Is jumping off a 5 story parking garage enough to end it?
Is jumping off a 5 story parking garage enough to end it?
I wouldn't do it, user. Life is beautiful and good. Go for a walk and just smile. We're gonna make it together. Nobody has made it till we have all made it together.
That wasn't the answer I was looking for, but thank you
If you live in USA, seriously, don't commit suicide. If there's any chance you survive, the consequences won't be worth it.
I mean even if you don't, don't kill yourself because life gets better or whatever. Or just try to kill yourself unsuccessfully with some shitty OTC drug and get it out of your system. Life might suck now, but you gotta lotta time to get it right.
From that height even if you don't die you'll be a vegetable. Win win.
Becoming a vegetable is just slower suicide.
Why shouldn't you if you live in the US? I don't get it
He thinks muh freedoms somehow makes individuals less likely to suffer needlessly or at least distract themselves from a misguided existence
Is suffering from schizoaffective a reason to off yourself?
Just go to the tallest building you can. Duh.
Yeah, thats high enough
I mean why stop at 7 just go as high as you can. The skys the limit when you dont give a shit.
just dont jump off a building retard.
It's just the easiest tall structure near where I live.
Does it go higher than that though?
No government healthcare, so if you survive, you need to pay for it.
My suicide attempt put me $15K in debt! I'm glad I lived and I paid it off by now, but don't try to kill yourself in USA!
No that's the top.
I'm in disability and Medicaid
Oh well be sure to do it head first as to break your skull and neck. Preferably do a flip also.
I'll keep it in mind. Thank you
If you dive and land on your head it will be good.
fuck no you could survive falling at free fall, the only thing you're guarenteed is pain.
If you're going to do it, wait til there's someone below so you can traumatize the fuck out of them
Funny, but I couldn't put someone through that. At least emergency services are use to it. I would call and tell them where the body is.
Depending what you land on, and what position you wind up in on impact after panicking midair, jumping could be an instant death, or it could painfully cripple you out of the ability to do things in the future, such as other suicide attempts.
Not the best method.
Go head first.
>Originally dive off that roof like a diving board
Eight floors is the minimum for guaranteed death, any below that and you'll have to land on your head or in some other funny fashion
>Eight floors is the minimum for guaranteed death
People have survived impacts falling from terminal velocity.
Guaranteed death from falling would mean you need to start from space and burn up in the atmosphere.
Go a little higher. At the height you might survive which means you're in for a world of hurt.
I told you to get a shotgun, faggot.
I used to do this alot.