Be me

>be me
>170 cm (5'7)
>living in Turkey

I feel things you couldn't comprehend

Attached: me.jpg (700x520, 55K)

Saudi nigger here, explain user

Everyone is masculine and tall. It's a rare sight to see someone under 175 in the current generation. I'm always seen as a man and only underage kpop fan girls hit on me because I look like a child

>I'm always seen as a man
>I look like a child

Fuck sorry I meant "never seen as a man"

>Be me
>5'2 on planet Earth
Just end me

I'm 6'1 and 6'2 with shoes, unironically this is like the average height nowdays. Who am I kidding, many girls are around 170 here. I swear I don't know what the fuck is going on, you Europeans must be giants holy fuck.

Only Indians and Chinese people are short. Very few are masculine tho

Attached: 1555585149373.jpg (720x875, 80K)

>Be me
>Arterial and intestinal fragility
>TIAs and two verified strokes
> absent cough reflex
>Chiari malformation
>Crippling osteoporosis
All these mofuckas complaining on easy mode baka

Attached: IMG_jos1kv.jpg (700x701, 127K)

Osteoarthritis not osteoporosis mb

I'm not gonna search all of these but damn user you got it bad
Yes. For some reason the average girl is getting close to 5'6 here. I guess there's something in the water.

I'd literally rape all these underage teens in hijab but unfortunately it'd result in a death sentence, unfuckingfortunately.

Cave time was the best and most based. You literally strike a female unconsious with your stick, grab her to your cave and boom you got someone to fuck as long as you're alive.

They are pretty much extinct now

At least you cant hear THEM

bro just lift some. It's better to be short and swole than short and scrawny.

This. Not many women really wear hijab, at least where I live. Also hijab isn't allowed in a lot of places.

Attached: zyz2Bcq.jpg (638x597, 115K)

Also we don't have death sentences. You'd be out in one year.
I am trying. Ramadan has just ended so I'm gonna bulk a lot now.
>Hijab isn't allowed
Where do you live user?

not user but hijabs are banned in russia

Izmir, I only come here during the summer to visit my dad and for Ramadan, and not a lot but I'd say more people here wear hijab than in Istanbul or something.

Thats a joke right? Izmir is the most anti-islamic place in Turkey
You got lucky lol. Izmir's girls are the same as western whores so you can get laid easily without consequences
Interesting... I would never except that.

Btw are you gonna go to the "Eid prayer"

Lol what a dumb ass. I live in turkey and european nations are stupidly taller than Turks. You should visit Scandinavia or sth.

Sacmalama user..

Yes user I've visited some places myself. But that doesn't changes the fact I'm short.

Ne derler bilirsin, 180 alti kendine erkek demesin

I don't go out much unless to class, so I'm just judging what I've seen in the streets on the way there, and my family of course, who are very traditional and they don't face any problems.
No, I don't have anything to wear and I am too anxious to pray in front of all those people

Sanki insanlar anlayabiliyor, 6' sozde amerikalilar icin onemli boy ama avrupada kimse 182.5 cm olmayan yazmasin demiyor. Olay tamamen kafada.

Howdo you deal with being short in Turkey? I mean other than venting on the internet. Do you work out? Dress well?

I see. We got 4~ hours until it so I decided to not sleep.
I heard some atheists are hiding it from families and still going to mosque with it.
Also clothes isn't a problem. I'll just wear black pants and black T-shirt
Tinderden 6' alti yazmasin sslerini illa gormussundur onlara hic girmiyorum. Bi 178-180 olsam ben de dert etmezdim ama 170 ne? Istedigim kadar kafada olsun bi lise yanindan geciyorum herkes benden uzun. Disari cikiyorum kizlar benden uzun...
>Fucking ASCII text

I do work out, but messed up my program this Ramadan and quit it. I'll be starting in weeks and try to fix my sleep schedule. I simply dress casually.

I'll try to sleep. iyi geceler