Would you rather cure AIDS or go back and relive your life as a 10/10, and with all your current knowledge?
Would you rather cure AIDS or go back and relive your life as a 10/10, and with all your current knowledge?
cure aids. im happy right now despite wasting some years of my life
AIDS, how is this even a question.
Is there an option to kill myself
Imagine how much pussy you'd get if you cured AIDS
>current knowledge
Being attractive never got me anywhere because I got horrible social skills.
Cure AIDS, obviously.
AIDS. Not because I'm selfless, but because looks were never a real concern for me. My brain's the problem.
>caring about curing trannie disease
relive 10.10 so i cna pound the pussy hole
I wouldnt want my current knowledge. I'd probably know more as a 10/10
Fuck yall faggots I'd do it again even if I fucked up again rather than save some gay sluts
10/10. Who the fuck would cure AIDS? It mostly kills niggers, fags, and whores. AIDS is helping to make the world a better place.
what kind of fucking question is that
do I get to be a 10/10 girl?
If I got credit for curing AIDs, I'd cure it. Otherwise relive my life.
go back as 10/10. why would anyone cure aids is beyond me. ignorance i guess.
>Go back as 10/10
>Choose to cure aids when offered this choice again
fuck trannies and jannies, im going back to become a 10/10 and take down chads throne
Holy hell, there's a lot of cucks here. Aids only affects niggers.
I'll take the 10/10
>would you rather the earth be overrun by niggers and gays or have life on EZmode
Go back, I'd go back even if I looked the same with my current knowledge.
Human population will grow out of control if we don't have things like AIDs. Also it's so treatable now that people that are HIV positive can live perfectly full lives. I'm not a hero so I won't cure AIDs, but if I were a 10/10 then people would assume I was heroic and many other positive things because of my attractiveness.
Go back. Let the normies die of AIDs.
i'll take being a 10/10. who gives a shit about other people lmfao. plus """they""" will steal my cure anyways
Aids mostly clears out the trash so the choice is obvious
why would i even want to cure aids? degenerates deserve it
and do i get to be a cute girl as a 10/10?
i mean i'd also instantly be rich because i can remember lottery dates but yeah
Neither. My childhood was fucking miserable and AIDS does its job.
>My childhood was fucking miserable
yeah but that could be fixed with the intelligence of a grown man
if i get to be a kid again with my current knowledge, then ill just make sure to use my superintelligence to cure AIDS
Even if the choice was between curing AIDS and absolutely nothing, I'd choose nothing.
AIDS is a cure, not a disease.
Fucking relive my life. They already have a cure for AIDS, the Government is hiding it.
I despise the state of being a child in itself and my asocial attitude hasn't changed since the most despised years of my life either (age 11-14). Having to relive my school years is something I never want to have to do for any reason.
I would find the cure for AIDS and monetize it; the resulting wealth and fame will allow me to have and do whatever/whoever I want as if I were a 10/10
Cure aids then curse humanity on my death bed
Its a win-win
10/10 desu, fuck everyone else
Do I get the money from selling the cure for AIDS, or just the credit? This is important.
>cure AIDS
>become world-renowned and rich from manufacturing and distributing the cure
I have a shit ton of regrets but curing AIDS would not only benefit the entire population of Earth but also me personally.
Why the fuck would I want to cure AIDs and save faggots?
cure AIDS
cure aids so I can finally stop using condoms with grindr hookups
>Suggesting living life will result in anything other than suffering
If I choose the cure can I shoot myself?
Go back and live life as ten out of ten. How is this even a question?
I neither give a shit about curing AIDS nor am i unhappy with my looks. But i fucking wish my looks worked on women instead of goddamn men. Goddamnit this is the one thing that sucks about being lesbian
>gay women don't like women that are attractive to men
>implying gay women don't actually exist
Bad bait. Bait was so bad I almost reflexively saged for no reason.
Go back as a 10/10 and be a volcel
>enable faggots and sodomists
>suffer through life again in a body that isn't mine
I take neither, fuck you
I channel my wishing power to obtain a tall muscle gf instead
I don't want to do either one honestly, but if I had to is relive it as a 10/10 just to suffer.
If people would know I cured aids and I'd get the clout/money associated with it, I'd go for that
If I get jackshit for curing aids, I'll go back and relive as a 10/10. Not even for being 10/10, I just don't wanna fuck school up as bad as i did.
>all these nigger-loving faggots wanting to save the niggers and trannies
what the fuck happened to this board?
Cure aids because being sick feels like shit. I don't want others to suffer.
Hell what if I get aids in my 10/10 form. Not worth. Plus reliving sounds really annoying
The first one because I'm likely to get boatloads of money for discovering the cure for AIDS and I don't feel like redoing my entire life over again. I'm less socially autistic then when I was younger but I wouldn't be able to do much with my current knowledge besides end up in the same spot I was before.
guts would want promiscuous filth to suffer
I don't want to cure AIDS, so I'd go back and start my life again as a beautiful, jaded and bitter butterfly.
>would you have help niggers or play life on NG+
this isn't even a question you insufferable faggot
>cure AIDS
I actually am quite content with he proliferation of fatal sexually transmitted diseases. Keeps the faggots and niggers in check.
I get the argument, but during aids and patenting it would make me more rich than my current knowledge would
If I did that I would have applied myself in school, gone to college as like a 15 year old who passed for 18 and cured a disease worth curing like brain cancer
Honestly if you gave me #2 I could more easily accomplish the first one. Is that cheating?
The latter honestly. Aids is awful but imagine all the more fucking dumbasses populating the world if it's cured. I don't need more trouble getting work in a big city. AIDS, in part I'm sure, has culled that down to some extent
the latter, people need AIDs to die
I think one life is enough, I definitely wouldn't want to double that so I'd cure aids but only so I could die sooner + my life isn't that bad
This. If it was killing people worth saving id cure it. But right now, absolute degenerates get aids.
I'd go back and try to stop 9/11 and Columbine from happening It'd be a challenge while I'm 10 and prevent the world from becoming the shithole it is now.
Reincarnate me already
Would cure AIDS because it would bring misery and doom to white people all around the world.
Can I take credit for curing aids? If so, that. A comfy life resting on unearned laurels sounds nice.
I'd be a 10/10, didn't even have a second thought, aids is the result of lifestyles that should not exist and getting it means you were not fit to live.
And if you ever get children you condemn them to your very same fate, and since you shouldn't have had children at that point, their death is justified, and an act of mercy if euthanized anyways.
being extremely attractive would just annoy me from people trying to talk to me lmao but I could make a lot of money from curing AIDS