Short fembot thread - 5'0 and under

>got denied for a driver's license AGAIN because I can't see over the steering wheel properly

If a guy is short (5'6 or so for guys) he can still live a functional life, but I can't at 4'7. This world is literally not made thinking girls like me exist.

Is there anyone below my height? I can't imagine the hell that would be.

NO height fetishists ITT allowed.

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Technically a midget ehh?

Have fun being stopped at an airport everytime you fly because they'll assume that you're a child without their parental guardian. Be prepped with your Driver's license to convince you aren't just a small child running away. Actually just get a different from of ID since it seems you can't get a driver's lisence.

shut up i'd kill to be cute and small
being tall fembot is suffering

i dont mind short girls, actually i'd probably prefer a shorter girl or equal height to a skyscraper.

being honest I couldn't get either

Date shorter men then, Wilt

I love how it takes literally 4 posts for a thirsty faggot to comfort op, who's probably larping anyways. You gonna ask for her discord next???

Are you just short or do you have dwarfism?
I heard that dwarfism is just any adult under 4'10" but there seems to be a clear difference between a really short person and a dwarf. The latter seeming oddly disproportionate with sometimes irregular facial features.

5'5 guy here and my life doesn't feel functional at all so pipe down femoid

>give me attention for no reason GIVE ME ATTENTION OR NO REASON

tits or gtfo

get a booster seat, munchkin

nah probably out of her league i'm just saying height isn't the only thing that matters. smaller people can be more agile, intelligence doesn't depend on height, and you could still be fit but short

>teehee i'm so smoll and kyoot!
>shortie pwobwems: i can't weach the top shelf ;(

>btw any man under 6'6 should be literally shot and killed

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>Literally 4'9 and me dad 6'4
wtf went wrong

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kill yourself femoid, you will never know what it feels like

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Lel, you got fucked over. Meanwhile, I'm king manlet at 5'7'' compared to my sub 5'5'' parents.

Fucking off yourself pathetic roastie excuse for human being

4'7"? That's insane. I'm a 5'6" guy, and I always have to speak to girls at eye-level. But you're nearly a whole foot shorter. If you hugged me, your head would press against my heart. That's such a weird thought. Do normal height men really get to do this with every single girl they see?

Roastie bait thread, ignore

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>if he drives, will be a danger to society.
Figure out some custom seat ffs.

>If you hugged me, your head would press against my heart.
That's kinda cute. You two should totally bang.

yes, and it is really fucking weird to me. couples with a foot or more height difference are definitely off.

Go to Saudi Arabia, or really anywhere in the middle east. Not all that uncommon

it's not uncommon where i live, it still weirds me out.

No she should fuck me
I'm 6'3
Size difference is fucking amazing for sex

Not him but I'm 5'7 and all my ex fembot gfs have been 5'1.

Cope incel

I'm sure she would, even midget roasties need at least 6 ft

Yeah but you won't be able to dominate her like I can

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From what I've done yeah I can dominate her in every single way

>tfw 4'6"
>tfw tall people think they can just go ahead and pat my head or pick me up without my consent

FUCKING LANKLETS FUCK OFF treating me like a baby wtf

Op, please be my 4'7" gf. I have a license and a car. I csn take you anywhere you like. (Must be 18+)

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How tall?
I'm 6'1 be my tall gf.

>NO height fetishists ITT allowed.
Manlets never know their place.

Imagine being so short you have to use a stepstool to kill yourself.

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I'm a little taller at 4'10. I had work experience in a school last year and the teachers kept asking me why I wasn't in class and what happened to my uniform and stuff. I always wanted to join the army too as a medic but I got laughed at by a career adviser.

apply for disability welfare and you're set for life

Are there no cars for really short people?

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I'm not a height fetishist, I just want to be able to have this kind of aesthetic with a girl, but I'm only 5'7".

Are you underage though?

Here you go.

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>short girl
please marry me princess you can call me daddy and i'll buy you shoes uwu

>short guy
donate to my patreon incel

we live in a society where women have really difficult lives

Hi I know I'm technically not allowed because I'm very attracted to short girls but I just came to say you should apply for disability.

If you can't drive, because of your height, that impairs your ability to live normally, so it is by definition a disability. Secure your NEETbux and use it to take uber.

No I'm 19. I don't think I'm going to grow anymore.

Literally spoon-fed everything they want if they're willing to have sex for it

Ah okay, well maybe you will a few inches but probably not much, I thought I was gonna grow a bit more since I'm a manlet but nah, passed 21 and still am like that

Just like every girl then.

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You could always become a twink

i'm 6'0 and still growing want to become my dwarf gf

I haven't really grown since I was like 14. It sucks.

I haven't since like 17 I think. How tall are your parents tho?

Lol I want a short gf to ride in my shoulder pouch so I can pretend its the apocalypse

My mother was pretty short too. I think she was around 5'1. My dad is tall though he's around 6 feet and so is my brother. I don't know why I got so screwed.

I wish I had me a

Im 6ft female and its only bad for finding someone who will be into me, everything else feels pree good

I'll be into you if you don't mind shorter guys

>It's a thinly veiled thread of a fembot seeking attention
This is why females get a bad rep on this board

are you a beaner or something? what race are you that you are so short?

Same here my mom is like 4'7-5'1 but my father is like 5'4. Maybe you got your mom genes, you got her looks more than your father's? Also yeah that tends to happen with brothers I think, especially if they're born after 2000 they're all really tall

>implying they actually have to give up their holes in order to get freebies and favors from men

>tfw no midget medic gf

Yep, hispanic
Not so beany though

>NO height fetishists ITT allowed.
>posts on r9k
fuck off and die, attention seeking whore

I'm pretty much identical to my mother but with my dad's green eyes. My brother and I are close in age with him being a little over a year older and as soon as we got to teenage years he just kinda kept growing. I thought I might too but it never happened.

I'd kill for a girl like you, my ex was 4'9 at the age of 24 while I'm 19 at 5'8. Seriously it was heaven on Earth type of feeling to be around with girls like this.

Superior 5'9 femanon walking through. Sorry you are all short.

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I'm 6'1" pls be my tall valkyrie gf

Be my tall mommy gf please

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how much do you weigh? short people are weirdly heavy. I think they're more dense.

Ah then you got her gens mostly then, honestly that's rare cause you should be taller but there's always that exception I guess. My sister is like youger than me and she's gonna be tall as hell so I'm not sure anymore, this generation is gonna be tall as hell. And I've read somewhere females stop growing before males so there's that. You like the whole health care thingy?


Do you enjoy standing next to manlets?
A-asking for a friend

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can yui make baby

>If you hugged me, your head would press against my heart.

The only chick to ever hug me (when I was 21, I'm 32 now) wasn't much taller than that. She actually had to do a little jump to put her arms around my neck.
I didn't even hug her back. Just kept my arms to the sides of my body.
Damn, I was even more of an autist back then.

I think 40kg which should be just under 90lbs. I guess you have to pack more in a smaller area so it would make sense I think.
I have known some guys to keep growing into their 20s which isn't fair but that is life.
>You like the whole health care thingy?
I'm unsure what you mean.

I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum at 6'0. At least guys will think you're cute and stuff. I feel like an alien.

I'm 5'11," can I trial by combat pls

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>Are there no cars for really short people?
There must be some kind of modification that can be done.
I knew a teacher who was technically a midget and she drove everywhere.
Smaller cars probably also help.

Technically males stop growing at 21 or something from what I've read but not sure honestly. And I meant health care cuz you said you wanted to join army as medic, so I assumed you'd be into health care and stuff sorry.

pic very mucho related

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hello, is this where i can get a legal loli gf?

Shut up you dumbcutie

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>I meant health care cuz you said you wanted to join army as medic
Oh I get it. I sometimes get confused with English sorry. I wanted to do it for a long time but when I was told I was too short to join the army I gave up. I could have tried to be a nurse but it didn't appeal to me the same way.

Yeah understandable same I'm not English. You have other possible ways to try and get into the whole health care thing, like legit a lot of places where they need people and stuff but I'm guessing you just like the whole military thing right? I'd go for it myself to help people there with my acknowledge but I don't think they allow me. I almost went to some other country to help people who came in a "bad state" from Syria, kids and stuff.

You're full of shit because it's all in your fucking head.
Your shit self-image makes you think guys aren't intetested when it's obvious they are.

My dad was in the army and my brother will be going after college he said. I saw it as a way to make them proud and help people but I can't. I don't really know what to do now though.

damn, i'm into short girls but 4'7 is fucking ridiculous. sorry op but you cant even appeal to height fetishists at that size (unless they are also pedo)

It is sweet that you want to help people. Do you have many people from such places there?

also i've noticed almost every girl 5'7 under wants to be 5'7 and every girl over 5'7 wants to be under 5'7

relationships are poop user
Of course! It brings me much pride

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Oh i get it, that's really nice of you but you can so help people in other ways you know, hospitals and stuff not necessarily army although I understand you want them to feel proud of you, but I'm sure they'd feel as proud if you helped people in general, again you have so many options out there for it, just keep it up I guess
Eh well people who come from Syria and similar countries with conflicts to this continent, I saw some ad on internet that they were looking for some people to go and help to this country where so many Syrian people were landing in really bad circumstances and basically they needed help, sadly I couldn't go cuz I didn't have money for the flight



short fetishists*
shouldn't open*
sorry it's a little late, my grammar is not up to par, lol.

do you want to stand next to m- my manlet friend

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>mfw all of them are taller than me

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>under 90lbs
Holy fucking shit you're like a child

Do they though? I'd assume they'd have a higher chance of survival because they're smaller.

I met a girl on here once who was 4'7 (imb4 it's op)

she was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. I went out with her and dropped enough spegehtie to feed Italy for 3 generations but I got to hold her hand so all in all it was a good experience

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turns out it's the other way around, either way i hope OP gets breast cancer, and becomes a quadriplegic.

I'm studying the right things so I could go into medical field if I wanted to anyway. It is just a disappointing I guess, especially because I cannot control it.
It is not something I have control over user

>4'7 can't get a license
is this really true? I know a 4'8 girls who got a license.

At least i think she was 4'8, she could've been 4'9