I fell for the working out meme

> Work out earlier today
> Spend the rest of the day in an angry haze
> Irritable
> Depressed
> Was fine this morning

What the fuck?? Why the fuck do retarded normies say that working out is the cure to everything when all it does it piss me off?

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stop bitching and shut up you dumb faggot

>my work out was the reason for my mood swing
absolutely retarded. Exercise creates endorphins literally a minor opiate high.

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you've probably not had exercise in years and it stressed you the fuck out. Keep at it, I get angry and irritable after not working out for a few days now.

Because you are actually, factually autistic. Normal people do not get that response in their bodies when performing exercises. You are a mong, a tard, a window licker, a downie.

wow that dude's ugly as fuck

I unironically would never want to look like him

no need to worry, you never will

>wow that guy is a sick cunt i wish i had his gainz

>be a skinny opiate addicted depressed autist counting the days till I neck
>decide to browse fit
>order an anabolic research drug called SARMs (basically 2 months of sarm lifting equates to a year of natty lifting)
>become euphoric ripped and shredded
>tinder going crazy
take the fitpill anons

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yeah he fookin diead

seeanyway the point of zyzz is not that he was the biggest, or the strongest, or the most aesthetic, it's that he was a skelly wow nerd in high school, and if he can make it, you can.

that dude died from steroids overdose.

lifting weights just damages you joints.

Did you just start out?
You actually have to keep at it for it not to hurt, you know

he died from absurd amounts of steroids, a heart condition, and cocaine. Anyone who's even a little more careful is going to be fine.

not true retard, he had major genetic heart issues, also was abusing coke and trenbolone heavily. You can look like him with a fair stack and be perfectly healthy just jump on TRT when your 30 and done with roids.

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What good is getting ripped when you're 5'6"?

would you rather be a ripped manlet or a skinnyfat manlet?

you're right, thank god I'm 6'0. I wouldn't lift if I wasn't at least 5'9

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>go for a run
>get headache
>lift weights
>body hurts for the rest of the month
thanks normalfag advice

Please tell me more, user. Did you experience in side effects during or after?

it's exercise, not cocaine you fucking idiot
keep at it. it wouldn't be coveted if it wasn't difficult. eventually you'll get into the groove and your body will reward you and everything that comes with that.
lol what am i saying of course this cuck won't keep at it

careful about sarms, some people are going to say there's no side effects. The sides are weak compared to steroids, but you'll probably get more acne, and it's possible though unlikely to get gyno and lowered natural testosterone production. They're not strong enough to need an estrogen inhibitor, but if you're taking sarms you should have nolvadex on hand as well. If your nipples are tingly or sensitive that's gyno, take nolva for the rest of the cycle and continue for about a month after. You should also take nolvadex for about a month after anyway as pct, as while sarms won't shut down your natural testosterone production, they will reduce it. It'll come back normally, but nolvadex will help it happen a lot faster.

your muscles build by tiny tearing and then healing stronger, so you have to feel pain to get anywhere
wahhh wahhh waaahhhh

thanks for the advice, I'm 7 weeks in and have a week left on my 10mg lgd cycle. No gyno yet but slightly increased bacne and I'm a little moody/irritable. I think nolvadex would be a smart pct just to be safe as I want to keep my as much as my strength/gains, can I order that through the clearnet?

fuark on mobile, *keep as much strength/gains as possible

yeah you can get nolva as easily as any sarms or steroids, usually from the same websites. You probably don't have much to worry about, but it'll make recovery faster just to be safe. Just 3-4 weeks will be fine after lgd, some people will say 2 weeks but nolva takes 2 weeks to take full effect, so 4 weeks should be sufficient.

it's baby's first work out rage.
keep it up, results take time.