why are all the chart threads getting deleted?
also, chart thread
Why are all the chart threads getting deleted?
Other urls found in this thread:
No offense but you seem extremely basic and boring.
no offense taken, d'ya mind explaining why?
What fighting games?
I used to be crazy in to melty, unist and bbcf and ended up getting a arcade stick then a hitbox to learn naoto in bbcf. Spent like 600 dollars in the 8 months I was playing. I dont really regret it because it was really fun when I began to understand everything
How does it go my friends.
Like most recently? I've been playing some SSBU as Lil Mac and some For Honor more casually on my PC
Drop discord then
You truly are a disgusting, degenerate whore.
you would be a good match for me for many reasons but i live in na and long distance dating is lame
post the template fag
oh yeah almost forgot
take it, you slut.
Here's a fresh copy of the sheet for you all. I fixed the stat block at the top of the page so that everything's all aligned and the dimensions are the same across all the sections.
In case you come back, the font is 11px3bus.
Also I feel the need to clarify: I didn't make the sheet. I only edited it.
jesus christ
i love you too :o)
if we have a lot in common you can send me a message on discord?
jannies gettin grumped up over our threads
Literally you're 100% underage read the rules. There's no way a young adult can be like this lol kys
>fucked up the label for "one thing you can't live without"
>posted it without double-checking
Christ this chart makes want to vomit. Someone is letting the normalfags escape from Instagram to this board.
I finally located a loser like myself!
I do hope you listen to Kino as well, You can hear much influence of them through most modern Russian Rock/Post-Punk bands.
Shut the fuck up you fucking thirsty fag read well or your ape brain thirsty for pussy doesn't allow you to read? She's lesbian you retard
Also Kino is pleb/basic tier dig up more you beta loser
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics?
also, i spot buerak
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics?
also, i spot fuerak
i sot buerrak
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics?
kinda based kinda cringe
better than the rest
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics?
i spot beta
fucking kill yourself
shes a normalfag and so are you
what the fuck originalaly
what happened here i just want to talk about russian post
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics?
also, i spot bureau
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics?
also, i spot buerak
I'm a pop-punk INFP boyfriend and finding you interesting is going to be a disaster for us both
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics
also, i spot bureaucracy
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics?
also, i spot buerak
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics?
also, i spot bureau
dude of course i listen to viktor tsoi
you ever heard of the end of electronics?
also, i spot betau
I finally located a loser like myself omg!!! :))
I do hope you listen to Kino as well, You can hear much influence of them through most modern Russian Rock/Post-Punk bands.
You liek KMFDM? Listened to Symbols yet, user?
based Kino fan
I didn't finish but I just got burnt out on it.
Heineken is pretty nice, smells like weed tho.
Big feels with the fat man at the desk. Trailer Park Boys is good as FUCK, and you're right wing my nigga my nigga.
You might be a degen nigger but ooooooooof you're dominant. You wanna get with a poser skater with sum money bb.
Pretty honest and based. I have a goblin gf, they aren't all they're cracked up to be desu.
Fuck the jannies,
And the trannies.
They're autists,
and they smell like old nudists.
Based and almost redpilled.
why didn't this thread get deleted?
I kind Of want to post chart just to See If my actions are triggering the deletion because the timing Of the past deletions were just So convenient.
Dunno man, maybe I'm too original to be deleted
>I kind Of want to post chart just to See If my actions are triggering the deletion because the timing Of the past deletions were just So convenient.
fuck it go for it
op can just make another
yeah man, go 4 it
chart threads get no love
Youre just a fucking normal fag
You seem like too much of a normie.
>harry potter
>nothing particular or interesting
well better than the other femoid in the thread at least
and what about it
you can't talk
there's no interesting feature about yourself. You're a blank piece of paper that let itself be filled by society, you live in an eternal cicle of copying what other people like, you're unoriginal, and thus, you should leave this board.
look at me look at me im a girl thats gonna be a nurse desu. lol i dont know about cars. hehe i like cats and know nothing about history or the greater world. lel im totally biiiiii
fuck off get out.
rich kid detected
I agree but... reddit spacing tho
What about it? I'll tell you
Look at me I'm happy and I'm gonna be nurse!!!!!! Omg I love cats and big brother too!! :))) I like mario kart and pkmn red I'm unique haha
Literally fuck off roastie whore
t. Guy who's working for me in the future
Textless coasts arent allowed
i got way lazy with this 2 minutes in
fuck off faggot I put effort into mine
>mint jams
a man of culture I see
>gate keeping a board that's been dead for years
>reddit spacing
you lack anything not basic or boring
nothing to cry over, its not like its a competition
>reddit spacing
>what is breaking up two distinct thoughts?
kill yourself you dumb nigger
reee forgot some parts
wait that's illegal
penis vagina nigger negro original lolicon
oh i love lain
ahhh yes another lain fan
Don't come to multinomah. It's beautiful and all, but there are a TON of tourists clogging up the place. I'd recommend going a little bit north and checking out southern Washington (where I live).
>using the word cis
>max confidence
>squatting (assuming you mean trespassing?)
>could not live without drugs
>9/11 as a fav event
You are....kind of a fucking mess, femanon. Well, certainly see why you are here.
i've wanted to go for a while fuck you i'm still going and then i'm going to find you and beat the shit out of you
I hate posting this but I've also spent too much time making it not to post it.
You are beyond saving.
hello sciencefag peer
I play off and on, usually binge for a week once a year
but user your already
please tell me how user organ donor
Why are there so many tonight....
thanks user. pokemon diamond was the first pokemon game i played that wasnt a hand me down so I have a certain emotional attachment to it. I picked piplup
dork magician#9637 add me ^^
you mean the game that attracts autism and is afk enough to give people a large amount of time to continuously surf the net and shitpost? wonder why a lot of robots play it
Very true, user. Very true.
It hurts, user. It really does. :(
favelado reporting in
>he doesn't like cats
oooooh nonononono hahahhahahahha you might be low test user
eh haven't seen one of these threads in a while
Please tell me what exactly is wrong with me.
>What is wrong with me
You are a commie-tier basic bitch.