at the college)
>intentionally racebait a sjw nigger for me & my edgy friends lols
>chimpout.exe ensues
>he only proves my racebait, and makes him loose face to his sjw friends due to using derogatory slurs
>onions nigger gets frustrated
>tell him to stop being so salty & rude its not like I meant anything by it...
>cue cheeky smugsmile.exe while professor isn't looking
>cue ooga booga your dead you raycist apeshit.exe
>they start trying to fight me, let them throw a few weak punches before I "defend myself"
>after fight both of us get called into dean office, turns out I give them a black eye
>basedboy nog must formally apologize to me for "staring a fight"
>tfw dean makes repeat it to rub it in his face & dean also put him on scholarly probation for starting the fight.
>mfw Friends now jokingly call me Masta, because of the apology shit
>mfw chimpout isn't in the graduating class with the rest of us
>tfw hear he got expelled because he got arrested while on scholarly probation
>mfw it was a community college so no other college will likely accept him now
>mfw destroyed their chance at ever earning a college degree, with minor race bait.
now thats what I call comedy

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Yeah I am, back then I was low inhib enough that I fumbled my way into more contact with women than I arguably deserved

We truly live in a truly society
My life is a comedy not like a tragedy, it says so on the movie.

No, thats pretty based and hilarious. Dont fall into the thot trap

he is probably posting in r9k given his story, hell for all you know he would have been drawn to this thread to post his side of the story where he was the joker

>mom made me pizza rolls
>they were hard
>I shoved a pencil into her throat

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