Femanons post characters that are literally you

Femanons post characters that are literally you

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She's worst girl, by far.
Claes is best girl.
Pino is best in general.

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Echidna from Worm

Never expected to see anyone else from here

try again dummy

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Triela was good in season 1 but she became SHIT by the end of season 2.

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>hur dur smart characters

second season felt almost like a different anime

>She's worst girl, by far.
>Femanons post characters that are literally you
Maybe that's the point?

True, but pino was great. I liked both animes, but honestly 90% of the arcs centering around the girls in S2 were uninteresting

Amaranta from 100 years of solitude.

>try again dummy

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thread is LITCHRALLY trash
who the fuck is bringing these normos here?

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kill yourself you underage fag

proof that there are no females on Jow Forums

if she was a stinky chubby neet

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contact and location

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How rotund are you?

jedi govna, majmune

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what's a majune?

5'1 tomboy oops

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some obscurer shit here but this is me

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Dude this was so good, I read all 4 volumes of this like a million times when I was in middle school

>jedi govna, majmune
why though?