
never give up even when all hope is lost

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What is this, your middle school art project?

There's no hope because black people will always exist. WHY GOD WHYYYY

This is a thread for anons to unload their burdens and talk about the things that are hurting them. You can talk about anything that's on your mind. It's for catharsis in any way that works for you.

I'm sorry that I hurt you. I never lied to you. I think you hate me and I don't know why, but I understand if you are angry with me. If you see this, wherever you are, just know you are and will always be someone special to me. I made a lot of mistakes in this life and I don't think I can fix them, so for now I hope you have a good life and maybe we'll meet again in dreams. I will try to do better in the next life. Please talk to me again someday, even if it is only to rage at me. I wish you all the best in life.

If I could I'll take you to that haunted house one day and yell obscenities at all the ghosts just to make you smile.

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bump from afar to keep this alive until the person i'm looking for sees this

I lost hope that faggots like you would stop posting, but okay: fucking die.


I wish i could be everything you needed. Someone strong, intelligent, someone who brought up up rather than pulled you down.

I'm sorry for what i did last night, im sorry for what you thought of me afterwards. I wish i could change things and make you understand those were not the intentions i held.

I wish you could understand how much you mean to me, how you were getting me through a time period in my life i have never felt so hopeless in. I wish you knew how much i love you. How much i don't want to hurt you.

I'm sorry i fucked up, i deserve everything i get.


OP this is gay go back to where you came from

Just leave the thread if you don't like it

This thread is 6 million times better than the tranny discord threads that infest the board. You are free to leave

A "just be urself" circlejerk isn't much better. You are free to die.

When did i say just b urself? Never. I have always said you have to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Big difference. If you want to unload what's bothering you here, feel free user.

What's bothering me is you, fuckhead. Are you illiterate?

I judge everyone individually by the content of their character. That being said, never relax.

No I read your post. Again, you are free to leave and trudge through pages of degenerate porn threads if you want, or make your own thread if nothing interests you. Make Jow Forums Great Again.

> you are free to leave
Gee thanks, mommy!

I'm not your mother sonny boy

keeping this thread alive for a while. this thread is for catharsis. talk about whatever is on your mind.

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You certainly talk like you think you are.

You got me fucked up user. Hoes mad

You talk like a dumb nigger.


I'm not upset or annoyed anymore, i'm just disappointed. I know you have been patient with me, and you've always seemed like you were there to help me, yet you consistently make me feel worse, so I feel this was mostly for show. I could have been a friend to you and you could have done a lot for me without going out of your way. I idealised because you look and sound like someone who could have helped me but now I realised maybe you weren't capable of giving me what I wanted.

In hindsight it was a mistake to try to get so clsoe to you but even now I can't help telling you things I shouldn't. I hope I learn and improve from this some day. I want the best for you but I honestly hate seeing you and I hope we never speak again after we're done working together.

i'm writing, not talking dum dum
hoes furious

I'm sorry, let me be more literal: you think like a nigger.

If you could read my mind you would see
>hoes mad
What you're trying to write is
>I'm sorry, let me be more literal(;) you think like a nigger.
For someone who accuses others of being niggers, your grasp of the English language is just as tenuous.
All banter aside, is there anything you want to write about here? I want anons to write about what's hurting them, so really if you want just write about what's bothering you in life and use this thread for catharsis.

Or we can keep trading banter. I can do this all day.

don't die yet things will get better if you just keep going

>I judge everyone individually by the content of their character.
that's dumb

Hey, I remember you!


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