Celebrity waifu

Celebrity waifu

>Pic related

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is she from aldeberan?

How can anyone live on a star?

she looks like a vril society alien

The girl from Split?

funny you should post her i came to her yesterday!

>funny you should post her i came to her yesterday!


i didn't take any but I tried a new way to cum. an user suggested i ruin my orgasm, so I let go and kinda pushed myself over the edge and came hands free to anya.

Preparing a video pitch for my movie to send it to her via twitter.

I hope it's enticing enough for her to read the script.

>I'm currently banned from /tv/, that's why I'm posting here

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why did you get banned from /tv/? what is your movie about?

>an user suggested i ruin my orgasm

sounds like a great idea

I made a thread pertaining to Anya and was banned.

>what's your movie about?

It's better to read it and watch the animatics than to explain what it is. The story is more of a feeling than a convoluted plot.

I really want to give the script to Anya

It was different. I wouldn't say it is "ruined" even though that is what it is technically called. It feels a lot different. Takes A LOT of willpower to not touch. It would be nice to have your hands tied or something but that's impossible solo

OH really? She looks really ugly as a blonde

What do you like about Anya?

for real. still not sure if it's her

>ugly as a blonde

No she doesn't

Anya is a cute alien

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Physical level: her eyes

Talent level: her acting

Emotional level: ??? (would like to find out on a personal level)

would you make her cry? ._,

Also, I wanna have sex with her, duh?

shit thread, not enough anya, no wonder they banned you from tv

she be hella cutie

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She would need to care about me before she would cry because of me

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i'm so lonely user, it's not even the sex, it's the companionship :o(

Pic related is similar to what I have in mind for the "look of the character".

Oversized sweater, skinny black jeans, and a pair of worn out boots

Forgot pic


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i'd watch your movie if you had her in it. any nude scenes?

Yes, she's naked throughout the movie, but her clothes get in the way :-(

how does she pleasure herself in the movie?

shes really popular but theres no fake nudes of her for some reason

Being a good person by making up for her wrongs.

i'm more of a face guy so not that big of a deal to me.

I'm sorry for you user. Nobody should be alone so much that they feel like that.

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OP here

When Anya and I become a powerhouse Hollywood couple (me: director; her: actress) I gonna do many lewd things with her.

> it's okay because we're gonna be married