This is getting ridiculous

Here I was beating my.meat until this came up

Where are we going as a species

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why did you share it here? Kill yourself OP

I don't see the problem here. what's your point

It's just a girl playing with her penis, what's wrong with that?

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where did these super-passable traps come from

I wonder as well. Probably a mix or early transition (pre 18, probably pre 16) and the perfect genes for that

I might need source on that buddy

for once, the jews did something good

Yeah I'm not really into feet either.

Why wasn't I born to parents who would let me transition early

Attached: sad frog.jpg (300x415, 18K)

i usually hate traps and shit but this one is an actual qt i would genuinely like to meet her

What the fuck is wrong with his toothpick dick

What is the name of this aryan beauty?

I'm the opposite, i'm glad they didn't so instead of being a mindless tranny i would like to be i'm a guy, sad and all, but at least i am conscious. And I'm too masc to transition, which help repressing when you're not completely autistic

what is her name op? originally ofc

Why are nearly all traps white?

How come trannies almost always have their foreskin intact?

Imagine thinking being mutilated is a normal thing

testing for source

What if someone made a deepfake algorithm for penises?

Attached: 5DF0B27F-31F6-4B5E-96B8-F07B9609DE23.jpg (1080x1340, 266K)

Estrogen pills. Probably started early

Damn op, we got 5 anons including me wanting that source, so give us that source

>checks month

source please? looks great

>reverse search gives no results
Please OP, I need the source please

Despite being posted after this thread maybe this op is nicer

is this the same tranny?

Attached: 1534020713251.jpg (584x1024, 88K)

I posted that as well
Ask around /b idk

It is, but how did you find that? My reverse brought up 0 results.

Just search for old trap threads you unironically new spammers

Just a yandex reverse search. There are a couple of russiaweb hits.

the penis shrinks and retracts, the penis skin doesn't go anywhere so you're basically restoring the foreskin

Nice. I wouldn't have thought to reverse search through the Russian search engine

>He's mutilated

>his cock is as big as mine
>im not gay and i dont want to be fucked
im doomed arent i

Mainly eastern europe or asian subcultures
As cute as white bois can be we tend to feed them too much in the US

>trannies keep posting this meme yet rejecting actual robots

It's harder to program a mind with less buttons to press.

He/she/shim/it cant even get hard. What is the fucking point of them even having a dick?

top tier pinkpill shilling, trick those anti-circumcision bros

Someone get me a futa Bolly Eilish on my vr headset STAT

Their sissy clit can still spit up some sissycums if you fuck them good. Its a lot hotter than getting it removed. Reminds everyone that they're a failed male meant to be a bitch to cock forever, and you get to be the one to put them in that place. Feels good man

He unironically has a 10/10 face

Attached: 1544381648584.jpg (1841x2579, 957K)

anyone got good videos of passing trannies rubbing while still wearing underwear? this is making me gay :(

That's it, this is the thread that converted me into a tranny chaser. Please post more of this goddess (male)

who is this though? origianado

His/her name is Russiandoll00

I'm not gay, but as a straight male, I got a boner.

the gross, manly abominations will soon be a thing of the past now that zoomers and future generations of trannies will be able to start hormones while they're still in high school

Liking traps is high-Test. straight

nah u just watched too much porm. unless you'd like to get fucked by one, then you're kimda gay

As a repressors, i'm going to do my utmost to stop that and make sure they can't ever transition, at least not until they are in their 20's. If I ever have a gender questionning ward i'll put him on testosterone to make sure he can't ever pass.

My mouth is salivating for that fem cock just thinking about her busting a nut in my mouth is enough to make me precum. I'm a straight guy btw

I don't like traps. Only once in a blue moon do I see something like what OP posted that gives me a boner.

Pretty sure this is it. I'd never let a trap fuck me letalone put anything near my ass. Would never go near another dick either.

I want her feet in my mouth


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100% of repressors are mentally ill like this user, and they represent the famous 40%.If you're an underage user, and you have deep doubts, transition now.

i'm not mentally ill lole, all my psy said I was mentally sane.
If I am mentally ill then you are two, we have the same illness, we just cope differently.
I'm voting for the far right in hope that some of your privileges get taken away, right now it's good enough to be tempting and damning enough to refuse.

>same age as me
so glad my parents werent faggots bros

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I'm a repressor and I'm not like that at all we both share a common struggle dysphoria I just fucked up my chance at transitioning and now I would be a 26 year old hon if i tried but I lurk /tttt/ a lot and tell people to transition young so they don't end up like me

just help them get their rights user it's our fault not theirs we just made the wrong choice and now it's too late

Quit masturbating op, repent and get your sins absolved through holy confession! That short feeling of pleasure isn't worth eternal hellfire!

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I didn't make the wrong choice, with time i've grown attached to the whole "male outcast different from others" label and image people have attached to me and feel a lot of sympathy for guys who are like me. I don't have sympathy for trannies tho, I find it revolting. I wish I could stop wanting to be a girl and start liking my life and body etc, but at least I have my ego and i havent damned it. And it was never a choice anyway considering the country and family i grew up with.

I hate my family and I hate people that gate kept me in the wonderful bible belt but I don't hate trans people I'm glad they can be happy

what's the point in a girl having a penis if their beauty and innocence is 100% manufactured as opposed to just naturally being a sweet feminine boy who grows up around harsh competitive straight males?

Wasn't that what it was about? Being a "girl" because you deserve to be one?

I really wish he had videos of actual penetration

ill always be jealous of early transitioners. i was super androgynous when i was younger, i used to get bullied all the time for looking like a girl. this couldve been me. now im just sad repressing faggot in their mid 20's

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>used to have treads filled to image limit with top tier traps like this
>nowadays theyre infested with crossdressers and trannies

not fair :(

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Goddamn she's kissable with suckable, lickable, sniffable soles

bruh there's no waay this isnt a tranny. no one can look like that without hormones. go cry elsewhere

traps and femboys used to actually be good at taking pictures of their bodies, it seems like the standards have dropped

>no waay this isnt a tranny
but they still meet the trap critera
gender dysphoria doesnt mean someone passes and people want to beat off to them

desu posters seem to also just post trash or encourage people who just dont pass
trap yhreads on /b/ are just really fucking gay these days because all somone has to do is post uwu am i cute and these no standard having fucks ask for more

god i miss the old days of trap threads
no arguing, just very girly bois

Youre a fucking stud man, confirmed

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yeah trap threads are full of obvious men at this point, and mostly just reposting porn. Back when I posted we could actually get threads full of quality stuff.

I want to lick her ass while she jerks off onto me

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I wanna snarf on her bussi

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any id on this?

Attached: tran.webm (330x480, 840K)

why are white """"people"""" so damn weird

Probably extinction, at least the white people. One tranny, and say on or two other white men means at least 6 kids were never born. It's a great population control psyops.

LGBT education to 5 year old kids, and parents that let them go through state funded transitions at the age of 12, at least the results of these policies will be emerging for you to wank over like a fucking loser in a few years time.