Transwomen have earned their place on this board. Deal with it

Transwomen have earned their place on this board. Deal with it.

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Dont you mean transman?

Only if they peg me, one time will be enough

getting your duck mutilated does not and will never make you a woman

in any case I'm not worried about trannies on r9k because they always end up killing themselves so the problem will solve itself over time.

Thats awful. We only like girls with intact penises here

This place is like your life, no one cares bout you and everywhere you go no one will accept you.

Fuck you, nigger. Go dilate in your containment board

join this discord to combat the tranny invasion discord/gg Hkxvvf

By irritating us with your degenerate threads? Fuck off

this is true they're hurting more than helping :/

years ago if i mentioned i was a tranny i would get a few hate messages but people generally were ok with me

>use my tax dollars so you can mutilate yourself
>sue people if they don't go along with your mental illness
>actually expects me to not hate them
only redeemable part of trannies is that they kick women's ass in sports

Invite's expired, fucktard.

how so?

You've earned your place here like a tapeworm earns a place in a pigs shitter


respect has to be earned just like money
you and yer people have earned shit fuck off back to lgbt fuckface


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not based


Degenerates like you belong on

Hope you have a good day anonette

They've earned their place as foot cushions and court jesters, their existence is tolerated only for the dismal entertainment they may provide, we have no need for ugly ones, or the opinions of any. They gave those up when proving themselves mentally ill and a moral hazard to our community.

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Im going to fuck my cat :(

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why are there so many transwoman diaperfags

It grosses me out too and I hate that a lot of people that are trans like me take part in that disgusting shit

Bash the head of a tranny subhuman, and you'll surely go to heaven

i think it's hot desu

>ywn get to diaper a boipussy

Sure they have. I wouldn't care as long as they shut the fuck up about it. Like just act like the rest of us and it doesn't matter. The reason we hate traps and trans fags so much is because of how putrid they act and post pictures of their little tumor hanging off their body. And I'm not talking about their head.