Only member of my race on face of planet earth

>Only member of my race on face of planet earth
>All the other Amerindian tribes with tri-racials are .12 away genetically from the one I descend from
>White to black is only .153

I'm totally alone in life, and I'm almost worthless. My IQ is only 132, but it has destroyed me and given me autism. I can not feel attracted to other races because of it.

I don't know what to do now.
I can't brutalize others because I'm not an immoral creature. I can't love anything because I'm not strong enough as a person to break/be blind to the racial barrier.

I want to just kill myself and die and be done and close the door on life, but that would mean leaving my sister totally alone in a world this horrible. I'm thinking to get on SSI, wait 30 years, and kill myself at 50-60 so that my sister's brain shrinks to the time she was 14, and she becomes strong enough to handle my death.

Attached: Me2.jpg (812x593, 184K)

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>only member of my race
there's millions of other creaturas

99% of them would try to kill me.
Look at Brazil.

Go end yourself you're not worthy of living

Post facer

pic related, it's my face

The only one of its kind though it looks like many others

Attached: MyFace20.jpg (2407x2448, 432K)

0.3% Ashkenazi is hardly Jewish

It's not even close, and it's a false positive.
100% of all Iberians get "Ashkenazi Jewish" because of gene overlap.

Your pretty attractive imo. No homo my guy.

you look like an average white guy why you complaining so much?

Because I'm not white at all.
White girls aren't attracted to me, and I'm not attracted to White girls.

If there were ever a large population of people like me living next to whites, we would end-up killing one another like they did with Turks, Circassians, Armenians, Jews, Slavs, Gypsies (which aren't even a big threat), etc.

Literally a Muslim (which whites genocide in droves today)

I think you've become fixated on this, to the point of it being dangerous

Do you really wanna know why you're weird, uninteresting, awkward, unsure, and worrying about the future? It has nothing to do with genetics.

It's actually because you don't have a soul-- Therefore there is no real depth or enjoyment to life for you, no loving reprieve, or shining moments of justice. You haven't built your soul yet.

A soul is not something we are born with-- A soul is something we build over time. Despite all the fixed, immutable building blocks that comprise human life, we are never completely born. Your story doesn't begin or end with a few numbers on a page.

You're not alone. Never were. Now shed these foolish notions, and as ashamed as you are about this weird hangup, you need to talk to a therapist-- Talking to a professional is good, they can help you pin down whats really bugging you. You've got bigger problems than a 2 percent commonality, lol

So do we all, for that matter

Attached: 1504225498074.jpg (570x570, 144K)

Tell me about our heritage. What makes you look like you do?

I don't understand why you care so much, stop caring about whatever "group" you think you belong to and focus on just yourself. Afterall, your life is about you in the end, not your race(s?) or whatever. Don't feel bad for what you were born as, own it instead.

Though it's kinda funny how you look less white than me yet I'm not even white.

had us in the first half, not gonna lie

Welsh and Nicaraguan DNA.
Jamaican black with Tawira-or-Chorotega Indian and Iberian European DNA female mixed with Pure Welsh American male.

You look like a latino with a white father, which is what you basically are, ancestry-wise.

he claimed he was muslim

Those tests are scams. Literally even identical twins have ended up getting different results and there have been cases where they couldn't even tell between dog and human. Geneticists laugh at them cause of how genetically NOT diverse humans are cause of how interrelated everyone actually is.

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No. You are caught on details.
I am essentially a Muslim though I am not Muslim. Me and my kind would be treated like Arabs though the genetics are radically different.

No, you wouldn't, especially in the US, unless you go outside wearing a djellaba you can easily fly under the radar.
t. Muslim

You are a Mexican or an Indian in the eyes of a European. They don't even realize you're an Arab. They just know you aren't white.

This is not because they're hateful or look down on you, but because their eyes are not visual.

It is too much prenatal estrogen.
They see like women.

>Though it's kinda funny how you look less white than me yet I'm not even white.
let me guess, you're "hispanic"

>Geneticists laugh at them cause of how genetically NOT diverse humans are cause of how interrelated everyone actually is.

what kind of shit are you smoking?

humans are quite genetically diverse, and yes all humasn are related. all apes are related too. we are related to chimps, and gorillas.

but yeah, they can do a DNA test and assign black, asian, white, and amerindian people randomly into 4 categories with a computer program and it is assigned to the correct racial category over 99% of the time, with just a few markers.

>Only member of my race on face of planet earth
>Have sister
Make your mind up!

>Can not feel attracted to other races because of [autism]
You're already a member of at least seven races, so you really don't need to feel attracted to other races.
But a few more years of tfw no gf and you'll almost certainly find yourself attracted to other races.

>tfw IQ too high for interracial attraction


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You look whiter than me and I'm pure southwestern European. I have olive skin and curly hair.

Kinda like pic related.

If you actually had an IQ of 132 you'd realize that race is a meme and that race mixing is inevitable and soon will be meaningless due to gene editing.

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>those links
are probably accurate, i don't doubt it

it doesn't change what i said, at all

the DNA tests used for commercial use to sell to people to say what % of each ethnicity they are, virtually all of them are trash. that's a fact

now, what i said is also true:

>they [scientists] can do a DNA test and assign black, asian, white, and amerindian people randomly into 4 categories with a computer program and it is assigned to the correct racial category over 99% of the time, with just a few markers.

this is also true

one example:
>In this study of 1334 individuals, who self-identified as either African American, European American or Hispanic, we demonstrated that when the true underlying genetic structure and the self-defined racial/ethnic groups were roughly in agreement with each other, the self-defined race/ethnicity information was useful in the control of population structure...

it is a FACT that they can test whites, blacks, and asians and using just a few markers assign people into 3 categories corresponding to these 3 racial groups, with over 99% accuracy

it is also a FACT that most commercial "learn your ancestry" DNA tests tend to be bogus

>In a recent study, when we looked at the correlation between genetic structure [based on microsatellite markers] versus self-description, we found 99.9% concordance between the two. We actually had a higher discordance rate between self-reported sex and markers on the X chromosome!


>A complete leave-one-out validation experiment demonstrates that, using all available SNPs, assignment of individuals to their self-reported populations of origin is essentially perfect.

so these are what we know
- scientists can determine race with basically >99% accuracy using DNA tests
- most commercial DNA tests for the public are trash

Those studies rely on arbitrarily define European as white and African as black. They're pseudoscience