I want to date a weeb girl. How do I get noticed among her thousands of orbiters?
I want to date a weeb girl. How do I get noticed among her thousands of orbiters?
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>How do I get noticed among her thousands of orbiters?
First you need to obtain self-awareness.
oh god this is my friend im not joking dude why is anni on here oh god
Bully her and shit no her. Be sardonic as fuck. Girls like that get guys who suck their dick, so being an asshole towards her will get you noticed.
Are you actually retarded, or are you just pretending to be? You do realize that they don't give a shit about your and your small pp
i used to have this girls info before she changed it. whats her new into?
If she has orbiters it's already fucked. You don't want to get involved with that kind of roastie.
>why is anni on here
I think you know why my dude
This fag is actually a little too on-point here, it won't make her stay but it will at least make her interested enough to flirt and take initiative. I have no fucking clue what to do after that, because I'm too autistic to know what to do after women misunderstand my aloof and jaded casual misogyny for Chadly confidence.
SHHHH don't let other people know!!
You don't. She gets to chose from the pick of the litter and you're probably on the bottem of her list.
Why can I never find girls like this? All the girls I know are blonde Stacies: (
How do they get their faces like that?
Send her a photo of your erect penis to show her how much more confident you are compared to all her other orbiters.
Anyone got a real pic of her. Bc this one is airbrushed and she got giant anime eyes.
Give it up and date a woman that has fewer orbiters e.g a woman that isnt more than 6/10
>that many followers
This really is a clown world
>real pic of her
here you go
Oh god she looks disgusting
nice quads but you gotta take that back
She kinda looks like this Katyuska Moonfox cosplay slut
How much do you wanna bet she ends up fucking a white guy?
I tried to date a weeb girl in middle school. I failed.
>ends up fucking a white guy?
High chance of her fucking black guys
Hit the gym and do some sexy cosplay
nooo not my poor Anni...
you sound like a seasoned expert user
fucked up the quoting
Make her work for your time and attention. Girls like this have betas dropping everything around them and jumping at them. Making her work for your time and attention will have her chasing.
But dont go overboard with being a sardonic asshole. Let her in and show her the different side. Make her feel like knows you like no one else.
girls like that are all the same
You don't. Seriously, don't. A couple of years ago I followed a few and a couple took an interest in me, I guess. I don't know what triggered it, but either way, they are incredibly shallow people that will probably make you hate any weeb egirl you see. They just want attention and when you treat them like shit they seem to want more. It's genuinely sad but also frustrating, they're all fucked up.
This mindset is already leading you off the path to enlightenment. It isn't that there are "plenty of fish in the sea", but more realistically you getting with a weeb girl depends on her proximity to you, convenience of dating, and attraction. This Instagram thottie is in a different country from you and sells weeb photos to men she doesn't like for an income. You can ogle her and maybe get some lewds for a few patreon bucks, but realize that this affection is not true. Drop trying to date her, go to a college anime club or convention center and try to get cosplay thotties there. I got a few numbers with a low effort Ouran High Cosplay. (You gotta dress in cosplay or else you look like a creep)
Don't bother they're all mentally ill attention whores.
aren't finns racist?
desu weeb girls end up with the guy who insists more
if one of finnish faggots want to date her it's better to try to approach her as fast as possible
introduce her to lolita fashion or harajuku fashion and you may end her bf
>thinks he is this girls "friend"
>doesn't realise he is this girls orbiter
she is 23
she started her first job yesterday
she said her finnish keyboard broke last week and she is poor and the orbiters got desperate to give her a new one
haha poor girl
that's why these girls find a boyfriend fast, the orbiters are insufferable
Be a black weeb with at least 1.7k+ followers on twitter.
she doesn't seem to be SJW
>How do I get noticed among her thousands of orbiters?
you should reply to her every tweet with compliments and also send her money for feet pics
well, it's pointless to orbit her, she is finnish
I shall close this tab and never care about this again
good luck to finish robot wanting to have her
it's very difficult task and the odds against you
anyway, just be yourself and get ready for a lot of social stuff
women like attention
also, she is going to japan next year
so you have time faggot
she seems to be into women tho
>tfw going to live in Japan next year as well
This is fate. The gods will that she be my gf eventually
I already called dibs. You know I'm been pretending she's my wife for the last three years... just let me have her.
she is finnish not swedish
Have you seen this happen?
Im a weeb girl looking for a bf :/
if you're weeb gril and have social media you can easily stalk for some weeks an orbiter you find qt to see if he is into that shit
if he goes to conventions and that stuff
It happens all the time. These weeb girls just want the clout
pls date me im thinking of offing myself and i really need a cute girl to say a few phrases on vocaroo :(
Sorry user but it is over.
Maybe if you're a good boy I'll name our son after you.
why you do that to yourself
where are you from?
I also want to date a weeb girl
how do I find one?
anime events in your city
>tfw live in a small city
>tfw no anime events
Life cucked me from the start
anime events in your state, in a nearby city
Well if anyone wishes to add an autistic weeb girl #2400 discord
are you trannie? a pervert who dresses women clothing? a huge faggot?
>in your state, in a nearby city
I'm not a burger
and there are no anime events at all around here, it's the worst. I just need a qt weeb gf.
>states only exist in united states of america
of course there are events nearby. anime is main stream among teens. some will not become weeb gf or bf but some will.
good luck finding anime events in Eastern Europe fren
just type in facebook your city name and anime
hurrr no facebook, create one, it's free, you don't need to put a picture of yourself, nothing
But how do you make friends with the people at the event if you don't have social media?
easier in this day and age would be dropping your phone number in a whatsapp group thread in the facebook event page.
if there is none, just wait, one will appear before the event
when in group, literally just be yourself. ppl are just talking there. some attention whores will send pics, cosplay pics, dog pics, whatever, but the group will eventually meet on the con
Taking notes user this is good stuff. And how can I escalate it to cuddling and/or sex?
>wanting a weeb partner
Fuck that noise. Weebs are the worst type of culturally deluded people I've met.
Thank god I was born in Japan so I cannot actually be a weeb tho.
Weeb girls can be pretty easy, you have to be into the medium though. Weeb girls are really social I find and will talk to anyone.
Often times girls can fall for you just based on personality so, in a way, you just have better odds dating a weeb girl because they give you a chance.
No I'm just a fembot weeb
Plz be in San Francisco
Also post ur top 5 anime b4 I know if ur worth being my gf
Go to Super Smash Bros. events
like this
bee yourself origianl
Im not in San Francisco
Miss kobayashi's dragon maid
are you the finish girl on the thread?
you are very cute
would marry you but you like tits don't you
Im from the UK
are your niples pink or brown?
sorry but uk people are strange, I have to ask that question
Pink???? Very odd question
>not having roses of Versailles in top 5
God damn weebs are so sad nowadays.
I'm sure you will find love in UK anonnette
there is always a cre...I nice guy posting
or something
he is a keeper. one of the last heterossex men in uk desu
Wtf is going on?
I have no idea what's going on
not original obviously
Better thing would be to say that you are a photographer and you want to hire her for some photoshot. Hire her and after the shot, ask her if she wants to go to a coffe shop to drink.
This only works if she have some admiration for you. Skinny nerds with Dragon Ball Z t-shirts will not get her. Also is very hard to start an online relashionship.
Very hard to find that type, that is why she has 30k followers
Nice tip. I found that is really hard to get girls with more than 1k followers on Instagram.
What are some good cosplay for guys? I think You are right, is really hard to get famous girls, even harder to start it online. Going to anime events and start approaching fat asian girls will get you more results. After that you post pictures of you and you asian girl on Instagram, girls will start to hit on you! Girls just love guys with gf!
>What are some good cosplay for guys?
tuxedo mask
sailoor moon love interest
it's just a suit with a mask
originally not good if the guy is fat tho
manlets should also seek for some shorty sailors
I wonder what drives a man to find an old uniform and play dress-up, to larp as something he never was and never will be
chinese cartoons desu
and plastic
>dating girls with beta orbiters
asking to be cuck'd not even joking.
Dunno man he is someone I know on discord and is literally autistic about east german stuff to the point he is going to buy a BRDM2. But pretty cool dude.
>tfw own strichtarn BDUs
Milsurp has no right being this cheap