What drives a man to cut off his dick? mental illness? autogynophilia? onions?
/r9tranny-hate/ - #002 trannies deserve the rope edition
Largely lack of female contact , also fetishism
original coment of course
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The fuck happened to this board was it Mossad or 1 or 2 autistic trannies
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How do we force jannies and mods to move tranny threads to /lgbt/?
trannies are child molesters
we can't, jannies and mods are trannies themselves, they only wayy we can fight back is harrassing them
Join the anti-tranny disc
>inb4 tranny cuck jannies delete post
kill yourself, you tranny faggot aaaahhahahahhahahaha
Join the official r9k anti tranny discord : gg/Hkxvvf
kill yourself, you fucking tranny nigger ahaahhaahahhahahahhaa
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Frankly I don't give much of a fuck about trannies. They can identify as whoever or do with their body whatever they want for all I care. I do however find it amusing that they always avatarpost with anime characters because they know damn well they can never truely pass unless they were on hormones before they hit puberty, which generally isn't the case.
Today's thread is brought to you by the letter A for autogynephilia and the number 4 as in 4/10 attempt suicide.
Kill yourself for keeping a thread that people clearly don't care about on life support. there is a reason threads die when they don't have activity, stop cheating the system.
orgianl coment of curse
I don't really give a fuck if someone's trans or not but holy shit I liked seeing this thread after so many hiding and filtering threads
Stay in one of the fag generals. They wait until it hits the last page and then post a
>tfwnobf teehee
post just to bump it.
dilate, you triggered tranny faggot hahahahhaha
Not OP but you dont get the point of this thread do you
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I'd have to say that it is mainly a lack of attention/male upbringing. The combination will make one a attention-thirsty emasculated degenerate who decides to whore itself out all over the internet for attention of any kind. SAGE AND IGNORE ALL TRANNY THREADS! What good is it to them if they receive no attention, negative or otherwise? If they just circlejerk among themselves, we may be able to get the fuckers to go back to their original circlejerk elsewhere. Also, whoever is bumping the thread like 30 times needs to stop and add some actual original content.
It's lack of attention and validation. I feel like a lot of men just want to be women because they see all the attention and admiration they get, they admire girls themselves, and because they dont have any validation as men, they are insecure and hate themselves, and they misinterpret this as "being in the wrong body".
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orginal coment number 16 the real
bumpers number 17 hahaha
bumpers number 18 hahaha
bumpers number 19 hahaha
Can i be gay and hate trannys? Cuz i fucking do
no, faggots are not welcome either
origanl comnet
bumpers number 20 hahaha
I have a friend who hates himself and very clearly wants to look more feminine. He's riding the line between becoming a tranny and has told me he wish he could be a woman.
What can I even do to help him? He has an online boyfriend but I'm more okay with him being a big gay than a tranny.
bumpers number 21 hahaha
Tell him
1: it's ok to be feminine as a guy
2: as a guy it's ok to have emotions and the likes
3: the grass isn't really greener
4: there is no way to actually become a woman
I have agp and these 4 points are how I repress.
bumpers number 22 hahaha
That won't stop me bitch
join the 40 % you gay faggot ahahhahahaha ;ololol
He's said/heavily implied that he wish he could be a wife and have children. Those 4 points are good but I don't know what to say to that.
Holy shit nigger fucking stop being such a macaco and let this shit thread die
Well, he can't. Physically, he can't and no ammount of transition will change that. When uterus transplants are a thing, in 20 years, maybe, but now it's just absolutely impossible. He can however be in couple with a guy and find out if the more submissive role is better for him, if it is he can just keep being this way, a submissive gay guy, and even potentially adopt children depending on the local legislation.
Do tell him that he's not alone with these feelings, many do feel this way and decide it's a better idea not to transition.
Based thread, trannies shouldn't be allowed to live
Fucking christ. I whole heartily agree with OP but the thing's dead just stop. What is there to even talk about anyway?
bumperino reborn
original comment
all trannies should be given lethal injections
bumping because based tranny hate thread
future generations will look back on this tranny shit and wonder how we could have been so deluded to allow it
but they'll be thinking that about a lot of degenerate shit after society regresses hard post-collapse
I don't give a shit either but what I do give shit about is they keep popping everywhere, quarter ass their looks, invade other peoples spaces and force their sick shit on everyone and demand that they accept them and if you disagree with them on anything even not related to their mental health issue they call you a bigot. That and the one I did meet in real life is such a fucking huge attention whore.
My best friend is trans and I don't know what to do. I have seen him change over the last year. I love him and he is all I have in this world
Help me
bumperino reborn
original comment 5
We should be more accepting of crossdressing so "trans" people get it out of their system without taking hormones or chopping their cock off. Who's to say a man can't be a man even though he dresses feminine? I'd much prefer seeing men do this over destroying their minds and bodies.
Obsessed cringecels
kill yourself tranny ahahhahahah i hope you fucking die
keep fighting the good fight anons
bumperino ahahha
original comment 6
Great job you fucking ugly tranny. Keep reminded us you exist and denying genetics, you are winning me over.
Are there any liveleak videos with trannies? You know what I'm looking for.
Mental illness and a shitty society.
bumper bumper oregano
orignaila commnet
Reminder that trannies are preferable to the general public than incels such as yourself
keep copnig you tranny faggot, this is you in real life, just kill yourself already ahahhahahahhaha
Gives me a giggle you don't deviate even a little from the basedjak in the first image I posted.
I mean the guy is a retard, but damn that felt bad to fucking read.