Wtf is yang gang and why is my friend talking about it?

wtf is yang gang and why is my friend talking about it?

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I'll give my brief knowledge

Andrew Yang is a popular democratic candidate for 2020, he promises thousands of dollars for everybody every month. He's basically a full communist. Since everybody likes extremes he is the best leftist candidate

That sounds like gay bait for people in debt, specifically millennial's

it's a thing for retards that dont understand that 1000$ money offer only will spike product prices cuz hurr more money

also the guy running for president is offering free money.. and he's a commie or some shit. basically your friend is a tard thinking tard things and falling for a tard scam cuz "free" money

I quickly realized I described my friend

he's actually pretty far from the far left desu, his only crazy postition is universal healthcare, the other positions are pretty tame. Watch his interview with Ben Shapiro to get a clearer pic.

B-but muh le ebic 2k a month NEET lyfe

yang gang is for faggots who support communism just ignore them user

communism isn't bad, you fucking refrigerator IQ pig

Universal basic income is not remotely a communist idea. It has been something that is popular among many neoliberal/monetarist economists for decades. Milton Friedman supported something similar to this, in the form of a negative income tax.

you have to go back my dudes

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Sorry, bud, but I don't think so. You see, I'm actually a 1337 g4m3r and there's nothing you can do to make me go back to plebbit.

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Yang is the only correct candidate to vote for.

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>watch the in the closet jew who wants to go back to Iraq
Lmao no thanks faggot

hahahha holy shit

oh wait youre serious

OP he is a communist. Do not fall for his tricks. While his stance on internet freedom is good, it is not worth his communist values

it would not work as

pointed out

>Propose something that will increase your living standards dramatically
>It increases money in the population using government investment, increasing demand
>It actually doesn't shift money supply which most economists would bitch and say causes inflation

>The only counter argument is he's a communist
Americans are so fucking stupid it hurts

>He's basically a full communist.

>Imagine thinking a candidate who has socialist policies is a communist

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Yang bucks and anti-circ are good, but he's a joke and any upsides are outweighed by his Chinese social credit score surveillance system.

>his Chinese social credit score surveillance system.

Dude, I support the Soviet Union. You're just a retard chink bot.
At least the Russians realized how cancerous those insects are, they would prefer to work with the United States on some issues than with the Chinese. The US dropped its brain around Nixon and embraced the fucking things.
How is it possible the US is becoming more authoritarian than the Soviets as well? You could obtain a gun license in the Soviet Union, and the US seems to want to take away gun ownership because "durr gun bad, gun mean you white trash redneck"

>basically a full communist

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