Have you tried hate as motivation ? Its powerful

Have you tried hate as motivation ? Its powerful

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have you tried hating hate

doesn't work for me
it makes me go in the opposite direction even more

No thats for fags

>t-thats for f-fags!
could you BE any more unpleasant

Hell fucking yes
I would have killed myself if it wasn't for HATRED

Found the cocksucker kys

Hating anything or anyone just makes me realize just how plausible it is that other people hate me for even more asinine reasons

>cocksucker kys
could yew BE any more obvious?

>Have you tried hate as motivation?

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Take your meds

Hating fags, fat people,trannys,thots the list goes on

i dont take meds. cope

how do you use your hate of fags as motivation? you want to be better than them?

Yeah but it's not sustainable since I'm too forgiving.

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I literally live every day of the past 2 years out of pure spite

Have you tried my fists for motivation fella? Whaddya think about that?

Hate is powerful, but it's also corrupting. Don't let your life be dominated by negative emotions in some vain attempt to "feel something". It never ends well.

Yes, it feels like it stokes a fire within me, and I feel like I'm gonna burn out soon.

It is powerful but after you obtain what you wanted through it then it becomes really empty.

Spite kept me alive all these years. Then I was happy a few years. Now it's again the only thing keeping me alive and making me achieve anything.