Post em post em post em post em post em post em

Robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands robot hands front n back front n back front n back front n back front n back front n back front n back front n back front n back front n back
For my display

Attached: 20190603_215201.jpg (2160x2160, 1.5M)

Other side other side other side other side! For our display!

Attached: 20190603_215453.jpg (2160x2160, 1.48M)

Acrogerianon reportan, palms have like thousands of wrinkles, fingers are fucked, thumb locks up. Hold something hard too long and my hand feels like it's on fire. Good stuff.

Attached: IMG_20190603_225633.jpg (3264x2448, 1.84M)

I have small hands for a guy

Attached: IMG_20190603_200121_896.jpg (720x1280, 88K)

hahahaaha holy shit you're so fucking fat you can tell just from this

Whats that?
You have nice hands, i like them. (Not sexually)

Palms shown here. FYI I'm only 26 but my hands look 50 or older.

You have nice hands too

Fat Baby Hand Gang

Attached: 72C65A65-4D3A-46E0-AACF-B2B7625026EE.jpg (3006x2975, 1.59M)

Basically premature aging, it's more visible on the other side. I have a lot less fat than most people do which gets progressively worse.

Fuck forgot pic

Attached: IMG_20190603_230235.jpg (2448x3264, 1.71M)

Knuckle dimples make you seem like a good friend

That sucks but they seem ok right now

I'm 6'4 so hands are fairly big

Attached: IMG_4288.jpg (4032x3024, 1.57M)

Believe it or not that's my non dominant hand, the other I can barely use. Write like somebody with MS

Post flip side, i have a hunch
My handwriting is tiny and illegible so i can relate.

Thank you

here is the other side of my hand

Attached: hands.png (659x883, 1.15M)

Are you part native american

Slav from Bosnia actually

I need food skeleton reporting in

Attached: image0.jpg (338x451, 16K)

I'm also 6'4 but my hand look a lot more skelly

Attached: IMG_20180628_025635.jpg (2336x4160, 786K)

I'm kinda a fat bitch (230 pounds) so that's probably why.

But why hands, though.

Attached: 20190603_230354.jpg (1815x2420, 1.07M)

at least you don't suffer from the wristlet syndrome

but I do got some skinny bitch ass wrists and forearms. I'm going to the gym but progress is slow. I feel like at our height we owe it to ourselves to at least try to become chad

Step aside, handlets. A real hand is coming thru.

Attached: 20190603_222801.jpg (4160x2080, 1.54M)

Mine are skinny too but i dont care to eat anymore
Tall people have skinny big hands, nice veins

Weird position. I like hands, they are very complex.
Cant see anything, 0/4

Same I never eat I'm a skeleton manlet and just can't be bothered with it

still waiting for someone with a male pattern digit ratio to post in one of these threads

what do you mean? explain this slowly to me I'm retarded

as a hand fetishist, this is great.

i have a theory

these threads are psyops to create a database to detect people's identities and then there are paid shills that have to act as horny women that are into hands in order to lure more people into posting

take your meds my man

a noticeably longer ring finger when compared to the index finger, like so
most of the time i check these threads people have an even ratio which is less common among males

Attached: sheen.jpg (585x437, 89K)

i've got that, what does it mean? I looked it up and there's tons of different "meanings" behind it.

Attached: fingers.jpg (480x640, 24K)

oh thanks for explaining mine is only a little bit bigger not notably to my other finger isn't it a way of showing testosterone

I have that on only one hand. What does this mean

Alright I'll bite here's a picture of my hand

Attached: 20190603_230742.jpg (2048x1152, 585K)