Let's say the collapse starts now by say a civil war in your country, what do?
Let's say the collapse starts now by say a civil war in your country, what do?
go steal guns from big 5 mod the m to automatic join a militia and fight back the lefty cucks
get them guns
wait until people are going mad in the streets
loot and rob
have my way with the shrews that couldn't even look me in the eye
beat up stragglers for fun
throw shit in random faggots houses
This isn't hypothetical anymore, in USA the right and left are so at odds it's merely a matter of when the next Civil War begins
as a right wing white guy in a leftist mostly nonwhite area, if a civil war happens I'm fucked. I'd head for Nevada or Arizona, ideally taking some form of transit but if that's down I'll fucking walk if I have to. once I get there, find a farm or somewhere else I can work for room, board and safety, just lay low till the lefties lose and I can come back to somewhere more civilized
I'm a leftie and honestly the state of the left in America is really fucked. Literally all fags who want to shut down free speech. I'd rather have the right win than the lefties in the civil war.
Start raping everything under 130lbs.
and you still consider yourself a leftie why?
the weak exist to be sodomized
When society goes tits up. Might as well let your demons out and get your fuck on.
I'm not going to change my ideals because my "comrades" (fucking hate that cringey comrade shit they do) are brainlets. I believe that a socialist democracy could be set up, but I also despise how the far leftists act and behave (ie masking up and rioting). If we argued for a system that would remove the corporate corruption instead of being children and screaming at conservatives and shutting down events, then more people would probably be more inclined to side with us. It probably won't happen, but I would gladly side with the righties to kill some anarchist scum.
>My "comrades" are brainlets
>Democracy works and is a desirable thing
Get gun, go innawoods. Civil war dickheads got better things to do than harass some crazy asshole living in the woods with his guns.
Well, I know how socialist authoritarian countries work out.
See your 'ideals' are just that, abstractions with no relation to reality. You and your comrades start with the assumption that everyone is equal, when this is not the case in nature or any other observable phenomena. Your comrades, flustered by the fact that reality does not conform to their ideals, attempt to use the crowdist power of civilization to enforce equality, leading to a social organism that is unable to choose a direction due to endless in-group infighting as various subgroups vie for dominance. You end up giving control of civilization over to those who could not survive without it, thus ensuring its destruction.
Nope, I don't think that everyone is equal, they should be compensated fairly for what they contribute to society. People who go in with that assumption you mention are fools.
Yes, in nature, when prey animals have no natural predators they over-reproduce and destroy the ecology that sustains them.
Predators keep this in balance.
I feel like this divide is largely manufactured and exacerbated by (((certain parties))) your common idiot really has no strong political convictions one way or the other.
It's pretty obvious these two parties are controlled by the same group. I wonder if a civil war wouldn't be orchestrated to eliminate radicals on both sides (but especially rightists) this way all that will remain is an apathetic caitiff society that is much easier to control and to dispose of when necessary.
the right comprise the majority of law enforcement, the military, and civilian gun owners, and being largely rural are less dependent on vulnerable infrastructure. basically all they'd have to do to win is stop showing up to work and start blowing up power lines. what I'm worried about is that in the ensuing riots, I will likely be among the first targets of the leftist mobs, as will any non onions white male unfortunate enough to live in a Californian city
The issue is under communism "fairness" is "we'll give you whats necessary to live, nothing more, nothing less", so surgeons get the same food rations and living quarters as burger flippers because the totally not totalitarian "military" and its "great general" (totally not a militocracy) decided to prop up 28,000 apartment blocks
Im social democrat mostly, but i despise commies and socialists. A society without money means nothing can have value and without someone in power means somebody will take that power. Socialism is even worse though because you're cucking yourself by handing the government your freedom
If some socialist/communist revolution starts, im joining the nazis in putting some commies into the dirt. Democracy is non fucking negotiable.
Because of the decay brought upon society from egalitarianism, the whims of 1000 peasants completely dwarfs the influence of 10 geniuses. This is why we have mumble rap.
Yes you have virtually every trained firearm operator in the country vs 50K pussy hats and niggers who hold the glock sideways. But you should still move lmao.
Democracy is mob rule we have a constitutional republic learn the difference.
When I say I'm for a socialist democracy, I don't mean the complete abolishment of currency, but rather a system where you work for what you do. In fact what you mention in o surgeons get the same food rations and living quarters as burger flippers is exactly my problem with ancoms, they believe that everyone is equal when that is completely wrong and idealist. I'm completely against totalitarianism, Also
>Democracy is non fucking negotiable
Fuck yeah
I'll just stay low and play vidya.
Hope you have a generator and lots of fuel.
Actually no I don't, please die screaming.
The first civil war was pretty much the same way. You had radical, literally communist-friendly, republicans, and greedy, uncompromising slavers. The majority of the population supported a moderate abolition of slavery.
Kill all non-whites in sight. Just walk down the street blasting them all to hell. Kick down their doors and shoot the father, rape the mother, and drown the children. If they barricade themselves inside then I'll set their house on fire.
The (((radical commies))) vs the (((slavers))) you say....
They'd do the same to you in a heartbeat.
There was a prominent Semitic and Masonic influence in the northern and southern governments. It almost makes you wonder if the US wasn't always just some insidious social experiment designed to pave the way for a globalist superstate. Much of the corruption and chaos in this world stems from the degeneracy and Jew worship of America.
Yes, but I'm White, so I can actually fucking aim. Alone I would slaughter them. But if I made any frens then we could literally ethnically cleanse the entire region and then play hopscotch and talk about which girls we like.
>the country originally founded as a white ethnostate has always been a Jew psyop
Sure bud, being legally raped and shit on by royalty is /based/.
The civil war was nearing the turning point, but it wasn't fully fucked until 1912.
Jews were in control of the south. Jews owned more slaves than any white man ever did, most whites own few, if any, slaves. If they won, their plan was to colonize the Caribbean and make the Golden Circle, a coalition of slaver states. This would mostly have led to the south getting browned by all the Hispanics, since slavery was on the way out anyways with the advent of industrialism. Lincoln wanted to send the blacks back to Africa and protect America's whiteness, but ((someone)) shot him before he could enact this plan, and it was quietly dismissed by some ((congressmen)).
We were going to at least try and civilize them and improve race relations, but then the 1912 elections happened and fucked over the whole world. If Roosevelt or even Taft had won, communism and fascism would never have occurred, and the Jews would have no bogeymen puppets to manufacture their victim image with. We would have no Second World War. We would have joined right after the Lusitania was bombed and saved the Russian empire from collapse with troops fully mobilized by 1916, rather than 1918. Communist takeover would never have happened, and fascism would never have formed to combat it.
Monarchy/patriarchy is truer to Aryan culture than sham democracies/republics. The British empire at that time was compromised and not representative of how a monarchy should be.
So you're implying that the Yankee republicans weren't just as jewed as southern democrats despite the fact that many radical republicans had ties to Marxist organizations and encouraged race mixing especially during reconstruction?
Slavery was obviously a mistake but industrialism is what directly aided in the birth of communism. This nation was founded and influenced by enlightenment era principles most of which are just proto-communist beliefs.
>monarchs can kill and rape peasants at whenever
>can just come in, rape your wife, and make you watch, all legal
>"m-more please, muh baste aryan dictators"
How pathetic, you bunch of actual cucks can't think for yourselves and must serve your master like a slave
> Marxist organizations
>encouraged race mixing during reconstruction
And now we enter the historical revisionism of the Jow Forumsshitter who wouldn't know a true Aryan if it bit him in the ass. Marx was busy drafting his principles at that point of history, at the time he was still a socialist living off Engel's income.
>industrialism is what directly aided in the birth of communism.
It aided in Marx writing his sham book, yes. In practice, communism wasn't enacted until the perfect storm came, that being the collapsing Russian empire. The First World War was a cause of this level of upheaval, moreover, how it dragged on. The Schlieffen plan meant Germany was merely holding back the western allies while they hammered Russia into submission, them should focus all its efforts on the west. If the US has declared war earlier when the Lusitania was attacked, as Roosevelt believed, the increased pressure of another nation on the western front would have broken the Schlieffen plan and likely would have saved the Russian empire, or at least the provisional government, rather than allowing communists to take over, as Wilson passively allowed to happen rather than fight.
>This nation was founded and influenced by enlightenment era principles most of which are just proto-communist beliefs.
Is your entire worldview nothing but misconceptions and sucking off dictators? Marx's views were largely formed on a single enlightenment work, the book Utopia, which if read, describes more of a dystopia than anything else. Marx was an idiot NEET living off the income of Engel's factory, which he in turn inherited from his father.
Much of the nation's forming was based upon the Magna Carta, and simply extended these to everyone (presumed to be white). At the beginning, it was even law that only white male landowners could vote.
Go out and thoroughly enjoy myself
Fund both sides of the conflict for maximum profit. Such is the life of the (((merchant))).
Further, I wish to point out that industrialism was in its teething phase. With more of Roosevelt and Taft's work in breaking up trusts and monopolies and making laws about selling clean food and medicine, communism would likely have died in its infancy, and would be a small footnote among the pages of history. But because Wilson was allowed to be elected, communism gained a foothold, and the world was set on a downward spiral.
>monarchs can kill and rape peasants at whenever
>can just come in, rape your wife, and make you watch, all legal
He doesn't envision himself as the monarch killing and raping. Low test detected.
You're the one that brought up muh white ethnostate so tell me what an Aryan is to you then. Also why do you care if the Russian empire survived you've made it obvious you despise autocracy? Just let the tsar be overthrown but guide the provisional government towards your Republican ideas as opposed to Leninism.
Keep in mind that just because someone supports the concept of monarchy/dictatorship it doesn't mean they wish to be in the slave position. The fact is most people are sheep minded collectivists who desire to be ruled. If you feel that you are too independent to conform then either aspire for power of your own or just fuck off away from society. Your alternative history world would be just as fucked as the one we live in now as some other -isms would have fulfilled similar roles to communism and fascism. Just accept the fact that this world will always be embroiled in chaos and conflict because man by nature is a violent power hungry creature these ideologies and utopian dreams are just justifications to indulge his bloodlust and desire for power.
>Keep in mind that just because someone supports the concept of monarchy/dictatorship it doesn't mean they wish to be in the slave position.
You're legit retarded. If you simply assume you would be at the top of any given power structure, especially one where you can only get there by being born into it, you have sub 80 nigger tier IQ. If you have full power in any given system, why the fuck would you even care what the system is? Any dictatorship would be favorable to you. But you're not in power, are you? If you're not now, why would you be otherwise?
> Also why do you care if the Russian empire survived you've made it obvious you despise autocracy?
It's better than communism, that's an ill we may never be able to get rid of.
>guide the provisional government towards your Republican ideas as opposed to Leninism.
That would be the idea. Either way, Russia doesn't get overthrown by Bolsheviks.
>The fact is most people are sheep minded collectivists who desire to be ruled.
And if that's the case, most, if any of them would be white, male landowners, the only ones the Founders wanted to be able to vote. Think of it this way, you would need to have some stock in the world to be able to change it. This system allowed those who desired power to gain it more easily, and culls the stupid from the pool of voters. And those who are closer to peasantry can live better than a peasant, and enjoy the same basic rights as anyone else. You certainly can't be killed and raped by those deemed higher than you for no reason at all, at least not legally.
Meant to say
>few, if any of them would be white, male landowners
I've been up for 2 days
>the USA
>the left
Doesn't your leftist parties get like 0.8% of the vote in elections
Socialism is the best weight loss diet.
Buy a gun or two, I hear you Americans really love your firearms. A civil war will make them useful for a change.
Jack off or whatever I guess
He means the democratic party. Bunch of virtue signalling arsefaces, to give my foreigner opinion.
Kill as many commies and faggots can. Even if I end up dying, it's better than wageslaving.
I'd want to be off grid hiding in the forest until whatever's going on passes