I have been taking Clonazepam and Valium for a few months now. I've decided to stop it. I've taken a lot...

I have been taking Clonazepam and Valium for a few months now. I've decided to stop it. I've taken a lot. When is the withdrawal beginning and what should I be expecting?

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Only the two worst withdrawals available, lmao. You should expect pain. You should quit the opiates first, then taper off the benzos. You can die from benzo withdrawal if it's severe enough.

Taper please. It's not a matter of willpower or not. You can die if you've been taking a lot and suddenly stop.

Anyways, I only withdrew from clonazepam and it was bad. Physical pain, really intense anxiety, insomnia. Was mentally unable to focus on anything other than pure terror. Don't think I could do it again.

Have fun. Im going through opiate withdrawl right now. Its worse than death. Im probably gonna get fired because of it aswell.

How in their right mind would want opiods? Sounds like hell
just get a anti-psychotic and non-benzo anti-depressant ffs

even that's still not as bad as benzos can get. opiate withdrawal is hell yet clinical and straightforward and can't really hurt you directly

fuck me

Guys, you're scaring me... It can't be that bad, right?

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I got prescribed alprazolam a few weeks ago but i really dont feel its doing anything, i still cant sleep and i cant handle being outside my room. How much did you take daily for it to actually do something? ive only been taking 1mg daily so maybe thats it. And if i can die from them then thats just a nice lil bonus desu

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depends on the person and how deep they are. just don't fucking go cold turkey. you're not proving anything. it only causes more damage that makes everything harder and makes you more likely to want to go back. going cold turkey can do you more damage than using it in the first place ever did compared to smoothly tapering

You should taper off slowly or else you may have seizures. If you go cold turkey it will be horrible and you'll be laying in bed wanting to die, depending on how high your dose was.

Darn did 13 gain weight? Is it cos of huntington?
Or did she just become old

Maybe your eyes grew thinner

Let me know when you take risperdal, crack.

I cold turkeyd off research chem benzos 2 years ago and still havent recovered....tread carefully fren

It depends on how much you've been taking daily op, but it's usually a bad idea

You won't die from the xanax you dork, you'll die when you take it too often then stop and your entire body spazms uncontrollably and your soft brain stem hits the floor and vegetabalizes you. Your parents will try and speak with but all that will come out is spit, mucus, and balls of hardened vomit haha

i quit benzos after taking heavy doses with months and i didnt die and im not a pussy so idk just dont be a faggot overreacting pussy

What is research stem benzos lmao?

>pic unrelated,

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some people are different but here's my experience with it
when I was younger i took oxazepam too often for like 2-3 weeks and got withdrawal from it. I would have really painful hiccups that wouldn't stop, I felt like I had a fever, I was incredibly anxious, my head hurt and I didn't want to do anything but lay down all day. I think it only lasted about a week though but I was only abusing it for a short time. That was the worse its gotten for me though I got withdrawal from it other times and it would just be anxiety.

Etizolam, clonazolam, pyrazolam, diclazepam ect. They are analogs of prescription benzos. Very fucking strong and dirt cheap online

You got benzo withdrawal from only 3 weeks wtf?

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3-4 weeks will do it. If youre binging however expect to get WD after a week or so

If you have been taking benzos daily for months you HAVE to taper or get admitted to a hospital. No joke. You could die.