Who is your favorite philosopher? any you can suggest?

Who is your favorite philosopher? any you can suggest?

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for me, its gotta be spinoza

Diogenes of Sinope
he told Alexander the great to piss off

diogenes was a true robot.

If you need some dead cuck to tell you what to think, might as well join them. A real man makes his own philosophy.

This, also based Hume

Aristotle he basically invented logical thinking.

the aztecs were pretty dank ngl

Is it true that nietzsche and Schopenhauer are similar?

>t. euphoric brainlet who has never had an original thought in his life
Sure, Neetch was influenced by Schoppy and considered him to be his teacher. Of course he went his own way later in life and criticized Schoppy's philosophy.

>Of course he went his own way later in life and criticized Schoppy's philosophy.

What were some things he disagreed with him on?

My favorite is Immanuel Kant. I nowadays try to act kindly and from the Categorical Imperative in every aspect of my life.

Top tier:

Stephan Molyneux, Jordan Peterson

Second tier: Sam Harris, Alex Kirkegaard (Icycalm), Sargon of Akaad

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Stefan is a cultist lel.

For me it's Cioran

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Karl marx, donald trump, barack obama, harriet tubman, george orwell, lovecraft, and doctor seuss are all incredibly based desu

Diogenes, the absolute madman:

Not only did he just not give a fuck and roasted other great personalities on a regular while still gaining their respect, he also took the ultimate whitepill and isolated himself from any materialistic, greedy desires to find eternal happiness in the simplicity of nature.

Bill Hicks.

Jordan Peterson is an establishment shill, he makes 10 million+ dollars per year baiting young potentially radical-right men on Jow Forums to become moderate, "normal" members of society.

>Favourite philosopher? Max Stirner without a doubt.

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Only Kirkegaard is a proper philosopher of those. Good meme.

Gotta be Hegel

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I would also add Marcus Aurelius, that man is my model in life.

I just bought phenomenology of spirit, what am I in for

Nihilism. Schoppenaur was a nihilist, and Nietzsche was anti-nihilist, which is basically where he got his idea of the uebermensch

Peterson has some good life value shit if you're a complete loser and i'm not against that. However he's an idiot when it comes to politics and he needs to shut the fuck up. I hate his sjdubya politic bullshit.

He used to work for the UN, he's a globalist and part of the establishment but hides it.

>globalist memes

Noone cares Jow Forums

Okay brainlet, good to know you don't care about national sovereignty.

Freidrich Nietzsche, go some great hair and is depressed just us.

his actual philosophy was not good though. It was just "be a hobo" and "Plato is dumb"
don't read philosophy: your own thoughts
read philosophy: your own thoughts, informed by thousands of years of collaboration and controversy from some of the greatest minds in history over the course of thousands of years
underrated comment
Aristotle had to have been the person more responsible for human development than any other individual
hume is based but wrong
Kant is sort of correct ethically but his epistemology and thus justification for his ethics is not as well founded as people think
dude you're my property lmao
so uh, why does hegel say he isn't a pantheist?
Marcus Aurelius is quality yet normie accessible

Aristotle paved the way for Christcuckianity.

my favorite is schopie, of course, but i think he's wrong with anti-natalism

even though im a antinatalist myself, i do think its weak in principle, and i do think the arguements for breeding more life into the world are potentially stronger, but i havent really dug into the subject too much

with that said im never reproducing and schopie is the most robot philosopher ever

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Sartre, Camus and slavoj zizek (mostly because of his funny way of talking desu)

Antinatalism is weak because it doesn't include non human life.

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You might be thinking of Soren Kirkegaard.

>his actual philosophy was not good though. It was just "be a hobo" and "Plato is dumb"

This 10/10 bad boi

>Bill Hicks.
yeeeeeboiiiii i LOOOVE hicks. man i love hicks so fucking much it HURTS. like ive had mushrooms trips where i laughed for 3 hours straight so loud that i woke my neightbours up, all because it felt like bill hicks was right there with me telling me the funniest shit

my only problem with hicks is he failed hard on veganism, everything else i love him to death. yeah i agree peterson is a fucking joke, but atleast his bucko ballwasher keeps my scrotum clean. i got my testicles removed, but atleast it keeps the nutsack skin clean

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I like Carl Jung because he's the robot's worst enemy.

the one guy that wrote the book of ecclesiastes

Bill Hicks wasn't a vegan, what are you talking about. Fuck you.