Do you have a boyfriend r9k? What is he like if so?
Do you have a boyfriend r9k? What is he like if so?
yes i do, his name is op and hes a faggot
Yes I'm a faggot, you want to be my boyfriend?
>Yes I'm a faggot, you want to be my boyfriend?
i don't know post stats and beliefs
wow i spend a few minutes looking for a image and my chance at a bf is taken from me
I'm 5'9 and 140 pounds and I've been on hrt for almost 5 months
idk I don't really have any beliefs so atheist I guess I'm mostly apolitical too.
you have to have some type of beliefs on society and how things should be
also location?
I'm in canada how about you
Also I dunno if I want a bf right now I was just asking what it would be like for people who have one
I do, he's short tempered and short period. He always corrects me on everything and it can get tiresome. He hates being corrected himself and hates being helped with anything. But most of all he HATES comparisons. Whenever anyone tries to relate their experience with something else similar be it 'this artist sounds like that artist' or 'that anecdote reminded me of when I...' he loses his shit and whines like a baby about 'why can't you just talk about the thing that's being talked about.' The worst is when I compare him to someone else or anything he makes to something. If he made a song and I compared it to the greatest compositions ever made, he'd just get pissy and defensive. He's also very particular and neurotic and has a long list of allergies and phobias.
But he's also very sweet and caring, he cooks and cleans for me and is clingy, loving, funny cute and passionate and is happy when I praise him and tell him he's working hard. So I still love him.
LMAO this nigga sounds like a straight up retard, you're gonna be cuckolding him before you know it.
Sounds like he has an IQ of 85 at most
Yes, he cooks at least but I'm tired of doing everything else around the house while also working full time
Unlikely, he's very self assured and driven. He has self respect and is the dominant one, mostly. He'd have no problem finding a new partner, but I doubt any normal person could keep up with his shenanigans for more than a week or two. He's very special
He's much smarter than me, just not wiser, though I can see how you might get the wrong idea from my post. Think borderline savant genius. Comprehends the sciences and social psychology very well but is stubborn, emotional and too autistic to understand people's intent or read emotions where it counts.
I'd be meaner and firm with anyone else when they snap at me, but not him, because I can wound him even with the slightest sass, just because it's me, I think. He cries or sulks as soon as I take an argument seriously, like a small dog that was barking annoyingly and was kicked for it for the first time. I'm infinitely zen and patient with him, because I have to
he's cute and funny and hugs me lots
Oh, autism, that makes sense.
I honestly can't understand emotional people at all though, why can't people just learn to turn off their emotions?
can I be on Jow Forums if I'm a girl or you'll looking for my tits?
Emotions can be good, they're passion, as opposed to the vampiric detachment which separates you from the era you dwell in. You breathe its air but you don't seek to draw it in or taste it. You walk through it's years like a dream or a mist, merely watching, not really even observing, utterly uninvested.
How then could you be driven to great action, or indeed any action at all?
>How then could you be driven to great action, or indeed any action at all?
I mean it's not like I turn all my emotion off, just when it's unpleasant. However I'm also not very motivated or passionate, so I guess that is the downside.
I just wish I could be happy all the time like how I was in 12th grade.
ill be your bf
[/spoiler] if you stop loli posting you tranny [/spoiler]
lets hold hands.
You don't have to show your tits, but you do have to be my gf.
oh yey
wait.. what kindf of music do you listen? what's your star sign?
Nevermind, I just listen to trashy weeb music from Anime, usually people that ask about music want someone who doesn't listen to trash.
Also I don't even know what a star sign is.
An actual 60 IQ gamer
I don't think I could get a math degree with 60 IQ though.
you posted just as i woke up from a nap, it must be a sign
do you like holding hands crisscross or pancake? i always liked holding hands with my mom crisscross, but that was a long time ago and i havent held hands since
He's a hard worker. Better at halo than me but sucks at stealth games. Doesn't mind my clingyness so that's good and he gives me head pets all the time.
He reads people well and likes to stir the pot. Will help others but knows when to cut the chord. Helped me out of being a NEET. Patient and good at cooking
okay, it's bad idea to told here that you're girl
>what's your star sign?
females really are bots holy shit
clingy is good, just don't ever cheat
hm yea. dealing with Astrology almost 10yo is really bots
>hm yea. dealing with Astrology almost 10yo is really bots
that's right