Would you cheat on your current gf, or break up with her, if a 10/10 with 140 IQ and a 10/10 personality...

Would you cheat on your current gf, or break up with her, if a 10/10 with 140 IQ and a 10/10 personality, who was very charming and funny, and with whom you clicked on every level, wanted to be your girlfriend?

Or would you remain loyal to your current gf because that is what loyalty requires of you and how you like to think of yourself as?

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What if I have no gf?

I don't have a girlfriend you dumb nigger

firstly, this is some normie shit please get off this board. secondly, she couldn't be 140IQ or have a 10/10 personality if she's willing to date someone who's already taken

If it was guaranteed probably
It would be the best for everyone
But no way in hell would I do it irl

I would be suspicious, because it might be some sick joke for her friends to laugh at me.

I have no gf.
But if I did, I would remain loyal to her.

>10/10 personality
>facilitating cheating

pick one

This is literally me right now. I've been in a relationship with the same trans girl that has become a neet for 3 years and recently I met a new girl that looks like Sasha Grey that's younger and more ambitious. We only just made out taking it slow but if the new girl wants to be exclusive I'm going to break up with my current GF. There's no way around it I just click better with this new girl and I appreciated the time spent in the past.

Wanted to clarify the new girl is cis female and my current one has been neet for one year and we've been together for 3

She makes you realize you're maybe not gay after all and should not be dating a man.

>trans girl
you need to go back

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I've never been gay but bi heavily straight leaning and yes it feels more comfortable being with the cis girl just being in public together and hanging out and kissing literally made me feel elated

>it feels more confortable
That's your reason kicking back you fucktard, now stop it's time to stop thinking with your dick, of course it's more confortable, you're not walking around with a dude with a rag and a delusion as large as an elefant, but with an actual girl.

Yeah I guess you're right but still it was an interesting experience and relationship before it became stale for me especially since I want children and my mtf couldn't and didn't want any

>Would you cheat on your current gf, or break up with her, if blah blah
If i was happy in the relationship, no i wouldn't. I wouldn't ever throw away something stable and good for just a chance at something better

I'm not one for gambling really. And to be honest the idea of me getting along perfectly with a 10/10 looks and personality who is smart is actually so stupid you should probably tone it down a bit.
I'd honestly be more interested if she has 125iq, and was a 7/10 and was nice and kinda funny not really charming

If I was sure she was into me and we knew eachother long enough I'd just break up with my current gf before starting anything.

i would, because my (hypothetical) girlfriend would do the same thing with chad

I already have her :)

don't have a gf but if I did then it would depend on what she was like. For example if she was an 8/10 who didn't care much for me then I'd leave her for the 10 but if she was a 5.5-10/10 that really liked be and tried to keep me happy then I would probably just stay

stop posting kate, it reminds me of ben and he makes me horny

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why cheat if you can just break up with her?

Do you think your girlfriend wouldn't ditch you in a second if the chad equivalent of this happened?

>current gf

you meant to post this on /b/ i presume

It would be pretty hard on me, but yes, with such an opportunity, I probably would betray and abandon the partner I've been steady with now for ten years: loneliness.

My current girlfriend can't stop playing stupid games so yeah I probably would cheat.

I would break up with my current gf. Life is too short to stay committed to the wrong person, imo.
>There's no way around it I just click better
Maybe that's because she's an actual girl you fucking idiot

This is the entire point, men are just as hypergamous as women when it all comes down to it.

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That's an unrealistic scenario. First of all, I do have a girlfriend, second of all, the likelihood of this happening is very low. Relationships aren't able to be quantified, and the idea that somehow the "perfect" girl is out there for you is ridiculous. Everyone is imperfect, nervous, and just wants some sort of acceptance in life.

You fucking mong

thats a 10/10? na

>on your current gf
Jokes on you, you can't cheat on an idea.

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you have leeched all my emotional stem cells out of me.

now i exist ONLY to unleash star connecting loads and to bore into the stars with my mindeye

Your dating a man you gay nigger

yes. BUT. only if my 10/10 knew a 10/10 Chad to keep my gf entertained.

Mfw no gf, but what if you and your gf have been together like ten years? No matter how smart or how hot, this bitch can't know you like your ltr does

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heres my 10/10. mommy with me and Damon with her

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my gf wouldn't care and would let me fuck her, but I can't imagine getting on with anyone better than her anyway

I would remain loyal but maybe I could open my harem if she doesnt hate the idea.

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I would only ever get a gf if I wanted her more than that abstract description

>remain loyal to your current gf
who? bitch do you know where you are

Cheat? No.
Break up and pursue 10/10, if anything. But I'm fairly convinced that won't happen because I don't want a new gf and I don't like most people nor allow people to get to know me

>no gf
But no, I wouldn't even think to cheat because I'm not some kind of shitbag like a lot of women that contemplate this shit are. I might date her if it ends up not working out with the hypothetical current gf, but I wouldn't break up a good relationship just because I met a person, and I'd never stoop to cheating.
Now, if I was having severe problems with this gf or I recently found out she was a bitch or had cheated on me, then sure, I'd probably dump her for the other woman, because I would dump such a person regardless of if that woman was there or not.

There's a shitload of replies proving you wrong.

>would you cheat on your current gf
>your current gf
>current gf

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You are on the wrong site m8

What a dumb question, of course not.
I'm not a very trusting person, so I would be sceptical from the beginning.
However since it's a go sand not a wife I might break up with her and start dating the other one.
Cheating will always lead to bad things, just break it off.

My gf is a 6 and sometimes can look like a 7 with make up, her loyalty to me is what makes me not cheat, even though i know for a fact she would still stay with me if i cheated and she found out

OP better Get off our board. We are the men who dreamt of Girlfriends you retard.

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I know a girl, similar IQ, 8/10, open relationship. I would totally bang the shit out of her but I would rather bring someone home to play with my GF and I than cheat. Problem is I don't think I am good looking enough (chubby) to pull that off.

The girl in Q would have to be cute enough that my gf wouldn't mind having her first bi experience with. I think this one fits the bill.

T. Gets left later and turns to alcoholism and comes crying back

No. If I cheat she will physically beat me and lock me in a basement

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Nah man. She wants to become a dude but still straight and fucks guys.

I said I was skeptical. There's no reason why the 3/10 wouldn't do the same thing to me.
Everyone in life is a gamble.

I want this, that way she can't complain that I'm not st work. It's cool in the basement. I can just play video games chained to the furnace.

I'd remain loyal to mine. She's stuck with me through the worst days of my life, stopped me from ending it all and has helped me on the road to recovery. She's sacrifices her own financial well being to support me. I don't care if she's not the prettiest, smartest or charming. For someone to be that loyal to me when almost everyone else gave up,she's earned my loyalty and respect until we die.