>dating a non asian woman in 2019
>dating a non asian woman in 2019
>dating women in 2019
Unironcally yes
give me Asian gf
Brooo, I love Asian women! Yikes to any other race amirite bro?
Let's go shitpost on reddit.
Triggered roastie
Day of the toaster soon
>asians are boring
>asian americans are either boring or indistinguishable from other races of THOTs
Did you guys never see an Asian girl IRL?
In Toronto, in high school and uni they all only go with other Asian guys and only listen to kpop and into normie anime, and maybe you see a few with black or white guys but they are the normie girls who listen to thug rap and dude weed lmao.
Asians are cute just running errands and their basically the only ethnicity with any kind of culture
Do you fantasize about an asian girl pulling you in a rickshaw away from the crumbling West?
>in high school and uni they all only go with other Asian guys
Yes its true and it fucking sucks. I have incurable yellow fever but its pretty hard to actually get an asian gf because of how insular they are
You could probably go to another country and get your harem if you are white. But most of those girls in terms of education and morality are on the lower end.
In Toronto most of the asian girls at my uni, which is pretty hard to get into, do life science and all are doppelgangers of each other I swear. They are all quiet, into kpop, have some normie anime merchandise.
I like fapping to them but I dont think I would want to date or marry one, but then again im a virgin
Try talking with them you need to initiate conversation
Dude no trannies what's wrong w you
Alright lads, it's time to settle the question once and for all; what sub-grouping of Asian women are the most attractive?
My pick is Japanese. It would have been Korean had I not learnt that the plastic surgery industry in Korea is as popular as train rape is in Japan.
I hate anyone who ever had plastic surgery
>Tfw no black gf
Life... Is... SUFFERING...
>Dating a korean woman ever
There are very few, if any, that live nearby. They are barely even an option.
Fixation on the ethnicity of your partner misses the point. As long as they're proud of where they come from and not self-hating, I'm down. There are more important things like titties, and intellect.
The girl I'm most interested in is a 5'2 Italian-Canadian girl working in government. Also seeing a Japanese girl 4 years out of Japan. A Korean-Canadian prof. A Chinese-Canadian nurse. Matched with a Latina last night. Who cares where they're from.
now I do
hup hup, ling!
You arent content with just one, manwhore?
Why do you hate koreans so much?
Naw, not feeling like anything serious after the last one. I just stay open about what I want with all of them, and make friends.
So, I am certainly correct.
I wasn't disagreeing with you, user. I agreed with you in the negative that I wasn't content with one girl, and then explained that I was exploring the field. Love you, mang.
The only people who love me are my family, and I detest them. Enjoy your women
I'm sorry my friend. Have you considered asking a girl out?
I am sorry I called you a manwhore. My insult was rooted in envy. Have a good day.
Don't worry, man. Love you very much. Didn't take offense. We are all going to make it together.
It's just a grass is greener thing.
I'm half Japanese and I've dated Asian women but I never really liked any of them or felt anything for them. I don't get it op what am I missing?
Youre alright in my book. I can feel it in my bones.
Castizo women are practically white but don't come with all the extra baggage that white women do. Asian women look like preschoolers.
If only i weren't black i could actually get an asian girl to like me
I'd suck your dick, no homo, bro.
Why is every asian girl the same as the other? Like, they all look, act and think the exact same. What exactly is going on?
>Not exclusively dating and marrying Asian women as an Asian man/White man
>In the year Two Thousand Nineteen
y-you too, bro.
Why does the robot got to do me like that? Who cares if it is unoriginal. Oh man.
South Koreans, Japanese come close second. Then Chinese. Rest are trash.
Nick cage is yellow pilled as fuck
It's the dream. With all these basic white women preaching absurd feminism and getting fucked by black dick an asian is a trillion times better in comparison, better personality and better looks
>tfw no U of T brofriend to hang with
What if it's a white washed asian girl? How do I what software it's brain is running?
Count the generations. 1st gen immigrant might be too different culturally for you. 2nd gen is westernized but has 1st gen parents, so you get those nice wholesome family values and traditions but have enough in common. 3rd gen are Asian only by ancestry, no more.
I'm white and dated the one asian girl that went to my school. Her one autistic asian friend wouldn't talk to her anymore afterwards though. You guys are just beta faggots.
>implying we have women to choose from and won't take what we can get
wtf i love nic cage now