Femanons post characters that are literally you
Femanons post characters that are literally you
She's worst girl, by far.
Claes is best girl.
Pino is best in general.
Echidna from Worm
Never expected to see anyone else from here
try again dummy
Triela was good in season 1 but she became SHIT by the end of season 2.
>hur dur smart characters
second season felt almost like a different anime
>She's worst girl, by far.
>Femanons post characters that are literally you
Maybe that's the point?
True, but pino was great. I liked both animes, but honestly 90% of the arcs centering around the girls in S2 were uninteresting
Amaranta from 100 years of solitude.
>try again dummy
thread is LITCHRALLY trash
who the fuck is bringing these normos here?
kill yourself you underage fag
proof that there are no females on Jow Forums
if she was a stinky chubby neet
contact and location
How rotund are you?
jedi govna, majmune
what's a majune?
5'1 tomboy oops
some obscurer shit here but this is me
Dude this was so good, I read all 4 volumes of this like a million times when I was in middle school
>jedi govna, majmune
why though?