
made some chicken for myself for the first time in a while. hows it going bros?

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>takes picture of food while making sure to show he has booze too

this is a drinking thread. i always try to take pics of what i am eating/drinking at the time this isnt a way of showing off my lonely dinner

I just went out and got a can of this shit because I felt like changing it up a bit from my usual Olde English
Probably gonna reheat some leftover pizza in a bit

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how is it? never seen it before. i tell myself ill switch it up once in a while bt i end up defaulting to my comfort drink. cheers bro, what kind of pizza is it?

It's pretty drinkable for being 14% but I'm sure that's because it's loaded with sugar. Tastes like blue raspberry lemonade.
Pizza is double pepperoni and green olives, with cayenne pepper sprinkled on.

i enjoy a fruity sugary drink once in a while but can only handle one. pizza sounds good did you add the cayenne?

It reminds me of of when I first turned 21, all I bought were the sugary malt liquor drinks, ah good times. Getting drunk in my first apartment and playing Rock Band in nothing but my boxers because it was hot as fuck due to a broken heater that never shut off.
And yeah I added the cayenne.

Looks good
Cooking for yourself feels good
The food tastes better too
What seasoning did you put the chicken?

my first drink was jaeger but i drank too much of it in college and cant drink it anymore besides the occasional jagerbobm on nights out. i need to buy more spices i ran out of turmeric and garlic powder a few days ago

thanks, and it sure does! i just used salt pepper onion powder since it was all i had. normally i add some turmeric for color and taste

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Ay my dude, was looking for youe thread earlier today. I polished off a 6 pack of Boulevard Tank 7 Ale. I prefer the taste of pilsner, lager, or heffeweisen but at 8.5% I can get over it. Also had a steak and velveeta burrito with chipotle sals. Simple but tasty.

What you up to these days?

I haven't had jaeger in a while but I liked it enough to drink it straight last I had it
I won't touch tequila anymore though, never again.

You didnt trim the fast on the chicken and you boiled the broccoli too long.

cheers man, glad to see you here. are you planning on dirnking anymore? and your meal sounds wonderful drinking food. im looking for a job at publishing firms hopefully. how are you?
lol i stay away from vodka esp flavored vodka since i drank mostly burnetts pink lemondade when i was younger since it was so cheap. fuck i want to puke just thinking abou tit
i like the fat on the chicken desu and i just nuked a frozen bag of broc

Joose is about the same as four loko. Its a treat to find at the odd gas station when you're having a road trip but its definitely no gourmet brew worth looking for

>four loko
fuck that takes me back too. used to beer bong them during pregames to get proper fucked like a moron

I like the sound of onion powder, wanna try that when I can
Unfortunately I am broke
Turmeric also sounds amazing
I want to try marinating in yoghurt
Do you know of Strong Zero?
It is a Japanese drink. Cheap and higher alcohol content
I prefer it to other drinks because you can drink it longer
Gonna switch to my laptop because it says I cannot use some characters on this Japanese keyboard

Oh god, sounds like puke city. I used to do the same sorts of thing when I first turned 21 though. I would hang out with college posers who wanted to do stereotypical drinking games like "edward 40 hands" or "wine slap bag" but they would just take a pic for social media and bail, i was the only one sucking down all the booze lol

I'm busy NEETing it up. Really need to make some calls to get a new drivers license and fix my bank situation but I hate phones. Been bringing my actual birth certificate to liquor stores as ID and its worked so far lmao. I suck

hope your fiannces look up soon user. i never marinate because i have no patience but i really should get into it since it adds so much more depth to the flavors.
>Strong Zero
no never but it sounds good, isnt suntory that whiskey brand? always wanted to try some. are you japanese? or are you fluent in japanese?
lol holy SHIT edward 40 hands that is something i have not thought about in years..good times, kind of. hope your situation looks up as well user, as shitty as it is being on the grid and having those things fixed it pretty important

Thanks, suntory is known for whiskey but they also make lots of other drinks.
I am fluent but not Japanese and thankful for it
Tokyo can be difficult sometimes. Hope youre doing well yourself user. Miss this kind of thread on r9k

You live in Tokyo? What's hard about it? The rent is so cheap compared to where I live, but the salaries are lower I guess. Strong Zero is so sweet, I always liked the canned highballs better.

Drinking thread contribution: ate scallop-flavoured instant ramen with corn and nori, drinking canadian club highballs. they're cheal & ok.

Laying in bed reading a book and smoking my pipe like a true fedoralord.

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Before anyone asks how I am browsing Jow Forums while reading.

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is that a paper plate lmfao

The title has "drinking" in it, you're the cringe one. What, too young to drink or something? Why so salty.

What happened to the Chinese take out