>tfw always cum in 30 seconds
What's the point of trying? I can't even enjoy masturbation.
Tfw always cum in 30 seconds
Me too user. I have no clue how to solve this problem.
Just dont cum retards
Holy fuck, thank you user, I can't believe no one told me just that before. Based.
I used to have this problem and edging really helps. Basically stop when you think you are about to cum and then continue after your dick has calmed down.
I take 2 hours and it just hurts my hand and dick so I give up
lol how is this possible, just move your hand slower you moron
I will give this a try thank you friend.
wanna swap dicks OP? I can't cum after two hours of pumping away in vag and ass but I can cum in under a min or two with my hand
fuck this gay earth
I doubt whoever you're fucking minds too much.
And If you want to end then you can pull out and masturbate
I have the same problem and it makes my gf upset that she can't make me cum. Any advice for this feel?
I have the opposite problem, I seemingly can't cum
literally just stop before you cum, wait till your dick calms down a bit, then jerk off again, rinse and repeat
Wrong board
Gtfo nigger
Masturbate more, it took a period of masturbating twice daily in order to not cum immediately after stroking my dick/having sex
Lifting helps getting you more horny such that masturbating more often isnt a chore, in my case it also helped taking control of the orgasm
It depends on how much you pregame I think, I bet your not cold turkey masturbating. I might be playing with my dick but not "masturbating" but I would be aroused like from looking for good sauce to shoot the sauce to. If I have done that and I get a good technique going I can get speed nuts out in like 30 seconds.
Nofap unironically
I dont understand why you are complaining about cumming quickly, cumming is literally the only pleasurable thing when you masturbate and it barely even feels that good.
I have the exact opposite problem. I cant cum if my life depended on it. Even masturbating i take like 20-30 minutes and when having sex its outright impossible, i feel literally nothing and im not even circumsized
>t. mutilated cutfag
I'm uncut though, but I've probably just masturbated too much to get any pleasure out of it I guess.
just take SSRIs senpai
Since I stopped watching porn I've started going for much longer without edging. I can still go in less than a minute if I'm in a rush, but usually I last 10+ minutes before I need to slow down.
Longest I've gone was 30 minutes, but I usually edge for 5 minutes.
I take 3 hours. At least you are efficient my friend.
If you don't have a gf, this should be no problem.
>go slower
>grip softer
>learn how to control your body you noob