Honestly if you dont like asian girls you are homosexual.
Honestly if you dont like asian girls you are homosexual
For those wondering, name's Jsnavimanda but she doesn't have much out there
>when she wiggles her pussy at the end, taunting you
Am I the only one who doesnt like to see the pussy and asshole? It kills my boner.
Asian girls dont date shitskins, so there's no reason for me to like them.
correct, and if you don't like black girls you are also a homosexual
That isnt true. Making excuses wont bring you what you want
you are probably be gay
poos are asian though
Asian girls are useful compliments to white women, but not as alternatives.
I know that is so ridiculously hot its almost unreal
I live in Vancouver. Asian girls are shit tier and only beta white dudes dates them.
I hate using this word but that is cope of the highest catagory. Seriously.
Jesus christ I'd fuck the shit out of her
Is that the case? Everyday I go outside and my neighbors have Asian gfs. I have to say hi to them everyday and they have Asian gf
maybe that's cause you live in leaf
>brown asshole
>hairy pussy
This shit turns me on like nothing else
I'm too fucking ugly to get a girl of any race, even Asian. I have no horse in the race. The average white girl is way better looking than the average asian girl. Once they've assimilated their behaviors are the exact same.
No, I am attracted to females, just not the vagina or asshole.
I have an asian friend who looks like a slightly uglier and fatter version of the girl in that webm. I really want to fuck her, but I dont know how to bring it up to her.
That is basically the literal definition of gay.
You appreciate the female form but find the genitalia disgusting.
You would probably like traps more but you are so repressed, you probably think the penis looks disgusting.
no i'm not a homosexual you chink lover my fiancee is white
for some reason i find vaginas really disgusting, they look like open wounds
>im not gay, i have a wife!
>thats how straight i am!
keep coping, kid
But that Asian is a shitskin.
reminder that if you find vaginas gross you're very gay
but im not attracted to men user
Males by definition cannot have a female form.
me too senpai, but only on nonwhite girls, white girl stretch marks somehow look way worse.
I want an Asian gf so bad my Bros
Just ask. Say some shit like "i feel like because we are close friends i can trust having sex with you. I have feelings for you and want to bring each other closer" or some shit. Girls love it when you commander shepard them.
>lying on the Internet
Stop it.
white girls seem to have pretty bad skin in general, more cellulite too. Not sure why.
i feel like i can smell her crotch
its white people in general, white skin gets sun damaged the most easily which is why white women age the worst.
And it smells GREAT
well sun damage yeah, but it seems like stretch marks and cellulite are worse in white women too
I don't find this to be true based on instagram and what I see in real life
I understand you on this except I only think anime vagina looks appealing. I hope I'm not fucked
Oh you wont be for a loooong time my friend.
most of them are ugly tho
>want an asian wife but not a hapa disaster child
Impregnate an Asian girl
Don't be a shitty father
Problem solved
being a nigger is the worst because asian girls see me as subhuman and they're also the only girls i'm attracted to
do you really think all the posters on r/hapas had bad parents?
Most of them say their dads are racist sexpats so yeah
wait people think monkeys are attractive? ew
Yes, definitely
Same goes for r/incels and Jow Forums
same here, most only go with other Asian guys and they are soulless as hell.
You rarely see white guys with them unless they are trashy Asian girls with no education and into niggershit or if they are foreigners which mostly other Asian men have.
Bad parenting is rampant
If you're a shitty father to a white child do you think it will necessarily go any better?
They're ok. I've also seen worse webm's of that one by coincidence.
BUT, I've been with only one asian, she had a nice rump.,.,(my keyboard is dying), yes, like that.
hum, who can resist that?
i'm afraid the risk is just too great and there's too much of a weird atmosphere surrounding the whole thing. i suppose the upside is that an asian girl into white men would be up for adopting a white kid for sure.
yes, if you look into the issues half breeds of any two races have, they are not shared by any others really. it just adds to the pile of issues.
I'm the probably shittiest parent ever, but still decide to just go with the flow...
It may be different issues but the results are the same
Angsty teens who don't feel like they fit in society
If you're a decent parent, you can nip that in the bud before it ever becomes an issue
Treat your kid like he or she is your kid and not some unpure monstrosity and he or she will be fine
I like Japanese and Korean
and some coastal Chinese
i want the chunky ones
>if you don't like yellow, fridge-figured androgynous insectoids, then ur gey lol
They're the most desired on Tinder and OKcupid and are rated the higest in most major cities in the USA. Colossal cope.
1. That is foul
2. I want Asians to go back to where they came from. They swarm like locusts.
>being racist outside of b
Wow easiest rule to follow and you broke it
Me too
>Tfw no chunky Japanese gf
Yeah but you're a faggot who's only legacy will be some hapa's that barely look like you and a wife who's a literal bugperson.
That is like the first step going down the gayness slope.
Soon you will realize you masturbate to the dick in porn.
>Being a r*ddit tier autistic nigger outside of Reddit
You really suck at the whole rules thing
Instagram isn't reality you fucking retard. You base your life views on fucking Instagram? Oh my fucking... Fuck it
Theres no rule for being this way,but there is a rule against being a racist. So thats that. Maybe if you knew how to argue without using ad hominem attacks and name calling yould have friends.
Who said anything about having children? I'm a turbo virgin, just saying that your original post was dumb cope.
Look at how happy he is lol.
I think you missed the :) in your reply, good sir!
Absolute fucking mongoloid kill yourself. You think anybody's not going to call you a nigger when you whinge like this. Cry to the jannies. All they'll do is tell you to get topped
And you forgot to post whatever fotm smug anime girl. You can delete it and redo it if you want,i will wait.
Did you not read the part where I said real life too? Are you an imbecile who can't read, how do you possibly miss that? Fucking idiot.
Besides thebpictures posted arent made up ethier. Like it or not social media is a part of real life.
Id like any girl aslong as their a biological girl and not obese, its just not healthy and I want someone I can have a long life with.
Same here, user. The chinks around here are generally ugly, conceited, or, in the worst cases, both.
I've fucked a couple of them. Felt as if they were without souls.
You're a homosexual, weeb.
Most asians have flat bodies and big flat masculine faces and mutt skin
Every race is better
I don't because my sisters are Asian, slept naked with one of them and Immediately felt disgusted afterward.
Asian vaginas look like they'd smell different than white girls' vaginas. Do they?
My god me too user. I have a major chronic yellow fever and I have gotten nowhere near to getting it treated.
>muh soul
sounds like you suck in bed m8
Bit of a weak retort, faggot.
I'd love to hear what kind of experiences you've had with Asian women.
>Bit of a weak retort, faggot
eks dee, dude
Fucking yellow fever chink loving incel. Why would you want to race mix with a dirty gook?? Why don't you just date a white girl instead? So what if they will cheat on you with chad which might cause you to go into a depressive episode that'll make you want to kill yourself?? Just be a real man and learn how handle a white woman, virgin loser.
Its sad you've reached this level of cope Chang, Asian girls will lust after white men no matter how much you seethe
Yeah I'm sure the Jews worst nightmare isn't two white people having children. Yikes @ your weeb delusions. You could never get a Japanese, or even a Korean, you'd just settle for a mentally retarded jungle Asian from somewhere in Thailand.
>tfw married to asian and kids are on the way
Wish me luck lads
Seamonkeys are ugly
I'm a turbochad turned robot due to my crippling yellow fever. It hurts.
What if I like filipiline ladyboys?
roastie detected
White women are far from saving now so fuck em, what's the use in trying with them. I'm not gonna put up with their cucking. Jews just don't want white males to be happy in general, that's why they're against based men going for based East Asian girls.
honestly how do you get obese in Japan
I have yellow fever beyond belief like every time I go out and see a cute Asian girl I just want to bend her over and fuck the living shit out of her.
Based and yellowpilled origini
Go get a gold-digging bug wife then.
Yeah Western girls don't gold dig at all, only East Asians.
I don't like their faces. It's flat and looks like it's melting.
Whites, Persians and Latins are my thing.
that is really fucking disgusting sir
>Asian girls
Latina girls are better, and they're top tier.
You're completely anonymous, nobody had any way of knowing you saw this thread, and yet still you were compelled to inform us that you're a homosexual. What the fuck is wrong with you?