
Previous thread fell off the edge and nobody made a new one edition

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So i asked about fentanyl in another thread and heard that it is very sedating and there isnt as much euphoria when compared to oxycodone or heroin. So is there any euphoria at all or do you just nod out?

immm drucnnk af rn aoomg

threadly reminder to stop using bitcoin

50mg of vicidon.

Take me home.

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I do this all the time.
You'll wake up and probably not remember your post.

based booze hound, what you drinking?

I feel like I can remember the highlights, like getting thrown out of shitty Jow Forums discords for saying nigger and telling people to have sex in VC

Those are full of sjw trannys.
Would not recommend boozebro.

this weekend i'm gonna get loaded on 60mg of adderall and 450ug(?)LSD and stare at gore and rekt
aleister crowley shit

I know, that's why I only go in their drunk and start flinging shit as trannies and orbiters seethe

>sleeping pills every night because anxious over new job
>get hooked
>try to quit
>no sleep only pain
>call in sick
>start with pills again, stop, repeat
Im making the worst impression possible and feel like shit

Why wouldnt you just stare at some late afternoon trees in the wind instead? Waste of acid, dude.

because i'm a bit of a psycho and want to experiment with something intense, push limits, see where my brain can go, face anything. i've already tripped in nature quite a bit and plan on coming up in it anyway

Coo. I really wanted to sex a friend on acid but it turned out to be a weak ass RC fake acid blotter. Fuck that shit. Still on my bucket list

Did the same shit with alcohol and xanax while at my last job. It's a beautifully evil little trap you can get yourself stuck in. try and fix it quick, once it gets so bad the only way out is a total meltdown haha

All I've got is seroquel till I get payed this friday and I can't use them to get high until then because I actually need it to sleep. As soon as it's the weekend I'm going to pass out on vodka and seroquel, of course I'm going to enjoy being drunk first and shitpost most of the night but as soon as I pop the pills I will not be coherent at all and sound like this biggest retard on this forum

Bullshit they went up 11% in less than an hour the other day

if i smoke less weed but still smoke every day will my tolerance go down?

Best part is it took me two years to even get a job. Haha. Now my boss is already having second thoughts

it'd probably just hold it in place unless it's a really big reduction over a long time. your brain is still getting the same general signals every day

K dudes. I found 8 pills of 5mg Oxycodone hidden in a cigarette pack someone left at the bus stop. Never done these before. Snorted heroin twice with a friend and didnt like it.
How best to consume these? Probably gonna do them with her but she does street h, not pills.
Also how stupid would this be? Can someone fuck with pills then leave them to be found on purpose?

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>stealing someones stash
youre kind of a bastard
that dude is gonna be destroyed

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If she does H, 40mg of oxy ain't gonna do anything for her.

If you don't do this stuff often, do 10mg, wait for a 40 minutes, don't feel anything pop another one and wait. If you got opioid experience take 20mg and wait 40 minutes ect.

t. Been on every pain med pill and iv form from being deformed from the inside of my body.

There was no one at the bus stop and it was late. Plus Id rather think he left them out of kindness. Am I going to die from the rat poison he dipped them in tho?

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What if she combines it with her regular h? And if I took only one to make sure it is t poisoned?

Me again, uh you should actually pop 1 and wait a bit and see what happens. Because If he left them because he figured out they're laced with fentynal or something, you're gonna die. Not trying to scare you, it's only a 25% chance.

Ruh roh..

Not originaru

take two and smoke a big doink

Then she might feel a little nicer. Your tolerance grows fast and heroin is the 2nd strongest pain killer to fentynal. 3rd is dilaudid which is my personal favorite for the rush. Oxy is not near that strength.

It's probably right under morphine. Above codiene. Especially at 5mg each.

Oh shit. Thanks for the heads up, dudes


Don't sweat it, if they're laced, 1 will feel amazing, if you barley feel it after 40 minutes, it's def not laced. They do that to make it kick harder, but then ppl who don't know it's laced take way too many thinking it's just oxy, xanax, molly ect.

Please to not post direct links to news articles on Jow Forums.

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Withdrawing from benzos right now, Clonazepam and Valium. What should I expect?

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always wondered, do you know why its done like this? is it because we dont wanna give the news site clicks?

Unfortunately could be seizures.
Can't get more and wean self off or just do more?

Now on 90mg vicodin. Got some more m

Tonight gonna be fire

Yes. Judenpresse sites are also notorious for having malicious practices, tracking cookies and basedkaf javascript.

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I'm going to do 280mg of E and some wax tomorrow. It will be the first time I have weed with my E. I am excited. I also have a final tomorrow and thurday so hopefully I am not too fucked up on Thursday. I'm broke right now but I gathered up the money to celebrate finishing the semester.

Why don't you wait until Thursday night?

>My immediate family are stupid Midwestern trash. They're also tradcats who largely separate themselves from the outside world
>Brother gets into hunting morel mushrooms
>Somehow ends up selling them at a gas station in a somewhat sketchy area (Weird).
>Mother warns that drug dealers may think that he is selling psychedelic mushrooms, and become angry that he is on their turf.
>mfw when my mother thinks that scary black people push mushrooms to mushroom junkies in the hood.

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Yea a family member died recently and his funeral is on Thursday. While I wasn't close to him the vibe I will get from the funeral will probably have me super down and not in the mood.
Also Its hard for me not to do drugs when I have them so not only do I not want to wait but If I do I might smoke up all my weed before I get the chance to take the E

alright fuck this
14 hrs into t break, hopefully that was long enough. i need to get high

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Weed? Because tolerance is almost permanent unless you wait almost a year.

Research chems, first ever psychadelic experience (besides weed and DXM, a dissasociant not a psych)

What should I get?
or 4-HO-MET?

Are Ciara/Eliza and Kiwi the same person?

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Shit guys, 90mg of vicodin.
Im dozing off, I can't tell if I'm gonna nod or sleep away this great high.

What do you think?

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Isn't 90mg a fuckton?

Dear diary,
Today I finally find out why the namefag is so schizo. He's actually just a bartard.

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Not for my tolerance.


Best remedy?

Any anti-histamine

I'm about to order some research chemicals but they want a reason why I am ordering them, to cover their own asses and say it's not for human consumption.

What do I tell them is my reason for ordering? Can it be super vague?

What do you guys think is better taking an entire ecstasy pill at once or taking a third or fourth and redosing the rest later?

Ok I fucked that up I meant taking 2/3rds or 3/4ths

Whole thing

In what way? Is the better peak worth the shorter high?

morning line and jesus fucking christ bitter backdrip

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Do you guys think weed with mdma would make the high better or worse. I looked anround and people are saying different things. Can anyone whos tried this tell me if this effects the euphoria?

Depends. Some people get scrambled and retarded after smoking which can either add to your carefree head space or be a little overwhelming and even nausea. You're a bit more likely to say the dumb shit that rolling makes you think with the added "dude" layer too, ymmv tho

Im thinking about smoking a few minutes after taking the pill then smoking a ton towards the end of the peak. Also got some weak benzos incase shit goes south
I am super hyped for tomorrow

Any of yall have experiences with modafinil? If so, how well did it work? Any tips?

line of what, user?

bupe i've decided to take all my bupe like that now

oh...enjoy the burn...its horrible...

Just shove it up your butt

i just woke up and took some kratom and smoking a bowl of cannabis :)


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Honestly i barely feel the burn bupe dissolves very well imo
never happening ever ever ever

>never happening ever ever ever
Why? Scared you'll like the sensation?

Online market fags what kind of security do you use I am tempted to just stop talking to the blacks and go online but what is the correct way to go about it

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Hue hue putting things up bum is gei

I'll have you know that i have no problems inserting large objects through my anus what's stopping me from doing drugs with it is the idea of having powder in my rectum

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You mix it with water first

that sounds like a good way to shit yourself

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Put it on some cotton puffy things

You only need a tiny bit of water you dolt

strips or pills?

Taking a sub ... Sigh.. no more getting high for the foreseeable future

strips but the original kind

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>kratom > bupe
every time

Yeah no. Kratom is garbage if you're an actual heroin addict with probation and jail time hanging.

if you do over a few mg of those the burn is gonna be bad, ive done it before...and IVed them in my least proud moments

i was when i was your age kid

the only better part of bupe over kratom is the duration

i'm kinda fond of the burn tb.h it makes me feel(feel, i know it's mostly nonsense) like i'm really absorbing the strips and not missing anything

i dont think snorting it actually gets you much higher than taking it under the tongue, you dont want to swallow them directly though or you dont get very much bio-availability at all.

i have a 1000 word essay on a topic i don't give a fuck for due in a few hours and i am stoned and without sleep. The stiiizy is hitting different today i feel real happy and nostalgic.

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those things are pretty much non-existent in my cunt how do they compare to joints?

I black out and do a bunch of shit and THEN sleep. Shits dangerous.

If you use too much yeah. But 2-3 ml of water will give no issues at all

Hey oxy guy, how did it go? Was it comfy?

He picked up pills of the literal street, he's dead

Just received half a kilo of yerba mate and made a cup, its taste is far beyond my expectations I don't think I've ever had tea that tasted this good, curious about how the effects will feel. I've been missing out

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how's this: amazon.com/Major-DEXTROMETHORPHAN-Polymer-COMPLEX-30-309046312567/dp/B07FM7P3QW/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=dxm&qid=1559650525&s=hpc&sr=1-1
the robocough bottles don't ship to my country.

That's extended release. It has its uses but probably not what you're looking for to get the standard "dxm trip"

well meh, amazon knows it's illegal for me without prescription, everything else dxm is blocked. time to get familiar with darknet.

If dxm is already illegal might as well get ketamine aka "dxm except not shit"

Why the fuck shit illegal
I swear to god its so annoying

>could be dangerous in high doses
>could be abused
gee i wonder.

just go on empire and buy it or go the ketamine route