I hate old people with passion. I respect them but I still despise everything about them

I hate old people with passion. I respect them but I still despise everything about them.

They lived in shitty times, they got treated like dirt when they were young, they were poor and had nothing, they didn't know what it means to be happy, just pure hard work and no reason to live other than survival. Now they want us to go through the same shit because we have it too easy somehow, as if it's bad to live in comfort.

Can't wait till all these old gen people die out, their mindset is cancerous.

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>as if it's bad to live in comfort

It is.

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>They lived in shitty times
Disagree. I'd trade my time for theirs easily.

I just hate how slow and weird disgusting they can be + their senile brains are disfunctional most of the times.
My grandma is the only old person I truly respect.
I'd probably become a incompetent fuck when I'm old so I'm trying to die before that

>we have it too easy somehow

They worked hard so we wouldn't have to, but now they're jealous that we live in a more comfortable world that they created for us.

how is it in any way easier today than it was for boomers
its way harder now

>it's bad to live in comfort.
Your comfort is at other's expense. How do you not see that?

>hard times make hard people
>soft times make soft people
I'm dealing with hard times but it isn't making me harder
wat do

Are you actually dealing with hard times, or are you exaggerating soft times?

Congratulations, you have now been drafted for the war in Vietnam

Gotta get hard, user
Get so hard

The past few years have been hard, with a small period of good
Been dealing with a lot in my personal life

This. Anyone born before 2000 is ass and shit.

Yeah. guess that's all there is to do

I haven't met old people who demand people go through hard times. I've just met those who say it's your own responsibility to win ease, which it is.

Just make better decisions, welfare queen. People who make smart decisions don't usually suffer.

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Do you miss the point of boomers? None of them actually grew up in hard times unless they are vietnam war veteran.
It was better times than today by every metric but they think that's successfully countered by all telling the same damn story about walking to school uphill in a blizzard for three hours twice a day.

>every metric
>they didn't even have memes or fortnite

You're completely delusional and retarded, boomers were the luckiest and most spoiled generation in american history. Quality of life since the 60s has only gotten worse and worse.

>>they didn't even have memes or fortnite
lucky them

>burns draft card
Eat shit uncle sam

Most old people are fucking based from my experience. I've met all of one person with the sort of typical cranky old lady attitude, and while she was a cunt, I didn't have to deal with her much and management actually sided with me (it was at one of my old jobs).

Usually they're mature as fuck and have the life experience to know that everyone's going through some shit, as well as the attitude that life is short, so they tend to be pretty nice to everyone, try to avoid drama, and try to pick up your day.

>Lived in shitty times
Not even fucking true
Fuck off, I could draft dodge and be an hero by the (((Media)))

pretty sure it was much easier to get a job with much less of an education back then

which job would you want.

but that's wrong nigger. i would not have been drafted.

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>he actually thinks he wouldn't be drafted

Le wrong generation sadfags

>spend a couple years smoking grass and killing jungle monkeys
c'est la vie

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Old people are pretty great. Lots of life lessons.

T. Registered nurse

i literally wouldnt have been, retard

Yeah sure bro I totally believe you!