Tell me about you

Level of education:
Credit Card Debt:
Student Loan Debt:
Relationship Status:

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Bachelors in Business/HR, currently working on associates in welding sciences
>Unemployed (getting a job while going to school is a biotch. I was a server for a bit but I'm looking for something more physical instead)
>0, prolly 24k when I was serving

You sound like a very average person user.
Thank you for posting.
I wouldn't mind hanging out with you and discussing life.

Getting an undergraduate
Unemployed and living at home

> 20
> High school
> Target employee
> $11 an hour, part time hours
> like $500
> No debt
> No debt
> Single khhv

I feel the same, but I'm surrounded by people who think I'm hot shit because I put a modicum of effort into what I do and have large yet manageable life goals and direction, and I fucking hate it. I hate being admired for doing so little.

I also enjoy socializing with strangers, but I've got a resting bitch face something fierce so people always think I look intense or something and it intimidates them. I doubt youd talk to me, youd probably think I was an asshole or angry at first glance.

>High school
>Overnight stock
>A couple grand I think
>No credit card
>No student loan debt
>Single virgin
I'm probably gonna off myself once I hit 30. I don't even know what I'm doing with my life and every day just feels like a chore to push through. I'm so tired of everything.

Attached: the truth is 1.jpg (940x707, 53K)

Level of education:Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Job: None
Income: None
Savings: 3000 Euro
Credit Card Debt: 0
Student Loan Debt: 0
Relationship Status: 0

that's all very materialistic surface-level info user
i think we should interesting and meaningful things about ourselves instead, like interests, hobbies, what country we're from and favourite music artists etc!

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You have no debt friend. That means you don't owe anyone anything. You just owe yourself a good time. :)

No senpai. You have a couple grand in the bank, and a stable job. It can only get better from here.

Keep at it eurobro.

>i think we should interesting and meaningful things about ourselves instead
Then make a thread senpai.
This is the surface level thread.
Sharing personal stuff can be scary and unpleasant.

>associate's degree English
>Odd jobs and art commissions
>Varies week to week
>No credit card
>Paid out of pocket

>some high school
>$0 (welfare got cut)
>single, kv

Nice try glow in dark cia niggers

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>He went to college to learn how to read books
Good on you, avoiding the student loan trap.

What happened to the NEETbucks user?
Why did they take them away?

Also what are some good shows/games/whatever?
NEET's always know what the best stuff is.

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I'm not, but good awareness. Really nobody should have responded to this thread. But then again, most people here are suicidal(read: Interesting) so I don't think they care to much about keeping stuff like this private.

MBO4 diploma (dutchfag)
Discord e-thot
Around 3k a month
Fuck savings, I spend too much too fast
My country doesn't support credit cards
I don't take loans
Single virgin ofc

>Around 3k a month
>Off of being a Discord e-thot
Very nice user.

Would you mind telling me more about the Discord e-thot profession?

It sounds interesting and lucrative.


How did you get a job as a programmer with 0 education user?

>tfw I finally find interesting people but nobody wants to talk to me

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was originally on unemployment. i developed a chronic illness a few years ago and wasn't able to look for work anymore so i applied for disability. While that was processing I was put on a temporary benefit. disability claim was rejected, and the temporary benefit stopped coming. I'm in pain constantly and have mobility problems. I have basically no qualifications so I can't get an office job, or even train for one. currently depending on parents, which is demoralizing as fuck. I don't know what to do next.
I like old star trek a lot. it can be engaging, but i also don't feel bad for leaving it running in the background. Most of the time I'm in bed listening to podcasts or music though.

Mummy and daddy wanted me to get a degree even though we all know I'm as dumb as a cinder block. So I got a degree. It sure is helpful for me patching up houses, doing basic car repair, taking care of my grandma, pet sitting, and painting dumb still lives.

>disability claim was rejected, and the temporary benefit stopped coming.

>I'm in pain constantly and have mobility problems.
What state user?
Get a lawyer. They make a living off this kinda thing. You have to give them some of your NEETbucks for a while if they win, but at least you get the NEETbucks back.

>I like old star trek a lot.
I could never really get into star trek, always fell sleep whenever I try to watch it. Never thought it was bad, just never really grabbed me.

What are some good podcasts to listen to?

>Any degree is a good degree!
Sorry user, you don't sound dumb though. If are not lying and you really can do all that then you are a capable person.
Some PHD's can't even change a tire.

Luck. Some software company hired people based on IQ tests which is stupid as fuck but worked out for me.

>college dropout
>busser at olive garden
>it varies
>i have 0.1 BTC
>no debt at all
>never been in a relationship

Very thankful I paid it all off this year. I would like to enjoy my life from now on, but having autism, no friends, and mental illness makes me want to end it all.

Holy shit, that's amazing. I also thought that was illegal? I don't know. Good for you, glad it worked out.

What do you program?
Favorite language?
Do you cal it Linux or GNU/Linux?

>I would like to enjoy my life from now on, but having autism, no friends, and mental illness makes me want to end it all.

No friend you have it all wrong.
I never really understood suicidal people, I'm one of those "Feeling suicidal? Go rob a bank or jump out of an airplane, or go rob a bank and escape by jumping out of an airplane." people.

All of those problems can be fixed, it's a lot easier to learn how to talk to people then then pay off 100k in loans or try and land a good job without any skills, etc.

Just keep at it user. It will get better.

I like to think I'm a jack of all minor trades everyone needs but don't deign to do. Except for the still lives, useless skill but I just like painting food and bottles. Gonna ask my uncle to show me some woodworking basics, then I'll ask my mom to show me finer woodworking detail shit. I'd like to make tables, maybe. The fancy little ones for lamps and vases.
It if makes it any better I went to a shitty community college so my parents wouldn't waste more money than they had to.

Okay, Mr. Info Harvester
>Age: 25. wait holy shit I'm 26 now nvm
>Level of education: some college
>Job: never had one
>Income: N/A, parents pay for everything I need
>Savings: $0.92 currently, gotta get a fresh injection of good boy points soon
>Credit Card Debt: never had a credit card
>Student Loan Debt: none, dad paid all of the one year at college I did
>Relationship Status: perma KV

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It is, they just probably didn't know. It's great except I hate computers. I do webshit like everyone else and I ended up getting really good at JavaScript so I use that. It's a terrible language but it works. I've done the GNU/Linux bit so many times and no one ever gets it....

High school
0 neet right now

>Gonna ask my uncle to show me some woodworking basics, then I'll ask my mom to show me finer woodworking detail shit. I'd like to make tables, maybe. The fancy little ones for lamps and vases.

There ya go. That's something I sure can't do. Or most people for that matter.

>It if makes it any better I went to a shitty community college so my parents wouldn't waste more money than they had to.

Good for you user. That was a smart move.
The quality of the education you received would not have changed much had you gone to a very expensive college.

Mind if we discuss that over discord?

>Med school
>0; I have a full scholarship

Age: 25
Level of education: Finishing up medical degree
Job: None
Income: None
Savings: None
Total Debt: 230k
Relationship Status: committed relationship

>are you the thot?

>parents pay for everything I need
Sounds like the good life!

>Savings: $0.92 currently, gotta get a fresh injection of good boy points soon
Don't spend them all on tenders.

>dad paid all of the one year at college I did
Bad news kiddo, unless mom and dad plan on cutting you out of the will, then you just paid out of pocket.

If you are in the USA, you should file the FAFSA and try to get the government to help pay for some of that. It might even earn you some extra good boy points.

Also, have any shows/games/whatever to recommend?
Sounds like you have a lot of free time and would be an expert in that area.

I am the thot, yes

Sorry user, I don't use discord.
I want to say it's because discord is non-free software, and their for evil.

But really i'm just an oldfag who does not like new stuff.

>Med School
>Full Scholarship

Very cool. Are you going to become a doctor? A nurse? One of those nurses nurse?

I have no idea why my parents even drank the must have degree kool aid. Most of my relatives are trophy spouses with art history degrees. So my English degree is a joke, but I like to think it's better than art history.

>Total Debt: 230k
Well you got that medical degree, and a happy relationship.
Sounds like you will do OK user.

Any cool stories to tell from college?

>but I like to think it's better than art history.

I give you that! It is better then an art history degree.

Well your parents reaped what the sowed. It's on them if they forced you into college. It sounds like you are pulling your life together in spite of some bad parenting advice.

Good luck user!

>18 in November
>Still in highschool (In Finland it goes until 18 years old)
>Around 70e/month from doing random jobs around the house etc.
>1K on savings account and 200e on debit card
>Single, but only because I don't really have time/motivation to be in a relationship, I'd rather focus on my music hobby and other "grinds".

>Bad news kiddo, unless mom and dad plan on cutting you out of the will, then you just paid out of pocket.
It's all good, he has a wall street job. I won't miss 20 or so thousand. FAFSA absolutely will give you nothing when your parents have money, he tried to get out of paying for all of it but they wouldn't let him

basic as fuck, but Chernobyl is actually really good, lives up to the hype. watch it if you haven't yet. Ash vs. The Evil Dead is also a really fun stupid one to just put on and veg out to
all the Red Lynx trials games. It's a fairly straightforward skill game, but the difficulty cap is literally infinite, you will never stop progressing and there are always new tracks being built. And addicting. Perfect game if you're into simple repetitive skill building and have endless free time

PS fuck you, you condescending redditer eat my turdhole and enjoy wageslaving

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No discord = no contact

I'm not roaming this board

>Level of education:
Credit Card Debt:
>Student Loan Debt:
>Relationship Status:

>high school
>1k in savings
Is that 1k euros?
If so, good job user! That's better then most people here who are in their late 20's.

Don't worry about not being in a relationship at 19. You can't have serious relations that young.
I know that's a type-o. You meant to say 19 in November.
Maybe delete that and re-post it.

Ok. Good luck with you're discord e-thot business.
Sounds fun.

>It's all good, he has a wall street job. I won't miss 20 or so thousand.

>FAFSA absolutely will give you nothing when your parents have money, he tried to get out of paying for all of it but they wouldn't let him
Shame, free money is still free money.

Never heard of it, but looks cool. Thanks user.

>Red Lynx trials games
I could never get into that. I'm just flat out bad at it, and hate "git gud" games. If i'm going to "git gud" at anything, it's going to be IRL stuff.

>PS fuck you, you condescending redditer eat my turdhole and enjoy wageslaving

I'm not being condescending senpai i'm jelly as fuck.

Doctor, yeah. I'm really grateful to have the scholarship. I wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise.

How do you live user?

How far along are you?
Iv talked to some people who say that it's not worth becoming a doctor, better to be a nurse because it's still high pay, and hardly as much time needed in school.

None of the people who say that are doctors though.

I would like to know your opinion on this.

It's fine ig, makes me enough to not have to work and I can basically just sit on my ass and do nothing for as long as I want.

Life is good

yea 1K in euros, and I'm was quite bad at saving shit before so it's quite a small amount around the people I know. Even my brother who is 2 years younger than me has 2K in savings.

high school diploma
Technical support engineer

>Level of education:
high school graduate
customer service in grocery store
like 2k
>Credit Card Debt:
0, don't have one
>Student Loan Debt:
>Relationship Status:

>Undergrad Degree
>Paid internship at law firm
>$14 ph
>$12K USD I think
>$19 000 USD
>single khv

> 0 cc debt

Don't lie to me user.
You can't be a wizard at age 19.
You have to be at least 30 before you awaken to your wizard powers.

You have plenty of time to get laid if you don't want to walk down the wizards path.

Attached: thewizard.jpg (680x383, 55K)

Age: 22
Level of education: High school certificate
Job: None
Income: 15k
Savings: none
Credit Card Debt: $1500
Student Loan Debt: none
Relationship Status: single

Level of education: sophomore college
Credit Card Debt:0
Student Loan Debt:6500
Relationship Status:Married

I'm in my second year. I'm not from the US or Europe so I really can't say. My country's severely short on doctors and has a surplus of nurses.

It's really not about the money. There's better ways of getting rich that don't require you to work your ass off and dedicate years of your life to learning shit. You never really stop learning as a doc.

You sound pretty average user.
Any plans for the future?

They are paying you, or you are paying them?
I hope they are paying you.

So you want to be a lawyer or something like that?
How is the legal business in the UK?

Are you enjoying it?

Basic American highschool education, so almost none at all
Local restaurant waiter/cook
14$/hour but not including tip, maybe around 800 on a good week before taxes
4k invested so realistically maybe around 1k

How fucked am I if I dont get a better education? Reading the rest of your posts I'm not liking my chances

15k income with no job???

Would you mind letting us in on the secret?

If not have any good book recommendations?

wizardry is a state of mind yo

They're paying me. I'm from NZ and it's not too bad. There aren't many law jobs over here but overall I really like where I'm at. We do all sorts, but mainly employment law, education law (didn't even know that was an area until I got this job), criminal law, and family law.

What do you do user?

dropship from aliexpress

Are you a nurse, or a nurses nurse?
What do they call nurses nurse?

25 and married.
Is it working out alright so far?
Any plans for kids?
Did you sign a prenup just in case things go south?

I have neet bux mainly.
I don't read lol.

keep working here I guess. the hours are pretty nice and the work is super easy. annual pay increase of $1/hr is kind of nice. it's not something I really think about a lot.

>Associates in Business Management
> 2000 from mom/grandma a year maybe

College, third year atm
See above
Like... 100/mo

Ngl i thank my lucky stars I wasn't born poor. I wanna help those who were tho. :

You sound like a good person user.

I hope you become a great doctor.

>How fucked am I if I dont get a better education? Reading the rest of your posts I'm not liking my chances

You are not fucked user.
Let me help you out because you have the wrong impression.

You don't need education, with experience, you can go a path no one with higher education can go. The path of management.

Let me get back to you on this, suddenly everyone is replying now. It's hard to have so many conversations at once.

Sounds cool.
First person to ask about me.
I'v done many things, even had my own business at one point, got free college, have a degree, set for life off crypto, now I don't really know what to do with my life, so i'm here chatting with random people early in the morning because it's fun.

Could you explain more?

The list goes Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse, LPN/LVN depending on which side of the US you're on, then CNA, the Nursing Assistant.

Well then put in more effort. I'm the opposite. I put loads of effort into my work but only those at my workplace know it, though they do respect me a lot for it. I don't like telling people my ambitions personally because then they go wild trying to predict whether imma fail or not. I don't care if i fail at first. I'm here to try until i make it.

Age: 19
Level of education: University
Job: Lol
Income: Nope
CCD: Hahaha
SLD: Nothing Yet
Relationship Status: Single

Hey, most work sucks, if you have an easy job that pays well enough, and you are getting raises, keep at it.

I really regret all the time I wasted in college, complete waste and I will never get those years back.

>Associate in BM
Didn't they tell you that you need at least a masters?
That really sucks user.
Or am I wrong?

Help yourself first. The worlds filled with poor fucks born into unlucky situations. If you somehow dodged that bullet you have a duty to make the most of it.

Hah, wow. Makes me glad i'm not into the medical field. You guys have so much to remember.

What are you studying?

hs and tradeschool
10/hr - part time
0 savings
0 cc
5k Student loan

Im about to turn myself around. I promise

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voice acting online
a lot

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>open a shopify store
>decide what cheap shit you want to sell thats trending
>put it in your store for 500% markup from aliexpress price
>people buy it in your store
>you take their money and buy it on aliexpress and put their shipping info

Associate BM here

No, they didn't but I see that in every single requirement for any starting job so it sucks. I was 80% done with a Fashion Design class before I quit. Went into the BM since I had 50% of the required classes done. I really feel like I've wasted 3 years of my life though.

If I've got the wrong impression, let me ask you for some advice then.

I currently am unsure of what I should do regarding my job.

I don't know if its better to just stay at my dead end job that I do really enjoy, or if it is better to try out another path, perhaps in going back to school or trying another job or something.

My fear is that I end up trying something new and not having anything else to fall back on.

Ok here is the deal.
Forget higher education.
If you want to make it without any college what you need to do is learn everything about where you are currently working.

Learn everyone's job.
Stay on the job and don't quit. Eventually everyone will leave and you will be the senior waiter/chef/whatever.

Now your boss will promote you, or you have to go and ask, OR you just leave, have your buddies for references, and apply somewhere else for a management position.

I knew one guy who was a head chef for a major restaurant and that's how he ended up in charge. Everybody is trying to be doctors or lawyers or IT people or coders etc. Nobody want's to be a head chef or manager for a chain restaurant and those guys make almost as much as lawyers or IT people without any degree needed.

>Level of education
High school graduate
Stay at home son
>Credit Card Debt
>Student Loan Debt
>Relationship Status

>5k student loans
user no. Don't.
Get money from the government.
Find a way.

>voice acting online
That sounds fun.

Ok but who are the people paying that mark up?
Like what the fuck?
Their are actually people, going to random websites, and paying fucktons of money for cheap Chinese crap?
I want to say you are trolling me, but iv head this so many times i'm starting to believe it's real.

Even this 14 year old kid is making bank

>No, they didn't but I see that in every single requirement for any starting job so it sucks.
Yea. You will, because that is the bare minimum.
You have 0 chance without that.

>I really feel like I've wasted 3 years of my life though.
You did user. I'm sorry, they screwed you over good.
The market is flooded with MBA/MBM/MBMA's.
Nobody want's a ABM. Especially one without any experience.

I don't actually know what to say here.

If you don't have book smarts, you HAVE to build social skills, get off of Jow Forums and make friends. Good references, experience, and social skills will get you way further then any degree.

I don't believe a lot of those youtube videos.
Anyone can just say anything and they are all about getting clicks.

dropshipping was profitable years ago but its pretty dried up now

Alright I'll take this to heart, thank you for the advice. My only wish is that I knew when I would be able to get there but that's something I guess I will find out eventually if I keep at it anyway.

I was about to respond to your last message about the reason I got my job in the first place when you posted this.

I actually got my current job because I felt I needed social interaction in the real world if I was going to get anywhere and working with patrons and coworkers has taught me a lot. I think its safe to say that the advice you are giving here to everyone is pretty solid.

I'm gonna head to sleep but its nice to know there's someone out there who's giving honest advice and really genuinely trying to help. Good luck to you and again thanks for the advice, I doubt I will forget it

>I don't know if its better to just stay at my dead end job that I do really enjoy

Don't let it be a dead end.
In 5 years from now, if you keep doing it, you will have 5 years experience, you will have built up relationships that you can count on, and you will be a master of everything that is going on.

You will be management material.

At that point you will actually be in an in demand field, because nobody actually wants to be in service. It's full of college kids, retards, and losers who don't want to advance in life.

You can easily get into a high position and make a secure living just making sure everyone else is doing what they need to do and training the new people.

Aim for management and you will have a good life, well at least a better one then you have now.

goodnight user.

Another tip if social interaction was the goal, try bar tending if you have the balls. Good pay, good tips, and builds great skills. I know a few people who are now real big shots that started out as bar tenders. It's probably the best way to build social and networking skills but it really puts you out there.

I just can't believe people would be dumb enough to fall for that.

But i'm starting to.

I'm going to write that book I've been thinking about then lol.

Well it looks like this thread is done.

If anyone's still here I hope you found this as entertaining as I did.
I should get to sleep as well.

Goodnight everyone.